weekends and wishes

True to form, I’m feeling much better after a fabulous weekend. Friday night, letting my hair down put me back in a good mood and planted a smile firmly on my face.

Β How amazing is Becca’s hair? A few weeks ago it was long and blonde. Now it’s PURPLE and amazingly short. I’m obsessed! The necklace I’m wearing was a gift from the awesome people over at Jon Richard (more to come on that as they have an exciting new website and gorgeous A/W collection on the way!)

Something else that seriously brightened up the week was the Fairy Hobmother who lives at Appliances Online
She spends her days visiting blogs and granting wishes. I’ve been desperate for a bread maker for ages now, and danced around the office on Thursday when I received an e-mail saying my wish had been granted.

Make sure you leave your hearts desire in the comments here, you never know…you might be the next lucky person to have a fairy wish granted!
I can’t wait to show off my bread making experiments. If you have a killer recipe, do share!


39 comments for “weekends and wishes

  1. Glad you had a lovely weekend!
    And congrats on the breadmaker, that is such great news:)

  2. I’m glad you are now feeling cheerful! :]
    Going out always cheers me up too!

    A breadmaker?! COOL! <3

    Heart’s desire at the moment: A fisheye camera. Been wanting it for awhile now!

    By the way, I’m having an international Pura Vida bracelets giveaway so come check it out! :]

    xoxo, Bree


  3. Yay, see sweet things keep coming at ya!

    I’d love a Smeg fridge… or a curling iron;)

  4. Lovely pics! I’d love a big hair styler thingumajig, still can’t dry my ‘do properly!

  5. Omg, I’m desperate for a visit to the Fairy Hobmother! I’ve been begging for months now :p

    I’m after an ice cream attachment for my Kitchenaid! Imagine the things I could come up with… *dreams*

    Katie xox

  6. Hope you are having a great weekend, what a lovely surprise from the fairy hobmother.

    If i could have one wish it would be for a fridge/freezer with a water dispenser.

    My fridge freezer is really small and so to fit jugs of water in as well as a weeks shopping there is no chance. Nothing like ice cold water on tap all day xx

  7. Aw glad you’re feeling a bit better after a lovely weekend sweetie πŸ™‚
    And lucky you getting a bread maker! There’s nothing better than fresh bread!
    I’d wish for a Vitamix because whenever I try making protein smoothies, my little mini blender sprays it all over my kitchen!

  8. Vix

    I’m glad things are better for you. You make a gorgeous pair.
    I’d be very happy to adopt you, you know that! x

  9. well, hello pretty! looks like someone’s been having fun! xx

  10. Glad you had a lovely weekend, love the pics. Well done on your prize too :).

    Sadie xx

  11. Glad to hear you had a fab weekend!

    Bread makers are amazing, I am sure you will love yours!

    I would love the Fairy Hobmother to visit me with a Kindle tucked under her fairy wing!

  12. I have a bit of a weird obsession with bread. Any kind, any size! But something tells me you’ll make it better than I could haha.

    I’m off to uni in a few weeks and I’d love some new warm clothes and shoes for the cold weather I’m moving to.


  13. Oh wow lucky you getting a breadmaker, I’ve always wanted to try out one of those although what I REALLY want is an ice cream maker, ice cream is my fave I could seriously LIVE off the stuff! It is my birthday tomorrow though so fingers crossed xoxo

  14. I wish I could be as brave as Becca with my hair – and you for that matter, you colour-lovers you.

    And as for the fairy hobmother, I can’t quite believe such a thing exists…I KNEW it!! Haha, all my baking dreams answered πŸ˜› If she’s listening, a kitchenaid wouldn’t go amiss!


  15. Ah breadmakers are fab! (mine needs dusting since I havent found a good gluten free recipe yet…)
    You and your friend both look fab!

  16. glad you’re feeling better. Enjoy your breadmaker, we have one and then SMELL of fresh bread cooking is divine.

  17. Glad you’re feeling a lot better πŸ™‚
    The breadmaker is such a wonderful gift and I’m sure it will be put to good use xxx

  18. Gosh, lucky you! I’d love a smoothie maker πŸ™‚

  19. We use to have a bread maker and the smell of the bread baking was divine! I donno why my mam stopped using it though. Can’t wait to see the bread you end up making x

  20. Mat

    you’re obsessed with cooking aren’t you. cheers for that, maybe i should do some commissions!

  21. Oh this is the 2nd blog I have visited tonight that mentions the fairy hobmother. I’d never heard of her but i think I’m starting to grasp it. Electricals…hmm, a toasted pannini maker! Love your haul!

  22. I can’t wait to see the bread you make, especially as you always wake up very early ! It means you can make bread early and make your home smell lovely for when your parents wake up !

    I have just been inspired to go and make some bread, i want some fresh bed to have with my marmite.

  23. Lovely necklace,whoo what a lovely present from the fairy hobmother,I have heard so much about her but she has never visited me,I would love her to leave me a do-nut make or anything that makes sticky yummy thing,s πŸ™‚

  24. Glad you’re feeling better. Your friend’s hair looks amazing. xx
    We Shop Therefore We Are

  25. Glad you had a lovely time! Lovely to see you smile!
    That’s a cool fairy hobmother! I think my wish would be for a food blender that I could make soups and smoothies in if the fairy were listening!

  26. I NEED A BREADMAKER!!!! What an amazing present! I love the idea of the smell of bread baking, heaven!!

    Lovely outfits btw xxx

  27. looks like you had a fab time!!
    oh and I’m content with everything at the mo!!

    Jules @ a bit of jules

  28. It gives me so much joy to hear you’ve been doing well. You and your friend are absolutely lovely!

  29. Looks like you had a really awesome day! I didn’t know there were breadmakers, thats cool, can’t wait to see what you come up with..

  30. yum fresh bread! I can smell it from here!

  31. I have never tried to make bread but I love to eat it fresh so maybe I should try!


  32. oh how fab about the breadmaker, it’s so much better for you – i can’t believe some of the rubbish thats in processed loaves. ick!

    at the moment i’m wishing for some nail art pens, i keep seeing such lovely designs on blogs!

  33. MJ

    Outside pics! How nice!

  34. Ahh the Fair Hobmother strikes again! After measuring out all my flour and oats on the weekend for my cookies on a very old pair of scales, I’d love an electric one, so I could actually measure out the right amount for once!

    Bhav x

  35. I love the outdoor photos πŸ™‚
    I’m very jealous of your breadmaker, i’d love one.
    My wish would be for a new Chanel nail polish! x

  36. So glad you had such a good weekend, I did too!
    I really hope the fairy hob mother will visit me, although I can’t decide between a printer for when I start college, an MP3 player or Amazon vouchers so I can get my textbooks for college!

  37. Ah you look lovely in the pink! Fab news on the breadmaker, can’t wait to see what you do with it. I would go for a steamer I think – Dad’s bringing home so much veg from his allotment at the mo! x