The Resolutions


It’s been a long time since I allowed myself to make New Year Resolutions, partially because it seemed pointless, but mainly because I was afraid of failure.
This year I’m ready to re-embrace, failure or not. Goals are good.

1. Keep fighting and winning against the eating disorder.

2. Get back in to jogging/running, building strength up slowly.

3. Take better care of my skin, I’ll be 24 this year, it’s about bloody time I developed a proper skincare routine.

4. Stop procrastinating or talking myself out of things…what is the worst that could happen? (exception; when death or serious injury is a likely outcome!)

5. Throw myself in to work and take whatever opportunity comes my way.

6. Cook more. The freezer is great, but nothing beats a fresh, nourishing and home cooked meal.

7. Make more time for baking. Try new recipes.

8. And socialising.

9. Try new things, be it a craft, a food, a social event or even a style of clothing.

10. Get back to learning to drive.

Happy New Year lovely readers,
I hope you celebrated in style, aren’t too hungover and are ready to embrace 2011!

Once again, thank you to each and every one of you for your support and encouragement. I’m hoping to try some new things with the blog this year so watch this space.

What are your resolutions?


98 comments for “The Resolutions

  1. Staying healthy and fit is my main goal for this year! Wish you on the best in your resolutions!!!



  2. Happy 2011 little one! Loving your resolutions and hoping this year is going to be the one for you (and im with you on the running, just need to find some shoes…and some technique…)

    love love x

  3. good resolutions. I hope they work out for you.

  4. Good Morning lovely,

    Liking your list, put it smewhere you can see it so it reminds you to do the things on it πŸ™‚

    Mine is to lose some weight and get fit, joined gym yestrday so a step in the right direction.

    And get the house decorated (with help from huby!)

    Love the idea of embracing new things so mihght steal tat one from your list too πŸ™‚

    I’m going to get a blackboard and write mine in the kitchen so I see them every day πŸ™‚

    Happy 2011 xxx

  5. love your resolutions !!!!!
    love the pic!!!!
    happy new year honey !!!!!!!!

  6. Happy New Year Laura! Your resolutions seem very doable. Mine is to eat healthy and get fit again especially before my wedding! x

  7. Happy new year wonderful! πŸ™‚

    Love your resolutions I might even try stick to a few of them myself πŸ™‚

  8. Happy New Year! You achieved so much in 2010 that you should be sooo proud.
    Love your resolutions as wll. I need to cook and socialise more as well.

    Hope 2011 for you is one of the best yet.

  9. Mat

    well these seem attainable, go for it and you do what you can. you should keep the blog updated with your progress as it can act as a diary for you.

    i haven’t made any resulutions, i don’t tend to do that but i should write a few things down so i remember. when i finish uni i want to do some charity work and concentrate on my own projects too

  10. This is a great list sweetie. x

  11. Kb

    Great resolutions, can’t wait to see what 2011 holds for you, sounds like it’ll be good! I’m going to be 24 this year too, eeeeek! Thanks for all your support too.

  12. happy new year, have a blast 2011! πŸ™‚


  13. Happy New Year! My resolution is the same as always, to have fun. xxx

  14. Great resolutions – there’s a few of those that I should probably be inspired by you by & take for my own :/ I don’t like making resolutions though, so we’ll see..!

  15. Happy new year girlie and good luck with your goals for 2011 πŸ™‚ I know what you mean about having a fear of failure. But we all seem so determined this year, Im sure we will succeed! xx

  16. Happy New Year πŸ™‚
    It’s always good to have goals, even just as a reminder of what you wish to achieve in the year.
    I tend to shy away from making my own resolutions, but must must look after my skin a lot more too. And I’m with you on trying the new recipes too xx

  17. Good on you Laura for making so many resolutions. 2011 is going to be a fab year for you xx

  18. I wish you more glories than you expect!
    Happy new year!


  19. Happy New Year honey!
    Hugs Kandi x

  20. Happy New Year honey!
    Hugs Kandi x

  21. Good luck my lovely! I’ll be 25 this yer and still don’t look after my skin. I supose I should before I look like a leather handbag…


  22. great resolutions! i dont really have one (cause i never seem to stick to them)…but i’m going to try to see the “big picture” of things and not get so stressed out all the time:)

  23. Great list

    I think I just want to be happy xx=

    Happy New Year x

  24. Fabulous resolutions, gorgeous!

    Happy 2011!


  25. happy 2011 for you

  26. Happy new year Laura!

    I like your resolutions, but especially the one about being happy. I haven’t made too many resolutions: I just want to be a better blogger, and also take better care of myself.


  27. I hope you have an amazing 2011. In my opinion, it can’t get much worse than 2010.

  28. A good and thoughtful list… I’ll be joining you on the skincare routine, hopefully.

    I didn’t actually know you had an eating disorder… keep up the good fight and all the best with all of your resolutions!

