
I’ll start this post with yesterday’s outfit, and a warning. If you don’t want to read a “deep” post about my life right now then please just close my blog and pretend it doesn’t exist, because you will be bored or may be inspired to leave anonymous hate…and well, we don’t want that πŸ˜‰

We’ve had glorious weather here yesterday and today, like, the first proper hot days of the year. There was no doubt in my mind that it was a maxi dress day…the swishy breeze created when walking in one is the most amazing feeling and it was perfectly suited to lazing around in the garden.




And now on to the heavier side to this post;

This week I have finally admitted [mainly to myself] that I am not coping very well and things have been more of a struggle than ever.
I wish I could put in to words how exhausting it is to be in this state of limbo. Desperate for change but to weary and controlled to fight on my own anymore, and no clear idea of when a hospital bed will open up.

I sleep. A lot of the day. And when I am awake I am spending time with family and friends when I can, or just…restless, and not really able to concentrate, hence the lesser frequency of blog comments and posts.

It’s going to be this way for a while, and I do feel bad because I miss blogging every day, and I miss commenting on everyone’s posts.
I guess what I wanted to say was, to those of you who have stuck by me, left kind words in the form of comments and e-mails, THANK YOU, and I’m sorry I’ve not been able to respond to your kindness as much as you deserve.
I’d fully expect, and understand if you abandoned ship and stopped reading and following my blog completley, and I have been overwhelmed by the love and compassion shown.
I will still endevour to post and comment as often as I can, but if I can’t, then please know you are ALL tresured (with a few anonymous exceptions) and all in my thoughts.

I can’t wait to be on the other side of this hell and back to being ME. I have so many hopes and dreams for life
and directions I want to take this blog in, among other things. I’m not giving up, I’m just stepping back for a while.

Sorry, this blog has gone from outfit posts and random things to a blog about my illness which I never intended, but then, life doesn’t always work the way it should. It’ll be a thing of the past soon enough.

Have a wonderful weekend, make the most of the weather…and don’t forget the suncream!


P.S. I so caved in and ordered the Essie polish from my last post!

151 comments for “weekend

  1. I like your dress and I always like the ‘heavy’ side of your blog. Life is’nt always easy or light.
    I send you a big hug from Italy!!!

  2. You will get through it… the first step is acceptance and you have done that. Just hang in there. You will be alright.

    Love the maxi dress… you looked so relaxed! xoxo

  3. i think you’re really, really brave. i’m so sorry things have got really tricky for you, but i’m sure you with the help of the wonderful people around you will pull through. just focus on getting better! i shall eagerly await your return πŸ™‚ x

  4. & im not going to abandon ship on your blog !
    however im not sure what illness you are referring too? i must be a bad blogger.. oh dear.

  5. Ahhh dear… *hugs* Dont worry everything’s gonna be alright. You’re a strong woman and i know you can get passed this hurdle.
    We’re just here for you. πŸ™‚

  6. Daisy – many of us don’t have any plans to abandon you! What you are going through is so hard but its part of who you are and your recovery; and how you are coping (or not) is something that we care about. Don’t ever apologise for posting about how you are feeling, it’s your blog. Sending you so much love and hopes for the future.
    Kandi xxx

  7. I read, but don’t always comment. Seeing your name pop up in Reader is always a reassurance that you’re still okay. You are thoroughly beautiful, regardless of what’s going on in your life. Just… be well. Strive to be well, in your mind and body. Believe in it.

    (Oh hey, and if you’re going to be admitted soon, drop me a message with the address so I can send you a cheer-up package.)


  8. Have just found your blog via Jo’s Clothes, of course you had to be wearing a maxi-dress as I know how much Jo loves them, and they are great. Was looking through your earlier posts, you have such a gorgeous face and I hope you feel better soon.
    RedHead/another Jo πŸ™‚ x

  9. my darling, I love that dress on you. I know you are feeling low right now but your eyes are calm and beautiful. everything will be ok. A bed will open, you will get the treatment you need and come back to us as a happier Daisychain.

