Sunday [lack of] Style

Sunday, a day of rest which generally means I wave goodbye to fashion and wear whatever falls out of my wardrobe first.

Today it happened to be these denim shorts and a vintage jumper I picked up on a ward trip for something silly like Β£3.



The jumper reminds me a lot of my time spent working in a nursing home..the old ladies used to favour this kind of style, but I love it regardless.

Sunday also means post secret day


this one made me smile.

Happy Sunday

57 comments for “Sunday [lack of] Style

  1. happy sunday to you too, missy! πŸ™‚ x oi i checked post secret and theyve got some really funny stuff in there. hehe! thanks! x

  2. happy sunday to you as well! It’s Father’s day here today πŸ™‚

    cute sweater!

    xxx Charlie

  3. I LOVE postsecret! Off now to check it out. Love that jumper too lady! Very cute. x

  4. I love the jumper! Ta for commenting on my post x

  5. Haha,I totally feel like that on Sundays as well. I guess I am not the only one.
    Cute jumper, by the way.


  6. i don’t think this lacks style! i really like your sweater, and comfy can be stylish as well πŸ˜‰

  7. he he funny pic!

    Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion

  8. I’m struggling to lie in at the moment tis no fun πŸ™

    Love that top! It looks so cosy and perfect for this weather!

    Have a lovely sunday πŸ™‚

  9. I think that vintage jumper is adorable!

    that post secret makes me giggle too πŸ˜‰

  10. I love relaxing on a Sunday too.
    Nice outfit

  11. I really love comfy sundays, I’m having one right now! =)
    Nice pics!


  12. i love lazy sundays πŸ™‚ hihi
    the top is nice in pink.

  13. man, i so wish i could pull off the shorts + tights look… one of my favourite looks but not on me! you rock it, darling.

  14. hello Laura,
    How are you today.
    I like that jumper. Perfect for the sweater trend!

  15. I think you look gorgeous! Those shorts are a wonderful shape. xxx

  16. Haha I read Post Secret every Sunday too πŸ™‚ Cute outfit!

  17. I love that picture of you =] And your granny chic jumper is lushhhhhh *wants*

    Love love love you x

  18. As much as I love fashion, I adore the concept of fashion free Sundays. As I am recovering from ED, I realize that I need to learn how to let go… be loose and free, just me. Without trying too much. And I am good the way I am.

    I love seeing you get healthier a glow daily. You are my angel and inspiration. I would love to get to meet you face to face one day. I’m sure we’d have so much to talk. Just keep onto recovery – no matter what! And I’ll try and do the same;)

  19. Goodness me, I think you still look ever so stylish – my Sunday style is generally trackie bottoms & hoodies (aka. pjs!)

  20. This is a fab sunday outfit that jumper is super cute and looks gorge teamed with the denim shorts xoxo

  21. Oh lovely ! This top is very pretty!

  22. haha! i love postsecret πŸ™‚ that jumper is really nice colours with your skin tone! xx

  23. beautiful blog!


  24. My lazy Sunday wear is exactly what I’m in right now, pj’s! Oh dear. At least you got dressed!! And that jumper is v.v. beautiful.

  25. I love that jumper! The pastel pink is a perfect way to cheer up a lazy sunday!

  26. Jen

    Oh I Love Post Secret. It’s kinda addictive, non? x

  27. Ooh, I quite adore your outfit, Laura! And the second photograph of you reminds me a bit of Audrey Hepburn!! πŸ™‚

  28. Thanks, it was a lot of fun and sooo great.

    Like your outfit. Looks pretty πŸ™‚

    xo lala

  29. haha, personally i love the outfit and tend to go for the exact same vibe on sundays. love that shot of you on the bed – seriously cute and for some reason takes me back to the days of Clarissa Explains it All. Did you ever watch that on Nickelodean? xx

  30. i was wearing my jammies while getting some coffee and walk in the park! i really donΒ΄t care that much on a sunday. LOL
    love this sweater missy. so that makes me an old lady?

    xoxo Mode Junkie

  31. hey i invite you to participate on my giveaway!

  32. Thank you for your lovely comment!

  33. Not lack of style! Love seeing you in something different for you πŸ˜‰

  34. you are so pretty! you remind me of megan follows from “anne of green gables” =)

  35. the secret made me laugh out loud πŸ™‚

  36. I love your top! And the “Yoga Makes Me Fart” made me giggle. There should be one for Pilates too. I used to teach mat classes and I swear there would be at least one person in every class who would let it go. I just had to ignore it lol.

  37. Ah I love the colour of that sweater. Such a yummy colour! Good deal btw!

  38. I love the jumper, so cute, so sunday too πŸ˜›
    Sunday should be about comfy clothes and cute things
    Fiona x

  39. hehe, yoga make me fart, thats too funny! Cute outfit, I really like the lavender and white in that sweater. Very cute! heck thats more dressed up then me. Today was my first day off in a bit and i didnt bother to get out of my sweat pants, lol!

  40. My darling, I’ve missed you. You look well, happy πŸ™‚ calm…makes me happy πŸ™‚

    I been following postasecret for years, love their site and their books.


  41. I always look forward to post secret on sundays too πŸ™‚


  42. Hope you had a great sunday! I quite like the jumper as well.

  43. what a great buy!love it:)

  44. i love your top, it’s cute and feminine πŸ™‚

    Win our Perricone giveaway worth $150

    Win an Orient Watch USA worth $285

  45. oooh thanks for reminding me about post secret! I forgot πŸ™‚

    I really love your adorable wallpaper and bedspread Laura β™₯β™₯

  46. my sister is addicted to post secret!! she got me into reading it too.. πŸ™‚ xo

  47. LOL at the old ladies jumper preferencies – I see what you mean! You do look really lovely, polished and approachable in it πŸ™‚

  48. I love that jumper, the colour is gorgeous. I wore paw print pj’s all day long yesterday, much a fashion nightmare xx

  49. oh i love the jumpoer xxxxx

  50. I tend to dress up more on Sundays because I don’t have to wear boring office attires:P

    I read post secret every Sunday faithfully too!


  51. so cute! love your photos and wall paper! I am your new fan in Paris πŸ™‚

    xoxo Haleigh @ Bardot Blue

  52. Cute jumper – great bargain for Β£3. xx

  53. I LOVE this striped jumper!