WIN shapewear from Pretty Please

Party season is fast approaching and we all want to look our best. Sometimes we need a helping hand and Tightsplease have the solution with their new range of shapewear by Pretty Please

Pretty Please is the essential Lingerie and Shapewear brand for feminine, sexy and elegant underwear. Comfort and style in mind Pretty Please offer well fitted bras and matching sets. This hand picked range ensures there is something for everyone. As experts in the lingerie & shapewear industry we have trialed many of the best brands and put together this collection of the very best lingerie and shapewear.

Myself and Tightsplease have teamed up to offer you the chance to win the Strapless Full Slip which comes in nude and black and sells for a fantastic Β£22.99. The winner will get their pick of colour and size. How perfect would this be for making your killer dress look even more amazing?

I’ve tried to keep entering as simple as possible…

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck girls, you can check out the rest of the range on the Tightsplease website along with their AMAZING and extensive range of tights that I spend far, far too long browsing! xxx

73 comments for “WIN shapewear from Pretty Please

  1. va

    is your giveaway intl ?

  2. YES PLEASE. You are doing some seriously amazing giveaways at the moment Laura <3

  3. Preparation all the way – why don’t I take my own advice? The more you can get done in advance, the less you panic. The only trouble is, I buy the Christmas food early and eat it. Hence my need for shapewear πŸ™‚

    givinganswers [at] googlemail [dot] com


  4. Feel good tips for the festive season (particularly Christmas day since that’s what I’m planning for head-wise):
    1. Wear clothes that you feel good in- pretty and comfortable is the way forwards.
    2. Take time to do something nice for yourself. Might be the season for giving, but you need to give to yourself too.
    3. Remember why you’re there when meals and family events get stressful- to celebrate the holiday season and the good people in your life (or the religious things if you’re religious)

    That’s what I’m going to try and do for Christmas day when the stress of the big meal sets in anyway… =)

  5. Lois

    That could be just what the doctor ordered! I’m going to need this by the time they’ve finished with me, lol!

  6. Keep calm and drink tea, it’s the only way lol xoxo

  7. If it all gets a bit much, grab a brew and a book and have ten minutes to yourself! πŸ™‚


  8. Basically everyone should wear as much sparkle and jewel tones as possible. Nothing makes you feel better than dressing like a Quality Street.

  9. like to be comfy so i wear looser clothes

  10. comfy clothes one good tip, not too much alchol

  11. Prepare as much as you can in advance in order to cut down on stress and panic. Always wear loose clothing on Xmas Day πŸ™‚

  12. Wear a bright sparkly festive coloured polish to give yourself a big confidence boost!

  13. How do I enter? The thing under post is “loading” so can’t see what I have to do! Think I may well just buy one of these anyway… maybe an under-the-onesie shaper???!!!

  14. Don’t get hung up on everything being perfect. Just enjoy the time off and having fun with family and friends.

  15. Wear clothes you feel comfortable in and do little things to give yourself a confidence boost, such as; painting your nails bright colours, wearing your favourite shoes and always keep a smile on your face! πŸ™‚

  16. Just to have fun and relax


  17. Take water with it

    gholmes724 ((at)) gmail ((d0t)) com

  18. Don’t get stressed.
    Take time out.

  19. Anonymous

    Spending time with your family, laughing and having fun, there is nothing better.


  20. You are always well dressed if you are wearing a smile

  21. Preparation is the key to success! I made things that freeze well weeks in advance (mini pizzas, quiches, sausage rolls)

  22. Wear clothes you feel comfortable in and do little things to give yourself a confidence boost like Wear a bright sparkly festive coloured polish

  23. Preparation – I try and get EVERYTHING done in November and then I can enjoy December and the build up … and watching everyone charge around lol


  24. always wear what you are comfortable in and smile it helps boost confidence

  25. My tip is to try and relax and enjoy!

  26. Drink plenty of water and make sure you get plenty of sleep between your partying sessions

  27. I try not to eat much on the day of a big night out as then your stomach is smaller….pretty obvious really.

    Also prepare before and do trials of what you are going to wear and how you will do your hair in the days before…that way you are not rushed on the night and don’t get all stressed.

    I have entered this it looks fab

  28. Not to stress yourself over all the preparations, I rather have a happy day with a slightly imperfect dinner πŸ™‚
    Carolin x

  29. Make the most of the winter festivites vist the christmas markets & treat yourself to some mulled wine.. or go see a christmas pantomine you might enjoy it!