  29. J.

    Great resolutions! I decided not to make any, because I have a very eventful year ahead of me, so just sticking to aleady made plans will be enough for me!

  30. wow they are fan resolutions! mine is to get fit and live alitte!

    Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion

  31. These are great resolutions! We actually share a couple, like starting to work out properly and cooking more, to take better care of ourselves. Additionally to that, I’m planning to do more DIYs, both fashion-related as well as home improvement stuff. And I’m actually looking forward to all of it!

    Happy new year sweetie!

  32. Happy new year lovely.
    I hope you achieve every single thing you set your mind to.


  33. Hi Honey, I am a new follower – found you via Kandis blog! Happy New Year and good luck with your well considered resolutions love Annie xx

  34. Happy new year to you, my lovely. I like the list. Glad to hear you are getting better day by day. xoxo

  35. Great resolutions πŸ™‚ I wish you the best of luck with all of them, especially your health. <3
    Looking forward to seeing the new things you’ll be trying on the blog!
    Must write/blog some resolutions of my own!
    Ooh, and I have that leopard print throw! Love it!

  36. Happy New Year Honey πŸ™‚ I want to spend more time with my family as life is too short!

  37. Happy new year !! πŸ™‚

  38. Congrats on your wonderful resolution list! Mine is still in process πŸ™‚ Happy new year!

  39. Happy new year! Great resolutions, I have got to figure mine out still… But I also need a better skincare routine!

    Hope you are having a great day today!


  40. H

    Good for you sweetie! Goals are great, and I wish you all the best in achieving yours for 2011, I know you can do it! πŸ˜‰

    Here’s a quote I like:

    If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.

    – Andrew Carnegie

    BIG LOVE H xx

  41. Love your resolutions ! Happy 2011 πŸ™‚

    Mon Mode Blog

  42. Sounds like you’re going to be a busy girl! Good luck with your resolutions x

  43. I like your list and my preferences would be to get a driving license:)


  44. Happy New Year, my dear!

  45. Like you being healthy and staying fit is a top priority for me this year, as well as finally finding a job to pay my way through uni next year! Anything else will be a bonus for me. Good luck with everything, Laura, you’ll be fine πŸ™‚ xxx

  46. Happy New Year Laura!

    Good way of thinking of it as goals. I hope you achieve your goals and that 2011 is all you want it to be.

    I haven’t set any resolutions. I do have a goal but can’t share it at the moment.


  47. Bee

    I love you


  48. Anonymous

    Happy New Year Laura!
    My main resolution is to do what makes me happy and what’s good for me. ^_^ Getting on with driving would be nice too, I haven’t even tried to get my licence yet!

  49. Great list. I know you can achieve them.. Happy new year πŸ™‚

  50. wow this is soo identical to my personal resolutions as well! plagiarism! just kiddinggg πŸ™‚ seriously though I hope you accomplish all of these πŸ˜€ <3 Best of luck with our endeavors happy neww year

  51. Happy New Year!

    That’s a great list of resolutions- I hope you accomplish them all. I think mine are just to keep a positive attitude towards life, carry on pursuing my career and to keep up with blogging.

    Hannah x

  52. your really inspirational and i wish you all good things this new year!!


  53. your really inspirational and i wish you all good things this new year!!


  54. Excellent resolutions! I wish you the best of luck. I completely agree–something about creating them is a little intimidating because of the fear of failure.
    Happy New Year’s, I’m sure you’ll do great. Lovely blog!
    xoxo, Maddie

  55. I need to finish learning how to drive too – well just to get my license already lol. Hope you had a wonderful New Year!

  56. Happy new year to you! Thats a great list to achieve in 2011. Im looking forward to the year ahead.


  57. Great list of resolutions – I hope you achieve them all and much more!

    All I really want to change this year is my weight (a loss of 5-10kgs would be fab)…. eat more healthy foods and tone up my body!

    Come and enter my very first giveaway if you like…

    xx Christie

  58. I agree, goals are good regardless!! I don’t do resolutions, patly because I have enough of goals year round lol HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  59. thanks dear, happy 2011 πŸ™‚

  60. Great resolutions!!

    I don’t have any as such, I just need to stop letting things get to me as much and make the most of everything I have in life!!

    Good luck with the year hun!


  61. D.

    I hope you’ll stick to all of your resolutions – good luck!

  62. love these pictures πŸ™‚

    looks like we have a lot in common! check out my blog if you’d like hon, you might like it πŸ™‚

    happy new year x

  63. what a good resolution πŸ™‚ i followed you! follow back? πŸ™‚

  64. In 2011 I just want to be happy too. I think its good that you made a list of goals. As I said in my last blog post I only achieved 2 out of 11 of my goals for 2010 which is not that great but the posibility of failure should not stop us from making more goals anyway.

