staying neutral

Jumper c/o Boden, H&M skirt, Superdrug tights, Shoes- desigual c/o Sarenza.

I think this Boden jumper should be re-named “the perfect knit” as I’ve never worn something so well fitting; you know when something just hangs nicely? I’m impressed! Wearing knits to work can sometimes feel a bit sloppy but I felt smart in this, especially teamed with a pencil skirt; something I haven’t braved for a while.

TGIF?! I am so ready for the end of the week, I can’t believe it’s December tomorrow though- that’s a bit worrying…got your advent calendar ready? I’m ready to count down to Christmas and enjoy the run-up. I think the day itself will be a tough one this year, without my Nan here, but you know, I have an amazing and strong family and we’ll get through. Same goes for my Mum’s Birthday (she turns the big 5-0) I know she’s not looking forward to it but I am determined to make it as special as possible for her. I think I’ll make it my mission to be off crutches by then…oh this foot and it’s ongoing drama. Next stop, MSK referral. Reckon I can sue Zara for trauma caused…free clothes for life might just placate me!

Enjoy your Friday folk, wrap up warm though as it’s mighty cold out there. Better than the rain and floods though, I’ll take frostbite over being submerged any day.


P.S. Big massive thank you for the kind and supportive comments on my posts this week, I can’t express how much they mean to me.

10 comments for “staying neutral

  1. Looking very chic! That jumper is lovely and as you said, hangs beautifully. Happy Friday, woo hoo ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Ps – I am sure your nan is looking down on you with a massive proud smile.

  2. Pps I’m going to come into your wardrobe whilst you’re sleeping to steal this whole outfit! :-p

  3. I bet that jumper will keep it’s shape – cheap ones always shrink or stretch which really bugs me.
    TGIF indeed, with you on that x

  4. You look a beaut! My sparkle jumper twin – I love how muted you’ve teamed it here as part of this outfit but you can wear it with jeans or a bold colour and it would be just as at home. My navy one has been ordered! Exciiiiiting! xx

    PS. Yes it is FREEZING today – do take care ladies!

  5. I am SO ready for December to start it’s crazy, I’ve got the kids excitement of advent calendars, decorations, present ordering and deliveries …… help I might explode ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. amazing outfit!!! i follow you now ๐Ÿ˜‰
    i would love to follow me back because I really love your blog!!

  7. There’s nothing better than finding the perfect knit…I’m still searching, although I think my pink one is pretty close! I really hope you have an amazing Christmas, you so deserve it and yes, you totally deserve free clothes for life! Which you can then share with some blogger pals hint, hint haha! ๐Ÿ˜‰ xxx

  8. This may just be the perfect winter workwear! That jumper looks so snug! xxx

  9. Mat

    muted tones really suit you dude

  10. The jumper looks so cosy!