    We love you, I love you.

  10. We are all praying for you. Please believe that life can be better than this. Remember all the times before, when you were happier. Life can be like that again. You’re a beautiful person and you don’t need to apologise. So many of us know what you are going through and we totally understand. Be kind to yourself, there’s too many people in the world who won’t. Pouring out my heart to you,


  11. I wish you all the best, girlie. Hope for you to get better soon.

  12. we’re all here to support you Laura, don’t worry! I’m sending a big big virtual hug your way, keep being brave & get well soon xoxo

  13. Firstly, the dress is stunning and you look fantastic in it.

    Secondly, and more importantly, I’m sure no-one minds if you don’t comment or blog as much, so I really hope you stop feeling bad about it. The bed will be there soon and then you can start chasing those hopes and dreams. We’ll be here cheering you on πŸ™‚

  14. darling, you do what you need to do. whether you step back for a little while or a little longer while, i think i can speak for most of your followers when i say we will be here waiting for you when you come back.

    we just want you to be well and happy and on your way to fulfilling those dreams. i’m really glad you are focusing on your future and what lies ahead, because you’re right – there is so much ahead of you that i know you are going to KICK ASS at πŸ™‚

    here’s hoping a bed becomes available for you soon, but in the meantime take whatever time you need for yourself. you don’t have to justify yourself to us!

    lots of love and hugs to you πŸ™‚

  15. everything will turn well sweetie!
    big hugs from Ro:*

  16. What would be of this world if every time someone was going through a rough patch his/her friends decided to abandon him/her?
    No way!
    I hope everything goes well. Count on us πŸ™‚

  17. JCx

    I really admire your bravery for admitting how your condition’s affecting you. I wish you all the best and hope you recover well. You’re a beautiful person <3 x

  18. I have been reading your blog for a while now. Yet I have never felt brave enough to comment. I guess in a way I have not known what to say, that might sound a little weird, but because I don’t know you personally I felt like maybe It wasn’t right for me to comment regarding such personal issues, but I have been reading and admiring your very pretty outfits.

    I truly think you are so brave and a talented blogger. You are one of the best and I am saddened by the fact you have such a difficult illness in your life. But at the same time think you are incredibly courageous for talking about it through your blog.

    I know you will overcome this. x

  19. Hey, just look after yourself and keep fighting. The blogosphere and all of us will definitely still be here when you’re ready.

  20. You look so beautiful in those pics laura πŸ™‚
    please don’t feel bad about comments etc, the last thing you need right now is an extra, avoidable stress, and those that know what you’re going thru won’t be offended I’m sure!

    I just hope that you get the chance to be admitted soon, and come out happier and ready to start a new chapter of your life! I promise to visit whenever you need cheering up or taking shopping πŸ™‚ x

  21. I hope you get better soon my dear. We all care about you so much and it’s so hard to see you in this state! You are such a beautiful, lovely, kind person, and you deserve to get better and get help asap. Sending big hugs xx

  22. You ordered the essie nail polish – well done!
    I looked at it today in Douglas drugstore and the colour is so beautiful.

    Best wishes and a million of hugs from me to you!
    You are always in my thoughts and I’m happy about each single one of your posts.


  23. I wish you all the best. I’m sure you’ll make it through all of this.

    lots of hugs

  24. so glad you ordered the nail varnish dear – you deserve a treat from the sounds of it. I truly hope a bed frees up soon, but either way I have so much faith in you to get better πŸ™‚ Love the blog, and will miss you while you’re gone!


  25. Hang in there, I know its hard and I know that feeling of being stuck, of wanting to be better but just struggling to get there and not getting anywhere.
    You have a good opportunity when a bed becomes available, it will be a real chance for you to get a proper life back.
    Your in my thoughts,

  26. I wish I could say something to make things better for you m’love..

    Just know that you’re in my thoughts, & I know you’re going to come through the other side of this.

