
TK Maxx jumper, Next jeans c/o Mum’s wardrobe, Betty London boots c/o Spartoo.

Perfect Saturday uniform I think. Nothing signals “it’s the weekend” better than denim and a slouchy jumper.

Friday and Saturday both involved shopping; the dreg ends of the sales which resulted in a couple of rings from Topshop for £1.50 and £2.50 respectively and a burnt orange duffel coat in New Look reduced from £45 to £12.

It also involved the realisation that despite my best efforts, January blues have hit. Not amused. But keeping busy, doing nice things and making sure not to hide away avoiding both people and fresh air should get me through.

Happy Weekend…enjoy a lazy/productive Sunday


40 comments for “slouchfest

  1. Tell me about it re: January blues. I can’t deal with ’em. Makes me want to scream and does terrible things for my er.. perceptions of myself. But I digress. Gorgeous boots! Is it weird that some of my favourites among your posts are the ‘casual,’ or ‘slouchy’ outfits? Possibly because I tend to live in ‘slouch’ mode 😉
    Looking gorgeous as ever!

  2. You make slouching look so good 🙂

  3. January Blues are the worst! They are also horribly sneaky & creep in so that you think that you are free from them for one year & then BAM it hits you round the face one day, cackling like a small gremlin (I am assuming gremlins can cackle).

    I am loving your Sunday ‘uniform’, wish with everything that I could be in that today, but my boss may not appreciate it if I turned up to work in my slouchy jumpers as they are SLOUCHY & massive. By the way coveting those boots to an enormous degree! x x x

  4. Vix

    Those jeans are a perfect fit on you.
    I hate an English January. Only two days to go until I escape. x

  5. Great comfy uniform to have. You look very comfy.

    Roll on the summer!

    X x

  6. I can’t get enough slouchy jumpers x

  7. You look very comfy, hope you feel better a little later today ! I find making a list of all positive things in my life helps and also looking at what I want to do during 2012

  8. Most epic boots ive ever seen and you rock them!

  9. Love slouchy Sunday wear, theyre just so super comfy. Hope your blues pass soon


  10. Like the outfit, love the boots! I know what you mean about January blues… I feel so tired and like it’s all over, but like you, I’m trying to go for walks and keep doing happy things! Also, shopping always make sme smile, and I must admit I am guilty of doing just that yesterday! 😉 Have a beautiful Sunday, Laura! xxx

  11. Your shoes is great !

  12. I’m enjoying a lazy sunday! I’ve given you an award on my blog, check it out!x

  13. You still look so nice even on a slouchy day haha! Love the shoes 🙂 xx

  14. Eugh, January sucks! We’ll get through it though. X

  15. Love the striped shirt! 🙂
    Have a wonderful Sunday! God bless!

  16. Great boots! Trying to stay positive too, January is such a duff month!

    Emma xx

  17. Gorgeous tk maxx find, I always seem to come out of there empty handed, sigh


  18. I love the jumper, nothing beats a dressed down Saturday. And the boots look fab too xxx

  19. Very casual indeed! I’m currently in my onesie – definitely can’t beat that for comfort!
    Hmm, I think I need to hit up the Topshop sale again.

  20. Kat

    Sundays are made for slouching 🙂 I had to dress a bit fancy earlier for a meal, but now I’m home it’s comfy clothes and chill out time!!


  21. What a gorgeous knit.


  22. I love comfy outfits like this!

  23. dan

    perfect outfit for days like that! xx

  24. I so love wearing stuff like this. It screams comfort to me. 😀

  25. Saturday is my only day off so I either do absolutely NOTHING or run around like a mad person, my outfit depends on my plans!

    Maria xxx

  26. I love this jumper – it’s what sundays were made for!

    Penny x

  27. cat

    This outfit is so much like the one I posted a couple of weeks ago – stripy jumper and jeans!!!

  28. Stripes + jumper = The best! x

  29. I love a slouchy look, perfect for right now. All I’ve got in the sales is some Red or Dead boots – I do love them but it’s clothes I’m short of! Quite sure there’ll only be teeny summer tops in a size 6 left now!

  30. I love that sweater, it looks so comfy!

  31. The perfect outfit for the weekend, so cute!


  32. January blues definitely hit me this week with going back to work 🙁 think i need to take your tip and get out in teh fresh air too! love your comfy jumper x
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  33. Love this outfit, comfy jumpers are the best! Your boots look gorgeous too, I really need to buy myself a new pair of nice boots.

    Gillian x

  34. I don’t have enough slouchy jumpers in my life.

  35. Love this, I have a desperate fear of slouchy jumpers, in case they make me look bigger, but this is so gorge on you I totally want to buy one!


  36. oh my goodness I’m wearing basically the exact same sweater tonight!
    Great minds 🙂


  37. lovin’ the sloucher jumper! i’ve got a little bit of january blues too, though i’m feeling more stressed than anything! i hope you’re in a better mood soon, lovely. xx

  38. Couldn’t agree with you more! Oversized jumpers and lean legged denim are definitely my go-to outfit. Especially love them with a tough boot like you’ve got on.

    Happy New Years. Hope you’re well. xx

  39. Love the lazy look! Just bought a red and blue striped jumper in the zara sale and it is definitely my comfortable but fashionable outfit 🙂
    X x x