this old thing

This dress is another of those that I’ve debated getting rid of. For months on end it sits forgotten in my wardrobe and my hands hover over it every time I do a clear out…but then, I put it on and decide I can’t possibly get rid and I WILL wear it more.

How many months before it sees the light of day again?

I think it must be five years ago when I bought this dress, on a random venture to Asda. I don’t know why I bought it at the time; it didn’t match my jeans and hoody kind of style, and I wasn’t working so had no office to wear it to..but I did, and now it works. Perfectly. I WILL wear it more.

The boots were a bit of a bargain from New Look, half price at Β£17.49, then a further 20% off with the help of a voucher from their latest magazine. Β£13.50 for suede heeled boots? Yep.

Finally Friday! Oh, it’s been a long week. Roll on 5:30 eh?

Weekend plans anyone?


32 comments for “this old thing

  1. Kim

    Its a fab dress!! πŸ˜€

    Oh yes.. 5.30 I cant wait!! A weekend of sleep after this week. πŸ™‚

  2. Tor

    It’s gorgeous, you should keep it! You really do wear dresses well. <3

  3. Nice dress! You should wear it more. I’m going for a family meal to celebrate my father-in-law’s birthday tonight. Hooray!

  4. Great dress,I would keep it πŸ™‚

  5. oh i do like george at asda clothing!! πŸ™‚

  6. Mat

    nice to get discounts on top of discounts!

  7. L

    Those boots are lush – they make your legs look even longer!
    L x

  8. Loving this dress, and isn’t it great sometimes, to have something that really works, but that you don’t wear and wear and wear. I quite like that feeling.

    Those boots are positively bargainous, I wore my not so bargainous but oh so comfy favourite boots for the first time this winter yesterday. IT’s like coming home for my feet!

  9. Loving this dress, far to chic to throw out!

    No great plans this weekend. I shall try and keep hubby and daughter from falling out, both seem very hormonal at the mo!

    X x

  10. I have so many things I’m trying to make myself wear right now! Love the dress.

    Emily x

  11. Those boots really are a bargain! I say keep the dress, looks perfect for the office! I’m terrible at hanging onto things then never wearing them! x

  12. Vix

    That dress is gorgeous, don’t part with it! x

  13. Your dress is beautiful. It looks to be in mint condition and is very fashionable. As for weekend plans, I hadn’t thought that far ahead. Speaking of fashion, have a happy fashionista 11/11/11/ Follow Friday! May your wishes come true. #FF @daisychaindream

  14. Oh wow that is one classy chic dress definitely should wear it more, I love it xoxo

  15. I am in love with this entire outfit from head to toe!

    P.S. I’m hosting an awesome indobay giveaway for a $40 prize! Come check it out!

  16. I love this dress !! You look fab !

  17. I love this dress !! You look fab !

  18. That dress is lovely, you really should wear it more.

    Such a bargain on the boot front! xx

  19. I love the dress. I have so many clothes like that. I keeping thinking I will get rid, then decide to keep them and usually am glad that I have .

    This weekend I am going to a vintage tea party and the Bath Flea market if I have time.

  20. Yes keep it it looks wonderful on you- I love the monochrome shades, Classic Audrey shape and the cute corsage! YAY Laura we reached the weekend!!!!! I’m hoping to go swing dancing if I can persuade my boyfriend not to make me to go to a party in Southend full of drunk teachers I don’t know πŸ™

  21. Well that “old thing” looks quite stunning on you Laura! Just as well you didn’t chuck it out!

  22. I always chuck things out and then kick myself later when I go hunting in the wardrobe for it and realise I gave it away. So good for you for keeping it. Keep them all is what I say x

  23. awesome dress!! btw loove daisy’s πŸ™‚

  24. That old thing! I love that old thing! =D

    And you look spectacular in it, too. Keep it. It’s forever.

    I miss you, pretty girl!

  25. Great dress, perfect for work! Brilliant boots too, I love a footwear bargain!

  26. Love your dress and boots xx

  27. You’re stunning Laura.

  28. You’re stunning Laura.

  29. if you ever do feel like throwing it out…throw it my way! its adorable!

  30. Oh pretty – I like it! Good luck bringing it into use more – you definitely should!

  31. Perfect work wear. It was definitely worth hanging onto xxx

  32. The dress looks really good on you, it’s very chic but also a bit retro. I agree it’s a keeper!