    By the way, love the outfit – the colour of the cardi is gorgeous πŸ™‚

    Take care,


  27. I don’t plan on abandoning ship any time soon! YOu need to focus on yourself and getting back to the place where you want to be! You deserve more than anything to get back to happy, and that can take a while, I know, I’ve been there too!

    Take care of you!!

  28. Good luck with everything sweetie, wishing you the best x

  29. i love ur dress and a probelm shared is a probelm halfed?

    i hope everything gets better :3

  30. Hey hun, my thoughts are always with u,I’m praying for u and I know things will get better. U look as gorgeous as always : ) xxx

  31. Aww hun, you are in our thoughts too. I’m not going to pretend I understand what you’re going through, but I am wishing you the best and really truly hope you come through it happy and healthy πŸ™‚


  32. Your maxi dress is beautiful. I love how you paired it with the green sweater! Love the bold colors.


  33. I love the dress, so cute!

  34. Dear, I think you’re one of the most brave persons I’ve ever “meet” by the blogsphere. And I tell you why: you’re scared, like alittle girl, but you fight everyday against your illness, and you share your fears and worries with us. You want to change, and I think that’s the most important thing besides all; as you said, you want to be YOU again.
    I know that to reach this conclusion for oneself is not easy, and that the road has been long and tedious for you … but here you are determined to change. That’s why I admire you, and I’m sure lots of people do here too.

    So, one of the hardest parts is done; now comes another hard part: wait, and trying to recover. But you’re strong, I know that, and you can do it. So be a little patience and smile to the sun, that it’s outside πŸ˜‰

    Receive all my love from Spain, sweetie!


  35. Kb

    You always look fab in your outfits, and I know you want to progress and get healthier, so don’t worry about it coming across in your blog. I keep reading not only for the posts, but to hopefully see you on the other side of this. Write whatever and whenever you feel like it, I’m still here.

    Kb from I Want You To Know

  36. sweetie i hope you get better soon πŸ™‚ ” everything is okay in the end, and if it’s not okay then it’s not the end! ” hang in there, you’ll get through this πŸ™‚ looking beautiful as always, love your maxi dress & adorable shoes!

  37. loving the maxi dress..very cute..
    and you have beautiful eyes girl!

  38. oh sweetie, I wish we didn’t live so far away and I could give you a real big *HUG*. I know you’ll get through this, and I would never even dream of abandoning you or your blog! You have my support all the way.


  39. Wishing and thinking of you! Hold in there, it will be all worth it in the end. All your dedicated readers will always be here…including me! xxxx

  40. Hey!! Life will be better soon..I promise! Keep your spirits up and know that there are so many girls who care about you and want to see you happy! Take care of yourself and we understand if it takes a little time. We’re all rooting for you! xoxxoxoxoxoxoo

  41. Of course I’ll keep following! I really hope things start to get better soon, maybe being admitted will be the start if it. Just concentrate on getting better xx

  42. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through such a difficult time and I really hope life gets easier for you as quickly as possible.

  43. Good for you for being to finally admit to yourself…it’s an important step to make.

    Way to go for nail varnish…oh how I wish there was some that I was able to put on without allergy hell.
    My sister loves Essie polishes too…I can only look on as she applies lovely colours! πŸ™

    Take care. xx:)

  44. Don’t be silly about blogging-we all totally understand! Can’t you push harder for a bed considering how you’re feeling-have a word with the G.P maybe?

    You’ll come out of this-we’re all thinking of you.

    Life is like a cup of tea-its how you make it (haha my mum comes up with some BRILLIANT Quotes!)

    Get excited about things to come when you’re strong and healthy. Look forward-tomorrow will be a better day.

  45. oh and you look so gorgeous in that dress! i wish i could pull of a maxi like you!

  46. hugs!!!!!
    You never have to apologise it’s your blog πŸ™‚
    My thoughts are with you in this hard time keep aiming for your dreams and you’ll get there =)

  47. The sweater has such a marvelous shape, it looks great with the dress.
    I am continuously amazed by how much you continously share here. You are so brave and someday soon, you will get better.

