To the Moon

One of my latest discoveries (well no, not my discovery, I found it via a blog I follow) is Wolf & Moon. Jewellery has to be quirky to capture my heart these days…and the treasures in this shop have quirk in abundance. The sparkly deer has shot to the top of my wishlist, along with the statement blue and green piece…and just about everything else.

The prices are amazing too, Β£8 for the deer, Β£10 for Alice in Wonderland…don’t believe me? Take a look

I know where my first New Year payday is being spent.

Have you found any online treasures lately?


38 comments for “To the Moon

  1. That stuff is gorgeous! I love quirky jewellery!

  2. Such gorgeous pieces. I love the Alice in Wonderland necklace. x

  3. these are goregous, I love the reindeer! xxx

  4. I want that deer necklace!

  5. I love those Alice In Wonderland pieces. So different. Great prices x

  6. I spotted this shop the other day, theres so many pretty items!! πŸ™‚

  7. Oooh I love the sparkly reindeer necklace. could that be any more on Christmas trend? haha xxx

  8. OMG I love the last two, I love new finds lately I have been on the same sites non stop. It’s refreshing to find new and exciting pieces.

  9. OMG I love the last two, I love new finds lately I have been on the same sites non stop. It’s refreshing to find new and exciting pieces.

  10. OMG I love the last two, I love new finds lately I have been on the same sites non stop. It’s refreshing to find new and exciting pieces.

  11. OMG I love the last two, I love new finds lately I have been on the same sites non stop. It’s refreshing to find new and exciting pieces.

  12. Ooh, I recently discovered this too! Such lovely pieces, right? πŸ™‚ Was debating wether or not to get one of their necklaces for Christmas… πŸ™‚

  13. I bought one of their butterflies the other day – love! Although she said she’s going travelling for 6 months so a lot won’t be restocked before then – I shall just have to wait!

    Penny x

  14. Wow, everything is so nice! I think this will definitely be on my spending list for the new year!x

  15. You know, I’ve been looking for a blog post to WOW me all day and yours so did. Thanks so much for sharing this. I may buy the deer now πŸ™‚

    Sarah Betty xx

  16. They’re so creative and gorgeous!
    May have to buy them in the new year.. xx

  17. Oh these are so cute! I love the Alice and Wonderland pieces πŸ™‚

  18. Haha, THIS shop is one of my favorite recent discoveries!!!

  19. Love that big multicoloured thing and the sparkly deer! πŸ˜€ Great finds! xxx

  20. The deer is well, dear!

  21. I love the alice in wonderland necklaces and the reindeer is so cute too! It’d be perfect for Christmas day! x

  22. Yayyy I love it all! Gutted with what Penny has commented thought xxx

  23. I love the ballerina brooches – so cute!

  24. What gorgeous goodies I especially like the reindeer necklace.

  25. Oh gosh they’re lovely! Especially that glittery stag πŸ™‚ β™₯ Claire @ Jazzpad

  26. I love this jewellery, so fun.

    Sorry that you missed the blogger Christmas party, would have loved to meet you. Hope they arrange something else when the weather is better and cold are all gone.

  27. Laura you find the best online shops for accessories! That sparkly deer is stunning. xxx

  28. Anonymous

    Wow! Thanks a ton for posting this. I’m ordering an Alice necklace. ^_^

  29. the second last necklace. They are super cute and quirky <3

  30. They are supper cute! My youngest would love the alice necklaces.

    X x

  31. So beautiful and unique! So cannot wait for my student loan to come in January x

  32. Oooh, I featured one of their necklaces on my blog! Was it meeeeee??????? I hope so!!!
    Yeh, SO want the Alice in Wonderland range. And I really want mirrored bunny earrings!!! If only they still did them!

  33. Completely after my own heart xxx

  34. love your blog dear (:

    newest follower :D!!


  35. Mat

    those would make some really nice gifts for sunday

  36. Aww I love the deer necklace so much x