stand-in pet

Two days off work sick, moping around the house. Day two was an improvement in that I actually changed out of leggings and jumper dress in to something more presentable.
In the absence of a pet to cuddle (I miss you Flash), I popped on my Miss Selfridge bunny jumper as some kind of consolation. Worn with New Look supersoft skinny jeans and Bertie shoes c/o Sarenza, which really I only put on for photos as I hadn’t left the house in 48 hours.

Back at work today, I have an amusing “not quite there” voice, and a lovely cough, but I feel a thousand times more human than I did, and to be honest…as much as I moan about work sometimes, that place actually keeps me sane.

Happy Friday folks! Don’t forget the giveaway here


40 comments for “stand-in pet

  1. Your bunny jumper looks so cosy and is so cute and i’m loving your shoes! Have a nice day at work! xx

  2. That bunny umper is so cute. Get better soon hun x

  3. What an adorable jumper! Love the hwole outfit πŸ™‚ Hope you feel better soon! I’m staying at home because of a flu, too.

  4. You look so cute in that jumper.
    I hope you are feeling better

    Jess x

  5. That sweater is way too adorable, love it!

  6. Vix

    That’s such a sweet bunny! Love those shoes, too. Your legs go on for miles! Get well soon. x

  7. Love, love, love your bunny jumper and those shoes are hot!

  8. Ahhhh need that jumper! xoxo

  9. Je vous souhaite un prompt rΓ©tablissement…
    Joli pull…
    Gros bisous

  10. Ah man that bunny sweater is just the thing to make anyone feel better.

  11. S_S


  12. I love the combo of a jumper, skinnies and heels. It’s a mix of glam but with cosy edge. Fab!


  13. Awww that jumper is so cute, feel better soon xoxo

  14. Glad to hear your feeling better. That jumper looks lovely and snug!

  15. this is the perfect smart-casual look! also let me know when you plan to be in town, so i can plan fun things! xx

  16. Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better. I can’t get over how cute that jumper is. I’m a little bit in love

  17. Anonymous

    The jumper looks lovely and snug! and your custom jeans suit you very well too!!!

  18. thank you for commenting on my blog πŸ™‚ that sweater is utterly devine! As well as the shoes

  19. I love that jumper it’s adorable!
    I hope you feel better soon πŸ™‚
    <3 Holz oxo

  20. Love your jumper, so cute! Your shoes are lovely too, bet they hurt your feet after a while though! x

  21. Love the bunny jumper!
    Hope you feel better soon πŸ™ x

  22. The shoeeeesss! Amazing! Your fringe looks lovely here too, they way it’s swept to the side. Poor Flash πŸ™ x

  23. J.

    This jumper is so cute, I love it!!

  24. awww such a cute jumper xx

  25. I love those shoes πŸ™‚ Hope you’re feeling better now!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  26. Hope you feel better soon.
    I find that staying indoors in comfy clothes always helps me to feel better πŸ™‚

  27. hope your feeling better hun. loving the shoes.

    X x

  28. I love the bunny jumper! Hope you’re feeling better x

  29. Hi Laura

    I am going on the Sat 24th Are you going??? xx

  30. Oh poor you, hope you are restored to help soon!
    I do love that bunny jumper! I’ve been looking for one for ages!

  31. BUNNYYYYYYY. So cute! It is adorable, you look gorgeous and I flipping ADORE those shoes.

  32. Those jeans really suit you πŸ™‚ and I NEED that psychedelic silk tank top from the post below!

    Bhav x

  33. That sweater is SO cute, love the bunny!

  34. your shoes are amazing! i love your top too πŸ™‚

  35. I love this jumper and the shoes Laura, the shoes!

    Glad that you’re feeling a bit better, I’m struck down with Lurgy this weekend, but sadly have a research project that needs writing. Oh the joy.

  36. Love that bunny jumper xxx

  37. Love this jumper, it’s so cute! I haven’t read The Help so will definitely put that on my list, thanks :)xx

  38. I love your jumper, it looks so comfy and cute!xx

  39. Well glad your starting to feel better! Love your bunny jumper! And those shoes are hot, are they comfy though?
    Daisy Dayz