  48. Jo

    Hi Laura,

    Am soo sorry that you are still waiting for your treatment to start. I always enjoy your posts, whatever the subject. So keep posting when you can people will still read it. And for those who are leaving anon hates, GET A LIFE and LEAVE LAURA ALONE. You don’t have to read this blog.

    Love, hugs and positive vibes.
    Jo xx

  49. Hey lovely girl
    Firstly – so sorry to hear you’re going through a difficult time in your illness at the moment. I know you’re strong and will get through this ok.
    Secondly – never apologise for being YOU in your blog. You showcase your reality, and if you feel comfortable in doing so, go ahead. You know you have support in your readers. I hope our support gives you the strength to keep smiling.
    Thirdly – thank you for your lovely email. Sorry I have not replied. I have been really busy, and a little run down this past week. I am going on a trip for work this week so I want to stay well for that.
    If you are taking a break from the blog, I will miss you. But I wholeheartedly encourage you to do hat’s best to help you heal.
    Love Carly

  50. You are so brave. I really hope a hospital bed pops up soon, I know how much you want to be better and your hopes and dreams can then be put in place, you can start working towards them etc. We are all here to support you x

  51. you wear that maxi dress so well!


  52. I’m sorry to hear you’re going through such a difficult time…but I’m with you indeed we with you and you are strong…and you are sweet too.


  53. Sending you LOTS of love!! <3

    I’m so sorry things aren’t getting better and I don’t know what to say other than if you can get through it life will get better! sometimes we get dished up a load of crap on our plate and it’s just too much to handle. and that’s okay! don’t ever apologize for it ^_^

    you look lovely doll, that drapey sweater is fantastic


  54. Aww honey, sorry your feeling so down at the mo. Keep strong you can get past this and on that road to recovery. Hopefully that hospital bed will come through for you soon and you can back to being YOU. I love reading your blog and always love your comments on my blog too. I shall never abandon ship on you,so don’t worry, even if you can’t blog as often, I understand, we all understand! We just want you to be better.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend too, it’s so hot here in Cardiff it’s almost unbearable!
    I’ve got a little care package here for you so will email you for your address!
    Love always

  55. I still cannot believe that people can be such cold hearted bastards and leave you hate messages. Or maybe they’re 12 years old and don’t realize what they’re doing?
    I like that you talk about the darker/sad side of your life. It makes your blog more real. So keep fighting and get better πŸ˜‰
    PS I am so in love with those shoes! I want that Essie polish too!

  56. We’ll be patiently waiting until you get better. Which you will, just remember that.

  57. Don’t be sorry for all the ‘deep’ stuff, I think it’s brave of you to open up to your readers about such personal things and I really admire you for that. You are an inspiration and I really hope that everything works out for you and you can get better and achieve all the things you want in life.

  58. Stay strong beautiful girl. But Stay strong has to mean something different now. Stay strong means keep loving, stay strong means keep living…
    I totally understand what you feel. I’ve been in the same situation and believe me, recovery is posible! It’s not a guarantee, it’s a possibility… but it’s not crazy, it’s real. LOVE is the only way to get out of that daily Hell.
    It’s up to you, if you really want it, you’ll get it.
    Best wishes for you and of course I’ll keep following your blog, I love it!

  59. you shouldn’t apologise for sharing that part of your life, life isn’t always going to be AMAZING. everything will get better and of course we’re still all going to read the blog. xx

  60. I am sorry to hear about your hospital visit! I hope you are doing better. You look lovely in these photos. I truly adore your striped dress. I agree though having support from “blogland” is pretty nice. It’s weird how you can get connected to a virtual world.


