What to Do When You Have Been Injured at Work*

Injuries can happen in the workplace. That is the unfortunate truth. If you experienced an injury in the workplace, there are certain things you must do immediately to ensure that you get well as soon as possible and that you also get any compensation that is owed to you.

To get compensation, you need to make sure that you take all the right steps immediately after the injury has occurred. Here is a look at what you need to do to ensure that you heal quickly and get any compensation that is owed to you.

Report Your Injury to Your Employer

One of the most important steps you will need to take is to report your injury to your employer. You need to ensure that you give a detailed report whether in writing or through email of the circumstances surrounding your injury. 

This means you need to tell your employer when, and where it occurred. Failure to do this can significantly impact your case in the long run.

Seek Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention is probably the first thing that you will do once you have been injured. It is a good idea to let your doctor know that it is a workplace injury so that it can be documented in your medical records.

Your medical records will be critical to your case. Make sure that you do not leave anything out and that your doctor knows everything that happened to you. This will ensure that you not only get the right medical treatment but that your doctor can make the correct recommendations about how much time off you will need and the medical expenses that you will incur.

A workplace injury, often requires that you contact an attorney for legal advice, especially if your claim is contested. Even the most diligent personal injury attorneys are going to need evidence to win your case. This is why medical records are so important.

Keep Your Records

When you have been injured at work and it’s up to you to ensure that you keep accurate records of all the days that you are out of work and any income that you have lost. You cannot depend on anyone else to do this for you. 

Your employer, while they should be keeping a strict check on this, may not have your best interests at heart.

Even if they do, it is still up to you to ensure that you keep good records of when you are absent from work, how long you have been out, and how much money you have been spending on your medical expenses. All of this will be looked at when the time for your compensation for your injuries occurs. 

You are usually not only entitled to compensation for any pain that you may lose but you are often entitled to any mileage that you have incurred because you need to travel to the doctor or other medical facilities to deal with your injury.

Get Legal Help

One of the things you need to do if you are injured on the job is to get an attorney. This is especially true if the insurance company is having issues with your claim. It may be because they would like you to settle for less than you deserve or because your employer does not want to pay you for the injury that happened.

Unfortunately, this does happen and it is not wise for you to try to make your legal journey by yourself. The law can get complicated when it comes to compensation for work injuries. If you feel like you’re being shortchanged in any way it’s best to seek legal representation.

Get Compensation

A workplace injury is something that can happen to anyone. If you have an injury it is very important that you get medical help as soon as possible  You need to make sure that you give your doctor all the necessary information so that they can write up your medical records. 

You also need to ensure that you inform your employer as soon as possible. Make sure that you report your injury in as much detail as you can, so that when you make a claim your employer or the insurance company won’t say that you did not report the incident soon enough.

Finally, make sure that you keep accurate records yourself so that you will know exactly what to tell your attorney. The evidence that you provide will be critical and help your lawyer win your case.

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