Secret Santa Solutions with Find Me a Gift

Find Me a Gift has long been one of my go-to sites when looking for something a bit unusual to give as a present. I’m mostly done with my Christmas Shopping, the one I’m stuck on is the office Secret Santa. We do it every year and most years I am lucky and get some one I know quite well, I don’t yet know who I have this year but having been off sick for a while now it’ll be sod’s law it’s somebody I know very little about (getting one of the GPs is the hardest, they have everything!)
Anyway, I was having a browse and decided to compile a little list of solutions for anyone else who’s facing the same scenario. Everything is under a tenner (our office budget) and if if nothing on my list suits your recipient make sure to have a browse of the website yourself as I’m pretty sure you’ll find something to suit your needs, also well as a whole host of stuff for yourself- it happens to me every time!
Knit your own Hello Kitty, £9.99. I have one of these although I’m yet to learn to knit but it would make the cutest gift for the crafty one at work.

Bomb Cosmetics Bath Melts Chocolate Gift Set- £8.99. I love Bomb! It’s the one brand who makes this kind of thing that I’m not allergic to. I think things like this always make a good gift.

ABC Cookies Gingerbread Man Cutters- £6.99. Again this is the kind of thing I’d love to recieve myself and when really stuck that’s what I base my gift choices on. These are just too cute and funny. For the record Gingerbread men are best eaten head first!

Emergency Food Tin- £7.99 and perfect for the office snacker. Or the person who always brings in the biscuits. We could do with one of these in our office. Often we get situations where the only solution is something sweet.

Tetris Heat Changing Mug- £6.99. For the bloke who has it all.

Retro Sweetie Jar- 350g for £4.99 for the sugar addict. There are various sizes of these available under a tenner…sweets make the perfect gift, trust me, I’ve been on the receiving end of buckets of sweets lately thanks to some wonderfully kind bloggers and a rather lovely PR.

Test Tube Shot Glasses and Rack- £8.99 for the office geek, or anyone who likes a drink and has a sense of fun.

Fashion Origami Set- £4.99. For the clothes obsessed one. I had this set once and it was a great gift, it kept me occupied for hours (I’m pretty hopeless at origami it transpired!)
This is one of those posts where my list could have gone on for years. What are you thoughts on Secret Santas? I saw a few blogger ones going on this year which looked like fun…
does your office do one? What’s the best/worst present you’ve ever received?
My personal favourite was some gorgeous gloves. I get super cold hands and lose gloves regularly so they were just perfect.

6 comments for “Secret Santa Solutions with Find Me a Gift

  1. Those are some really cool gifts – i’d love those cookie cutters and the bath bombs for myself! I remember Secret Santas at work and feeling niffled when someone cheap skated and brought something for someone that was half the price of the budget. I’m doing a blog secret santa one for myself, but I think it might be my last that I take part in, people don’t seem to be very welled matched which is a shame!

  2. Gargh, I need to by a secret santa gift and I’m stuck for ideas. Unfortunately it’s for 40 year old 6.7ft basketball player so I doubt he’d appreciate the knitted Hello Kitty. I would though 😉

  3. Oh man, I HATE SECRET SANTA =((((( All the management team did one, well, we got forced into doing one and I have no idea what to get mine..well, I do but it would be really inappropriate haha. And we can only spend a fiver! A pack of condoms, some lube and the address to my house would be VERY funny for us, but probably not the store manager and the rest of the senior team =(


    Corinne x

  4. I must check this out. It has the best gifts that would suit everyone. I love the idea of the fashion origami and the test tubes are so cool. Also want to knit a hello kitty. The Tetris mug is so amazing… It reminds me I saw a Tetris lamp online today while searching for Christmas presents.

  5. Test tube shot glasses! OHMYGOD.Yep, that’s right up my alley

  6. awww love Hello Kitty x