  30. Relax and go with the flow, have a nice glass of baileys, play some festive music and enjoy the time spent with family x

  31. My feel good tip would be to make sure you get in a short walk/run every week. It’s so tempting to stay in, but after a good walk it’s so nice to come into a cosy warm house. πŸ™‚ evespikey[at]

  32. my feel good tip is to just relax – Enjoy the festive sesion for the fun.

    dont stress over pressies, so what if you dont spend enough or people hate them – it really is the thought that counts
    Dont stress over weight – admit to yurself you Will put on weight and deal with it in the New Year
    Dont stress if you slack at work – its party time, you will be hungover and you will make a fool of yourself at the xmas party!

    just enjoy xx

  33. If you wanna still wear somthing like a dress in the winter just make sure you wear some tights and spruce it up with a scalf and hat that matches your bag then you wont need to feel cold you will also look good too πŸ™‚

  34. Dont stress, enjoy yourself πŸ™‚

  35. Drink a glass of water between alcoholic drinks.
    Prepare things for the big meal in advance if possible.

  36. To remember that everything will turn out alright so don’t stress. Its meant so be a happy time so enjoy it! If things don’t go well, it will be a funny story in a few years πŸ™‚


  37. I feel good simply painting my nails a pretty shade, listening to happy music and wearing a pretty dress.

    Simple things!

  38. Painting my nails and trying no to eat too much

  39. Definitely start prepping early then you know what money you have left to spend on yourself in the sales πŸ˜› xx

  40. Remember the shops are only shut ffor one or two days max

  41. My feel good tips is avoid shops as much as possible, prepare as much as possible in advance and don’t sweat the small-stuff.

    You can contact me via blogger or on twitter @magichappensxx

  42. Anonymous

    My feel good tip is to make sure that you make time for yourself and have fun. Its about you too, not just everyone else.

  43. Good underwear! if you feel good you look good too. Get the foundations right πŸ™‚


    Tiffany Oconnell


  44. Feel good tips, make a list of everything you need to do, prepare some food in advance and choose something to wear that is festive but still comfortable – after all that food and wine the last thing you want is some itchy tight fabric or towering heels to contend with!

  45. Take time to pamper yourself amidst all hustle and bustle of the season.

  46. Relax and don’t get stressed. Remember Christmas is a time to enjoy yourself and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

  47. To take time out by yourself once in a while rather than feeling the pressure of spending all the time with everyone else, which can get overwhelming!

    Karys x

  48. tell people to take you as you come, and just enjoy christmas warts and all

  49. Having a little boy makes christmas so much more magical, but stressful, so taking time out for me just to relax is my top tip, not that I’ll get a chance to do it! Twitter @missroc1, email


  50. sue

    cuddles at christmas are great

  51. Enjoy yourself but dont pig out! xoxo

  52. Always remember at christmas its the thought that counts and try not to stress in the run-up , it’ll be alright on the day.

  53. I have to say that I prefer not to buy last minute dresses but would rather wear something I love from my wardrobe for Christmas that I know is going to be comfortable with all that food being passed around… That said, shapewear to iron out the bulges is always a good idea as you want to look and feel fantastic in the photographs too!

  54. Enjoy yourself and try not to feel guilty!

  55. Keep up the water intake

  56. Always have your nails painted – sparkly colours are great this season, and just having your nails painted makes you feel girly and great πŸ™‚

  57. best advice is to stick with what you know and are comfortable with, no point going all outragous and buying clothes that you do not suit… then are stuck for something to wear!

  58. wear clothes that you feel comfortable in and pamper yourself so it makes you feel good

  59. Treat yourself to a nice beauty treatment you wouldn’t normally have all year around, spoil yourself with a bit of pampering and it’s sure to make you feel great. @HazyLou

  60. Enjoy yourself its once a year , make sure you get some you time in all the mayhem too x

  61. My feel good tip would be to wrap up warm and drink lots of hot chocolate πŸ™‚

  62. Wear a big smile first, then the clothes are secondary

  63. Be alone on xmas day! No not really

  64. Sarah Bull

    I always have lots of hand cream handy because my hands get so dry. ALso I make sure I paint my toenails because that alsways makes me feel better even if my feet are stuck in woolly socks for about 3 months over winter!

  65. i wear my big pants with dresses to make me feel slimmer so would love to try this. id be able to enjoy an extra mince pie or 2 with a little less guilt

  66. Lovely giveaway… I deffo new one of these for the party season!!

  67. Jude Dunn

    Keep calm and enjoy the festive season. @jadlgw on Twitter

  68. Jude Dunn

    Keep calm and enjoy the festive season. @jadlgw on Twitter

  69. Jude Dunn

    Keep calm and enjoy the festive season. @jadlgw on Twitter

  70. fab giveaway, would love it x

  71. Clare cherrington

    Lots of wine! X

  72. My feel good tip is to try to relax and enjoy it.Make the most of all the yummy festive goodies.

  73. Make sure you line your stomach before a big night out, and ensure you have plenty of hydration ready for when you return home! (@cluckyhen0)