The Dressing Room Becksondergaard Blogger Challenge

Jeans and Jumper: Primark
Shoes: Converse
I was recently invited to take part in a blogger challenge held by The Dressing Room, myself and several other gorgeous ladies were sent this gorgeous Becksondergaard scarf and were asked to style it in a way that expresses our style and personality.
I’m quite laid back when it comes to scarves. I just sling it round my neck a few times, snood style and I’m good to go. Usually half way through the day it ends up draping all over me but to start with it looks quite neat and I wear them with or without a coat.
To me this scarf screamed laid back style so on went my trusty Primark Skinny jeans and fluffy jumper as well as my converse. I’m still on sick leave and this is pretty typical of what I’ve worn most days and well as being my go-to weekend style. I may not be able to match the other girls in the fashion stakes (or photography skills) but I’m comfortable and warm and that’s what counts to me. I had fully intended to get Mum involved in getting some outside photos but typically the day I had earmarked was one where it was pouring with rain.
If you haven’t already you should really check out The Dressing Room it’s a fairly recent discovery for me and one I feel everyone needs to know about. If you love this scarf as much as I do they have an amazing array from the AW Becksondergaard collection as well as many other heavenly beauties. Perfect for Christmas pressies.
How do you wear your scarves?

6 comments for “The Dressing Room Becksondergaard Blogger Challenge

  1. Ooh pretty scarf and I love your pink Converse! You look lovely here 🙂 Your hair is amazing.

    Jess xo

  2. Love the owl cushions!


  3. It looks lovely, Laura! I also really like the cushions!

    Corinne x

  4. I have a weakness for scarves, you can never have too many. Saying that I just wrap them around my neck and have done with it, should probably try and be more inventive with them!

    PS Loving the converse!

  5. Snood style is the best style!

    Sophie xo soinspo