  61. Liz

    I’ve read your blog for a while now, I’ve never commented, but always wanted to, just never found the words.
    You are so brave. I admire you no end. I know its hard, I’ve been in your position, my best friend has. We came out of it and are now happy. And you will too.
    It takes time, it takes strength. But it takes courage to even concider getting help.
    I wish I could take it all away, but all I will do is wish and pray for your quick recovery.
    I hope you get your bed soon, keep safe and well x

  62. I do consider you one of my bloggy friends, so I do wish you all the well. I really hope that you get well soon and everyting works out for the best. Don’t worry about us; we’ll all still be here, just get yourself better πŸ™‚

  63. I genuinely hope you feel better soon, and you know that we will all be here waiting for you when you are πŸ˜€ Sending lots of love your way πŸ™‚ xxxxx

    P.S. Try not to worry abt anonymous commenters, I had some recently and it was horrible but if they want to be mean I can’t stop them! They are pathetic so try not to worry about them!

  64. You are being so brave Laura, especially admitting to yourself that this will be very hard. Is there anyway you could start treatment at home? Maybe not fully but get a head start before you get to go to the hospital. I don’t know really. You have all our support anyway and people who don’t like what you write just shouldn’t read!

  65. I will never abandom ship. Im here to stay. so get well soon my dear.
    You’ve so many friends who can be strong for you if you cant.
    sending u hugs πŸ™‚
    vicki xo

  66. Your outfit is lovely, I do really like that dress.

    Don’t worry about the blogging, it’s more important that you concentrate on yourself. I for one am not going to abandon ship if you have to take a bit of a break!

  67. Mat

    well sometimes it’s good to take a break from it all, as they say, rest is best. also if someone did abandon ship is doesn’t say much for them….and i don’t think anybody will.

    take care

  68. DaisyB – I love your blog. It was discovering your blog that got me into fashion blogging and led me down the road of eventually starting a blog myself. Starting my own blog has given me more enjoyment and confidence than I could have ever imagined possible. So please know that you have positively impacted my life and that I will be here for you as a friend whenever you need me. xx

  69. Hey, we won’t stop reading just because things aren’t so good right now. I’m sorry you’ve had a bad weekend, I have a little something from holiday to send you that might cheer you up so I’ll try and make it to the Post Office tomorrow. Vicki xxx

  70. i wish you all the best in your recovery. you are a wonderful person and by the 67 comments on this posting.. you have a lot of support. getting healthy is the most important thing right now. we will be here eagerly awaiting your recovery. sending lots of love and good vibes your way.


  71. wow! nice blog!
    are you a MODEL? you’re so skinny and beautiful =D

    by the way,I’m following you here!


  72. Definitely not going anywhere either! You are such a great person Laura and you’ve been really helpful and generous to me! Stay strong, my best wishes are with you!

  73. Well I’m not abandoning ship. =) Girl you have the strength to overcome everything and yes, as difficult as things may be right now and we might have to live them and whine “why me”, there is always light at the end of the darkest forest, no matter what comes your way. Just stay strong, stay sane and stay in love with life. =) If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to drop a line.

    Oh, and the maxi-dress is gorgeous on you. I’m short so maxi’s aren’t my thing, lol.

  74. i will never abandon ship. for sure.
    take your time sis. everything will be fine in godΒ΄s time.


  75. aww sweetie, feel better. We love you




  76. i’ve been praying for you : ) know that you’re not the only one trying to take control and stop living life in fear…letting go of fear has been very freeing for me and i know that when you decide to fulfill yourself, you’ll do just fine. i really like this outfit and the pic of you with the light on your face–you’re so pretty!! xo

  77. your outfit is lovely – i love the stripes. πŸ™‚

    Girl, take all the time you need. Your health is the very most important.


  78. ahhhaaa hope you’ll get well soon πŸ™‚


  79. Oh Laura…everything will work out for you in the end. You are thanking all of us; but I have to thank you for being such a wonderful part of the blogging community. Be it outfit posts, or heavier issues, you are a champion – and one of my very favorite people!

    By the way…yayay for ordering that Essie nail polish – love the color!! πŸ™‚

  80. Well, I for one am gonna stick around, if you don’t mind:)

    You are beautiful inside and out, Laura! And I hope whatever battles you’ve to go through, that you’ll come out of it a better you! Sending you a big bear hug!


