Winner + Nails

Thank you to everyone who entered my Barry M giveaway! The winner of the special effects top coat is…


Congratulations lovely!

And to those who didn’t win, I hope to run more giveaways soon!

I’ve become a little obsessed with doing my nails, this weekend I’ve gone for Barry M flamingo pink with Rimmel matte top coat.

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I never notice how messy they are until I take photos. Oops.

32 comments for “Winner + Nails

  1. I have such nail envy at the moment. So very sad to have a nailvarnish allergy. One day I will find that one polish that’s ok to use.:(

    Have a good weekend. Xx

  2. Wow the Flamingo Pink looks amazing with Rimmel’s Matte Topcoat! Have you tried any other BarryMs with this topcoat? I find they look really nice 😀 x

  3. Well done Kandi and how lovely of you to do the giveaway Laura.
    Thats a very pretty nail colour I love it. You have such nice nails as well. I just brake mine at work all the time. x

  4. Eeeekkkk! How exciting, thanks honey I still havn’t found any so that is brilliant news!! I Love Barry M – you and Vix got me addicted. Thanks again.
    Kandi xoxo

  5. it’s a really cute colour 🙂

    xxx Charlie

  6. Thanks for sharing! I love it!


  7. love the colour!

    Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion

  8. Congrats Kandi!

    The matte top coat looks just fab over the pink 🙂

  9. I really need to get my hands on the matte top coat!

  10. LOVE the matte appeal!

  11. I need that nail color in my life… so amazing.

    Looking forward to another giveaway!

  12. the color is hott!! i love it 🙂

  13. I love that colour on your nails. Barry M do some gorgeous colours, and I’ currently wearing they’re beautiful green, Ninja, which I love very much. xxx

  14. don’t worry ^^ looking cute anyway! And nails always look corky in the photos! The color is great for you! perfect for that amazing pale pink jumper you’ve wore some posts ago!! 🙂

  15. i love painting my nails ^^ the colour looks great 🙂

  16. Pretty pink colour. I love the sweater from the previous post too

  17. it’s alright. i get disgustingly sloppy whenever it comes to painting nails time. you’re way better than me.



  18. Cute nail color,yeah I don’t notice my nails are messed up until I take photos of them.

  19. I ve never done red nail polish but it looks good on you! I am the red nail type of girl!

  20. Love the bright pink. I’ve also become a bit obssessed with painting my nails x

  21. What a pretty color! Lovely nails!

    ♥ Leia

  22. D.

    My nails are even messier, so don’t worry about it. We’re still learning 😉

  23. i love the pink shade. painting nails are fun!

  24. Love the matte top coat. i like how much its changed to look of just a simple nail varnish. i may have to invest in some of this! 🙂

  25. really nice photos! amazing post .)

  26. oooh like this colour! 🙂 x

  27. Congrats to Kandi! I can’t think of a more lovely winner. xxx

  28. Fantastic colour! I think Barry M has some lovely shades.

  29. love your nails 🙂

  30. That is such a perfectly pretty shade of pink! love it.