Today I’m Wearing

One day back at work, followed by my day off…not bad. Not bad at all!

Keeping it casual today with a denim dress, £7, New Look sale. Winner.
It’s been a while since I busted out some patterned tights, so floral it is. And converse. I love my converse.

One day I’m going to work out my damn camera settings properly!

24 comments for “Today I’m Wearing

  1. Super cute dress Laura! Very casual and lovely. xxx

  2. Love your pink shoes with this outfit 🙂

  3. Lovely dress!


  4. I love the tights with the pink Converse. They work so well with the denim dress

  5. I love this outfit , everything goes together perfectly . £7.00 for the dress is an awesome bargain aswell ! xx

  6. I love the tights! I wish I had a collection like yours

  7. I love that dress! You pull of tights really well! I wish I could do that!

    I want to do a little blog give-away, if you could check out what I might have planned and if I get enough people to agree with it I’ll go ahead with it 🙂

    Hope you like my blog as much as I love yours!

    Catarina @ Something Said

  8. This dress looks fab on you. I tried it on but it did nothing for me! 🙁 xx

  9. Vix

    That dress is such a good shape on you and the funky tights just finish it off perfectly! x

  10. love your denim dress hun!

  11. Those shoes are perfect with the dress! I love it!

  12. I LOVE this outfit so much.
    There’s something about pink and denim that makes me drool. In a super attractive way, you understand.

  13. Roz

    So perfect for the mixed up temperatures we’re getting.

  14. Cute little number. Love the shirt dress! xx

  15. oo i love the denim with the pink pumps!! very cute!

  16. Loving the converse x

  17. Fab, casual but funky! I love converse too 🙂

  18. MJ

    Denim + cons = classic!

  19. I love your converse.



  20. great denim dress! i heart denim!!

  21. You look stunning, and I love the tights I must say!

  22. You have the most amazing collection of tights! These floral ones are so cute!