  81. Hoping for the best for you!

  82. hang in there beautiful. Obviously everyone here loves you and is behind you. It’s so hard to imagine what your going through and it makes me realise how lucky I am to be happy and healthy.
    I hope a bed opens up for you soon πŸ™‚

  83. first of off, big love to ur dresss

    also, baby, i know blogging is a passion and a great escape and i hope u keep it up as much as u can but HEALTH comes first! sending alll my love to you

  84. Laura I like the lovely mix of colours! the yellow shoes, the green jacket and purple stripe dress is wonderful together.

    darling please try and concentrate on you and getting better. Do not worry about blogging or returning comments at all. It is stress that you do not need at the moment my dear and we all understand sweetheart.

    Sometimes ignorance and fear makes people do horrid things, so just take the negative comments as people who do not understand what you are going through.

    My prayer is God helps you through life a day at a time.

    Dont worry about not writing or commenting on blogs, take it a day at time sweetie and put you,your health and family first dear.

    Just keep focused on those dreams and getting back to YOU as your put it and you will. One day your experience will be inspiration and strength for someone else.

    And no apologies for the direction your blog has taken is needed hun,please write when you feel and about whatever you want to share.

    praying for you Laura.Don’t give up.


  85. I think it is safe to say that your blogworld support is here to stay! We want you to be happy and understand that things may have to change in order for that to happen.
    We’re here!

  86. I wish you all the best! I hope a bed opens up soon for you!
    You look good in the Maxi dress. I wish I could wear those dresses, but I’m too tiny…

  87. stay strong… you’re beautiful and think about all the dreams u have to reach in life… make them real… that’s why we are all alive… and that’s how I continue living everyday…(trying to make all my dream come true)
    that dress is amazing…
    love from Peru πŸ˜‰

  88. be strong & don’t ever give up dear
    love ur maxi dress stripes (^^)


  89. Of course we’re going to stick around, life isn’t a field full of daisies is it, i like a blog to be honest, and more to real life rather than just sprinkled with fairy dust ;). I noticed that you wasn’t looking too well with your illness and i’ve get everything crossed that you’re able to fight this and overcome it to a more healthier, fun filled future, you can do it!!!!

    P.S. Cute outfit πŸ™‚

    All my love, Sadie xxx

  90. hey :):) you do not ever have to apologize, you comment on my bloggie a lot and it makes me so happy! you are important and you need to do whatever is best for you. i wish you the best in your fight and i know you’ll be okay!!! xoxox

  91. Hey darling!
    I am so sorry to hear things are not going so well right now… Just focus on being well, enjoying the little pleasures of everyday life, family and friends, and try and be optimistic! It’s going to get better, you’re strong enough and you have lots of people supporting you, including all of your readers!
    I love your sense of colour in this outfit. The dress is amazing and the shoes are so cute!

    Thinking of you, lots of love! xxx

  92. Love that maxi dress! The green cardigan goes so well with the purple stripes!

    I’m so sorry you’re feeling like that at the moment, but I’m confident that you’ll fight through it all and recover fully. Blogging shouldn’t be a priority unless it’s instrumental in your well-being, but you should take care of yourself before anything.

  93. hello !
    your blog seems very nice ! i love that dress
    do u live in england ? you are very lucky, im lookinf for study there but :/
    kisses from France ! πŸ™‚

  94. Love your dress, it`s so georgeous:)

  95. I really hope you’ll be better soon. You are a magnificent girl and I am sure you’ll be better.

    lot of love from Spain πŸ™‚

  96. Love the outfit.

  97. We aren’t going anyywhere. We love you and we are all behind you. Cling to your dreams of the future, it will help you more than you can know yet. I have every belief you’ll be okay xxxx

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,
    English Rose x

  98. Blogging every day isn’t important (I would say that lol!). What is important is that you look after yourself and take the time you need and just do what you feel like doing. Take care xx

  99. I love the long maxi dress. : )

  100. I love that your blog represents all areas of your life. I truely have my fingers crossed that things are going to get better for you soon!

