shirting the issue

I don’t even know how long I’ve had this H&M shirt dress; four years now maybe? I keep thinking I should get rid of it,
it doesn’t really fit with my current style and it’s not exactly fashion forward…but then, I get a day like yesterday and it’s suddenly the only thing I can think of that I want to wear.

Advance apologies if I’m a bit quiet on the blog commenting front for the rest of the week, I have three long days at work, as well as far too much to do at home (my wardrobe and desk have reached crisis point). At least the time will fly…it’ll soon be Saturday and time to chill out with Strictly and Xfactor (who else is delighted that Frankie has left?)


29 comments for “shirting the issue

  1. Keep that dress for another 4 years at its a classic and looks lovely on you πŸ™‚

  2. i have so many items i feel that way about. i fear i may have chucked a dressin haste, i can’t find it anywhere

  3. Vix

    It looks wonderful on you and would be a crime to get rid of it. x

  4. I really like your outfit!The shirt is a classic and I love the way you’ve updated it with the tights and boots!You’ve given me an idea how to wear an old dress I haven’t worn for ages!

  5. L

    I too have an old school shirt dress from H&M which I’ve had for donkeys years – it’s so cute and comfy I cant bear to get rid of it!
    L x

  6. I have so many items like that, sometimes you just need comfort.

  7. I totally have dresses like that, which is really why you can never get rid of them. I have about 3 that I just keep in a drawer for days when I NEED to wear one of them (incidentally, they are all from H&M!).
    I love the boots, I’m seriously jealous of how cool they look.

  8. looooooove this color – purple is amazing <3

    X the cookies

  9. cute outfit and pictures.

  10. Jo

    I actually thought you were looking particularly lovely today so definitely keep the dress. There’s nothing wrong with holding onto old favourites. I’ve just realised that the top I’m wearing today is 9 years old. Definitely a favourite!

  11. KEEP IT! I love this dress on you, it’s one of my fave outfits from you the colours all compliment you so well I’m loving this style xoxo

  12. Your legs are looking damn fine in purple m’dear, and I can’t say that to many people πŸ˜‰ x

  13. Your purple tights look great with the dress!

    Emma xx

  14. Great outfit! I’m lovin’ those purple tights.

  15. You can’t go wrong with a good shirt dress, it’d be a keeper for me! I’m also glad Frankie is out of X Factor! x

  16. Me- am so glad Frankie’s gone! He made me want to throw things at my TV…


  17. I am of the opinion that shirtdresses are the very best kind of dresses in the world. EVER!

  18. Bex

    That looks fab on you! xo

  19. the dress is a keeper :))))

  20. Firstly on no account should you get rid of that dress it looks lovely on you.

    Secondly I totally agree with you ref Frankie. What a tosser! I am surprised that he stayed in so long. ( I obviously need to get out more as I love both X factor and strictly and was gutted we were out at a bonfire last Saturday so couldn’t watch them live!)

    Enjoy your days of.

    X x

  21. Looking pretty as ever Laura, I love the colour of those tights. Thanks for the lovely comment, it’s never too late to hug a tree πŸ˜€ xxx

  22. That’s so cute! You are such a lovely girl πŸ™‚

    Also, I recently released the Fall 2011 edition of my magazine Femme and I’d appreciate if you checked it out πŸ™‚ You can view it for free here:

  23. Anonymous

    You’re totally rocking those tights & boots. ^_^

  24. Ooo I really like that shirt dress, the purple of the tights go with it really well x