Stir up your brew

Oh tea, how I love you. Gone are the days where my coffee consumption reached double figures, I now have a bit of a better balance in my drinks diet- a coffee or three in the morning to get me going and then tea for the rest of the day. My teas of choice are either Yorkshire tea, Peppermint or English Breakfast although I do get more adventurous of I’m out somewhere with an extensive tea menu. I was recently contacted by Stir Drinks who specialise in refreshing tea blends packed full of friendly bacteria. Just one cup a day is all you need to keep your stomach cultures in check, a curious concept I think you’ll agree but one I was willing to give a go.

Teas c/o Stir Drinks

I opted to try the Peppermint and Breakfast varieties of the teas, with a box of 14 (a two week supply) costing £4.95. It sounds expensive but when you think of the cost of things like pro-biotics combined with the cost of ordinary tea bags it’s really not that bad.

My main concern with these was how the bacteria would effect the taste, it seemed implausible that anything like that could be added without being noticeable but I really haven’t picked up on it at all and if someone made me a cup of Stir I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between that and non daily cultured tea.

You can of course drink more than one cup of this a day but a single mug is plenty to keep your digestive health in check. My stomach does struggle quite a bit after years of abuse and things definitely feel happier since trying out these teas. I’m alternating between peppermint one day and breakfast whilst I try to work out a favourite, I’ll be ordering more of these in the future for sure and they will be appearing soon in high street stores too.

If you’re as curious as I was then Stir Drinks are offering 20% off your first order of their teas…

Let me know if you give them a try and what you think, I really didn’t know what to expect from these teas but as someone ever on a mission to improve her nutritional balance I’m pleased they are a success. Any other tips for digestive health? Leave them below.


4 comments for “Stir up your brew

  1. Sam

    Haha I can totally relate to your previous coffee habits and I’m the same now.. I’ve recently discovered green tea as I don’t like normal tea, and it’s definitely so much better than drinking pints of coffee! I bet the peppermint is quite nice! xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  2. What an intriguing idea for getting a daily dose of probiotics. Yep, definitely relate to the coffee in the morning routine! my tea consumption tends to happen later in the day and I’m likely to progress to herbal or non-caffeinated by the evening.

  3. Intruiging!!! I’d definitely be curious to try these!x

  4. Kel

    Ooh these sound great! I know my diet is lacking in some important things so if I can et them through something I like = bonus! 🙂