  101. I hope you feel better soon. I’m in the midst of struggles myself, so I understand how they can weigh and exhaust you. If you ever need an ear, I’m here.

  102. Take your time to feel better and come back only when you’re ready! We’ll be waiting for you dear!


  103. You are incredibly brave sweets. There are more of us suffering from disorders and, most importantly, recovering out here in the blogosphere than you know!!

  104. Stay strong Daisychain! I have faith you can get through this… and you will never loose us as a blog friends. You are beautiful inside and out, and you comments always brighten our day!!

    xoxo Meggasus and Katie-Lu, sending love your way!

  105. I’m so sorry to hear that you are dealing with illness and that life has been so rough for you lately dear. I hope that things start to look up for you very soon πŸ™‚

    Glad you caved and bought the nail polish. Essie is my favorite. There’s nothing like new cutely painted nails to improve you mood πŸ™‚

  106. just remember, those who don’t want to hear the deep entries aren’t as dedicated as all of us :p we support you, darling..what you’re going through isn’t easy, and it is a struggle. we’re here for you!

  107. I wish you the very best my dear and I’m sure you’ll be all right, keep the dreams and goals alive those will be your best medicine. Thanks for such an honest post πŸ™‚ Hope you get well soon my dear! I’ll keep reading your lovely blog.
    Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog!!

  108. wow i really love that long dress.
    so comfy..

    and about ur story im so sorry dear..
    there will be a sunshine after the rain..

  109. Hey my love.
    I’m so sorry for my lack of replies. My internet’s been down for a few weeks and I’m finally getting back to comments now. I absolutely adore your maxi dress; I could never pull it off!

    I’m so sorry to hear that life is so hard for you at the moment. I really hope things start getting better for you soon.

    lots of love x

  110. I’m so jealous of your weather, It’s somewhat abysmal here

  111. cool post!!

    lovely maxi dress!!!!!!

    thanx for ur so sweet comm:))



  112. Darling, the words of the heavy side of your post touched me so much that I almost started crying…It’s a hard way, but you’re a strong girl and you’ll get through it. I know it!
    Many kisses for you :*

  113. hey gorgeous, beautiful girl.
    I admire your strength, your determination and just you.
    Its your blog so you put on here whatever the hell you want, ok?

    and you are beautiful, from the inside.

    I support the decision you are making, and support it fully.

    All the best. My utmost best wishes your way hun. And I look forward to you coming back more strong and on the oter side of your illness (but not more beautiful, because you already are).


  114. please please PLEASE do not even think about having to justify blogging less! you are struggling with a life threatening illness and are being tormented by ED thoughts i am sure, you need to focus on getting well. i just want to give you a huge hug and tell you to hang in there and stay hopeful, because things DO get better. i hope a hospital bed opens up asap for you….love you hun

  115. Love this!! The maxi is beaut πŸ™‚ xx

  116. Laura you look fab in the maxi dress. Those 2 colours are great together.

    No need to apologise about dipping in and out or about ‘heavy’ posts. Thats life and I’m sure we all understand and just look forward to your posts when you are up to it.

    Big hugs.

  117. Hey hun, I’m sorry to read this post and know that you’re suffering. I don’t really know what to say because I really have no idea what you’re going through. All I can say is that you have all our support on your side and I hope you get better soon. You deserve to be happy and healthy. Hang in there!!


  118. Jen

    Love those sunshine yellow shoes! I think taking a step back, a deep breath and some time to work on your health. We’ll still be here when you’re ready to come back. xx

  119. It takes a strong person to be brave like you and I am very inspired by it. Keep hanging in there and make sure to put yourself before your blog, it (and we) will be there for you when you return…love the maxi dress and the purple stripes!!


  120. Beautiful and casual outfit, that’s what I would throw on any given day too πŸ™‚

    I hope things turns around for you soon Laura. You are awesome, stay strong. I’ll be here waiting for your next post.