  65. Good luck with your resolutions, they seem very sensible and positive! I am keen to find a new job, so I need to stop procrastinating and start believing in myself etc too. xx

  66. Those are great resolutions, go for them!!

  67. CUTE pick with your cat : )

    I think you have a great set of goals for 2011. I should look back at my 2010 goals to see how I did hahaha

    Being healthy, happy, and adventurous are definitely things I want in 2011, too. It’s good that you have specific goals, you should set up a little timeline?

    Like “practice driving 2x/month” and “take your test in June”. That would give you time to retake it (i had to lol) and still get your license before the year ends! Just an idea, do you like it?

    Keep us posted, happy new year!! <3

  68. Happy, Happy New Year, Laura!! πŸ™‚

  69. i need to, GAIN health
    and be able to maintain. and work out in a healthy way
    my major 2011 goal.. to go to Thailand in April.. buT i need to be stable enough to go still..
    my wish for YOU in 2011 is to be happy and healthy.
    I belive with my entire heart that this is achievable for you.. xox

  70. happy new year!!!
    very cute resolutions!!

  71. Happy new year! I always say every year I will take my make up and cleanse tone moisturise everyday but I am always too lazy to stick to it! Make up wipes are a god send though haha.

  72. Good luck with all your resolutions, i am sure you will acheieve all that you set your mind to in 2011 for sure!

    Oh and Happy New Year too!

  73. Cook more? Me too if my Boyf has anything to do with it πŸ™‚ He keeps trying to get me to cook cook cook and I don’t!

  74. I don’t have any new resolutions, I made mine before the new year, though I loved reading yours!

    Happy New Year, wishing you the best lovely Laura!

    PS: though I think the picture sums it all anyway πŸ™‚


  75. knit more, be more creative, get fit, lsiten to more music, get organized and live with my decisions more easily. πŸ˜€

    thanks for your posts on my blog! πŸ™‚

    Happy New Year!

  76. Thank you so much for your comment sweetie πŸ™‚
    Your support also means a lot to me ^-^ I truly wish you a happy and healthy 2011 and that all your goals come true***

  77. Jen

    Happy New Year! Your resolutions are wonderful – here’s to 2011 and achieving them all! x

  78. happy new year! I hope that you succeed in all our resolutions darling x

  79. Happy new year darling! Best of luck with your resolutions there are some great ones in there. I haven’t made any official resolutions yet but I know I want to chill out, take each day as it comes and not tie myself in knots over other peoples drama. I guess like you just be happy! Thats the main thing isn’t it xx

  80. Great resolutions.
    I also want to get back into running, and my other resolutions are to eat a more balanced diet, and save more money!

  81. Happy New Year, sweetie!! Great resolutions, for the skin care I always recommend going organic. Mud creams and oils do wonders!!

    For the new year, I wish for you much love, happiness, extraordinary health, strength and *you* time to focus on what you love.

    Thank you also for being such a wonderful friend, I look forward to more of our blog-love this year πŸ™‚

  82. That’s a very good resolution. Thanks for sharing and drop by me too when you have time.


  83. Love all these goals! Especially the first one, that’s also my goal. Keep fighting girly, you’ve made incredible progress. And don’t ever forget you are beautiful πŸ™‚

  84. These are wonderful resolutions, and I know you will be able to keep them all.

    Mine? Better time management, and I want to get back into screenwriting because I love it. And really, just more of the same: I want to be happy, I want to help make other people happy, I don’t want to harm anyone.. yeah, that’s about it. Nothing too ambitious.

    So glad we’re virtual friends: you are an amazing spirit, and an inspiration.

    Big hug. xx

  85. Those are some good goals πŸ™‚ I should do the same πŸ˜›
    Hope you had a nice New Years πŸ™‚

  86. happy new year dear and wish u all the best!

  87. really great resolutions the best ones are the realistic but also positive ones, you are more likely to stick to them taht way.

    my resolution is to stick to my resolutions I want to be happy this year. have a great new year my new blogger sister xxx

  88. happy new year! i hope all your wishes for 2011 come true. your lovely πŸ™‚


    The Flower Girl


  89. You’ll probably hate me for this, but I changed my blog title back to a slightly different version of the one I had before, anyway, thank you so much for that lovely comment πŸ™‚ And I’ll keep an eye out for it, I’ve got lots of new notecards and postcards to use, so that’ll keep me busy for a few days. xxx

  90. lovely resolutions!! good luck with them, you’ll do great xox

  91. Happy New Year! You and the kitty = so adorable. πŸ™‚

    Wish you the VERY best in 2011!


  92. Great resolutions hun, small steps and you’ll get there, just keep positive xx

  93. your kitty is soo cute xx and cute blog too xx

  94. that quote is exactly something that i would say
    I just want to be happy too !

  95. What a wonderful list of New Year’s Resolutions! I adore the photo underneath it. I didn’t make any specific resolutions myself other than to do a little at a time of the things on my “to-do” list and try not to be overwhelmed. I hope your New Year is a very happy and healthy one.