The One I Almost Wore

Happy Friday guys,
how the hell did we get here again? I have high hopes for a sunny weekend fill with err, work training, actually, and maybe just maybe that shopping trip that didn’t happen on Tuesday. I was hoping to see my lovely Becca (official name yo!) but I am really rubbish company at the moment and Mum is pretty much the only person who can handle me like this
(she’s had almost 24 years of it, after all)

this is the outfit I *almost* wore yesterday. I did wear it, for all of an hour, and did intend to wear it all day…
but it was just one of those ‘blah’ days where I just wanted to claw my way out of my skin, so I admitted defeat and resorted to one of my comfort dresses.




Matalan Blouse; Tesco Skirt; Tabio Socks; Primark Shoes.

The London Wishes giveaway is now closed, stay tuned…I’ll be announcing the winner later today, when I get home from work.

With the weekend looming, what do you have planned?


34 comments for “The One I Almost Wore

  1. Ooh, your outfit looked lovely. The shoes and socks combo are so cute! Keep going and hope that you are feeling better soon. Thinking of you <3 xxx

  2. That skirt is such a pretty length, they never have anything that lovely in my local Tescos.

    Everyone has days like that, you are doing amazingly well xx

  3. this outfit is sooo cute.
    and so amazing.
    but i totally get what you mean, when you talk about wearing something and feeling blah. i do that so much.

    this weekend i work all the time.
    and i am moving out of my apartment!
    so that should be rather boring haha! πŸ™‚

  4. You do look amazing but I know exactly what you mean about clawing it off! You have my email address and address (I think?) so just drop me a line (yes I’m that cool!) and we can organise penpallyness πŸ™‚

    Maria xxx

  5. Angela

    That is such a pretty outfit. Especially cute socks and top – looks great on you! Have a beautiful weekend. Hope you’re feeling better soon. xx

  6. This outfit looks beautiful together! I hope you manage to have a nice and relaxing weekend and feel better xx

  7. Amazing outfit doll! Absolutely love the colours and the silhouette, so elegant and cute! And… is that a tiny tattoo on your ankle? Didn’t know you had one πŸ™‚

  8. i LOVE that blouse!!

  9. Such a beautiful girly outfit.

    Hope you are feeling a little better today.

    As for the weekend, well it was going to be a girly weekend of pampering with my two, but as the pennies are a tad low (5 week months suck!) I’m not to sure if that will still be the case. At least it looks like the weather should be good so I can always totter about in the garden and I think we are climbing the malverns on Sunday too.

    X x

  10. You look fantastic. X

  11. oh god you look perfect. the skirt!!! you wear it so well my love x

  12. Oh hun, it’s such a shame you never got to wear this properly as it looks so gorgeous! Never mind, I know exactly what those days feel like, and usually i end up resorting to my slob suit [jogging bottoms and t-shirt. i know right, classy]. Def save this one for another day – i can’t get over how stunning you look. FAB.

  13. Wow this skirt is tescos? Why is my tescos so rubbish and why does it not stock clothes! I love the skirt you look stunning girlie! I love the blouse with it!

    As for the weekend I am out celebrating tomorrow night, my friend has just got her first teaching job! She is the only one who has left Uni to get a proper job so its quite an achievement!

  14. I love that blouse, and it looks fab on you; but I know what you mean about changing your outfit mind. I sometimes get everything out the night before then change my mind in the morning several times!
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Kandi x

  15. You look like a ballerina! So pretty!

  16. I need to go shopping in tescos, that skirt is pretty!! in fact I love everything.

  17. This outfit is so nice, I love your blouse! I’m also amazed b your Tesco skirt. Its gorgeous and completely not what I would expect from Tesco.

  18. You look gorgeous in that outfit, I hope you revisit it soon- the colours are lovely and the socks and brogues are so cute! x

  19. Such a lovely outfit!

    Also, I’ve tagged you in my Kreativ Blogger Award post! πŸ˜€

  20. Those Tabio socks are gorgeous. Do you have a tattoo?

    I’m off to Leicestershire to spend the weekend with my housemate from uni πŸ™‚

    Hope you have a good one

    Bhav x

  21. The socks and brogues are so so cute!

  22. stunning πŸ™‚ xx

  23. I am super busy this weekend… work, homework, meeting a friend for dinner and a trip to Ikea and the Mall of America. Eek!

  24. Take it easy, sweet gal. Things will get better again. Comfy dresses are yay when need be;)

  25. Such a pretty outfit, perfect for spring xoxo

  26. love the floral socks with the brogues! ive opted for knee high socks today πŸ™‚ xo

  27. Awww this looks lovely. I know what you mean about having one of them days when no matter how much someone says you look nice in an outfit you don’t feel one bit comfortable and have to take it of that second! πŸ™‚

  28. Such a very lovely outfit !!

  29. Aww it looks lovely hun. The socks are so sweet with the outfit. x

  30. That midi skirt is fab. Hope you’re feeling better now. Enjoy the weekend. xx

  31. I really really love this outfit, and I hope you give it another go on a day when you’re feeling more positive.

  32. Shame you didn’t wear it all day, it looks lovely. Maybe another time πŸ™‚

  33. midi skirts really suit you lovely πŸ™‚