  121. Hey Laura, thanks for the blog comment. You look stunning in the maxi dress, I wish I could wear them. I understand the feelings you’re going through. Having depression can illicit similar states of limbo as you say. I am sending you lots of virtual love and even though we don’t know each other all that well, I do hope you start feeling like your old self again soon and remember, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even though it doesn’t seem that way. Get well soon lovely. xxx

  122. You look so pretty in these pictures, Laura. It is said that, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” You have shown that you are a “tough” girl by your responses and your perseverance in battling unpleasant situations here on your blog. And I applaud you. Hang in there — you *will* beat this.



  124. this may sound corny but i am so proud of you for not only realizing and accepting what you are dealing with, but for telling us. what courage you have, and if people abandon you fuck them (excuse my french) but really, this is your blog and this is your life. you are of upmost importance right now. i have dealt with addictions, and other such things and it is hard but you will get well. sending you lots of love. if you need anything feel free to e-mail me anytime. me@apparellel.com



    p.s. you look absolutely amazing in that maxi. stunning!

  125. J.

    Do not worry about others right now, the most important thing for you right now is to get through this. We all understand, because even though our issues might not be the same as yours, we all have issues we need to deal with from time to time. You do not need to apologize or explain if you dont want to.

    All the best, and good luck!!

  126. laura i truly believe u are such a strong person, take care of ur health and follow the doctor’s order.

  127. Just read the first three comments: Laura, Danniekate and Leah, and they all said it better than I ever could.


  128. laura, from my heart i want to wish you well. Your blog is a proof that we can all be connected and help each other without even having met. You have to be strong and believe that you will get through this. And please don’t even apologize to us, we follow your blog, and love it, and we will keep on following.

    Your outfits are always great, and you look lovely in this dress:)

    I wish you all best.Good luck and be strong.

  129. You’re so pretty πŸ™‚

  130. I’m so sorry to hear about this, I haven’t blogged in a while but I haven’t abandon ship! Keep strong, don’t worry about others and not blogging. It’s important that you concentrate on yourself right now. I hope you get better soon. I’m sending you a big HUG!!

  131. This post almost made me cry. I promise I’m gonna pray for you, just please be as optimistic as you can and don’t worry about us all, we won’t leave you. It’s natural that you don’t want to make outfit posts when you’re so concerned about your health. Never mind those who had some problems with you. Concentrate on yourself and please, get healthy again! I’m sure you’re very brave so good luck!

  132. thx daisy. i love the maxi dress you are wearing here. well i wish you well and that your spirit will remain strong. look at all these ppl that care about you and support you.

  133. Hello lovely,
    I am not sure what you are going through at the moment but I hope you get better soon! Your blog is lovely and no matter how little or often you blog we will all still be here praying you get better soon! Remember how strong you are and how many people are rooting for you here! Good luck and God Bless – take as long as YOU need!


  134. I just found your blog and I feel a little shy about commenting on a post like this since we haven’t corresponded through blogs/comments yet. But I just wanted to reach out and offer encouragement. You seem like a strong, intelligent woman. You’ll get through it.

  135. L

    Good luck! Love your dress πŸ™‚
    L x

  136. gorgeous post…lovely maxidress…beautiful outfit

  137. loooove your dress

  138. love your shoes!

  139. God you are skinny. Love your shoes so cute

  140. WOW! I am loving the outfit!
    Sorry, have been so busy this summer, have been out of the blogging scene. Thanx so much for your lovely comment on my blog!! πŸ™‚ I am back, and have a new post up! Check it out.xx


  141. I love the maxi dress with the blue cardigan, completely chic! The shoes just top it off…I hope that everything works out for you! I know some things are tough to go through but keep your head up and keep hoping and it will all work out!

    Love always,
    Breckenridge Clare


  142. My first time commenting, but I wanted to send all my well-wishes to you. ugh, dehydration, I was in the hospital for 2-days in May with that. The most painful thing ever. I’m so glad that you are recovering.

    Your blog is very sweet.