31.03 outfits, easter biscuits and life

Hello, I hope everyone is having a good week so far? This might turn in to a bit of an epic post, so apologies in advance!

Yesterday saw me gravitating towards a lot of blue for my outfit, I’m not sure why, it isn’t a colour I am instantly drawn to, but it also gave me a chance to re-experiment with the double denim approach.




I guess it’s a semi nautical look as well? I’m not sure, I did remember part way through the day why I don’t wear these shorts often; they button up both sides at the front and are a nightmare for toilet breaks!

Today I reverted back to my more typical style, not at all weather appropriate as it is still bitterly cold and miserable outside, but it’s almost April, I’m dressing for spring regardless…




As you’ve probably noticed by now, Wednesday is my typical baking day…with Easter on Sunday I went seasonal and made traditional Easter biscuits, which are a real family favourite. These smell incredible when baking with the spices and dried fruits!

You can find the recipe I used here
when it came to adding the spice, I was very liberal…so I hope they are still edible! I used approx a tsp of mixed spice, and a further tsp of cinnamon.



I couldn’t resist breaking away from the traditional round shape of the biscuit when I re-discovered some bunny shaped cookie cutters at the back of my baking supply drawer!

And finally, on a serious note,
my appointments Monday led to me having to make a difficult commitment in terms of treatment for my eating disorder,
I won’t say more than that for now as I’m unsure as to when things will happen etc,
but mentally my head is all over the place at the moment, and so, please forgive me if I don’t get around to commenting on your blogs as much as I usually do…it’s hard to focus and find the words.
Silly to apologise? Perhaps, but I have always prided myself on keeping up to date with everyone who takes the time to visit my little blog and leaves such wonderful words for me, so I do have a sense of guilt going on
*hides away embarrased*

Much love all

108 comments for “31.03 outfits, easter biscuits and life

  1. aaaah, i adore the denim blouse!!! happy easter πŸ™‚

  2. J.

    Good luck with everything, no matter what you end up doing! And dont worry about not being able to comment as much and stuff, I am sure people will understand. You DO have a good reason, after all! πŸ™‚

  3. I really love this skirt!! And the bunny biscuits are so cute!!
    And about commenting on people’s blogs, I’m sure everyone understands and you should not feel guilty at all..
    All I want is for you to get better, and I’m sure it is the wish of a lot of people here too πŸ™‚
    Take care,

    Iris xxx

  4. Lovely outfits I really like the denim one πŸ™‚ I am disappointed in the weather at the moment hopefully it’ll cheer up soon πŸ™‚
    Your baking looks amazingly tastey!
    Spend as much time as you need sorting your thoughts out I hope it goes well πŸ™‚ hugs!

  5. Aw my lovely, I appreciate that you feel guilty but we understand that it must be so so difficult for you. But you are strong enough to beat this and we all believe in you πŸ™‚

    Those first navy tights and boots look gorgeous! Navy suits you perfectly! x

  6. You can make anything look good!

    Hugs to you … boo to that eating disorder …

  7. Firstly, I hope you are ok, I will be thinking of you. Don’t worry about not commenting, I think your followers will understand.

    Secondly your first outfit is so cute! So are those bunny biscuits!


  8. hey hun, please don’t feel guilty! It sounds like there’s far more important things for you to deal with right now. Sending you loads and loads of love and good vibes xxx

    PS. those bunny cookies are sooo cute!!

  9. I really like the denim top, where is it from? I keep finding them but the cheapest I’ve found so far is Β£35 which I thought was a bit steep! Hope all is OK with you, try and keep doing what you love as it will help!


  10. I like how you put together for the first outfit. And my, how adorable are those bunny shaped cookies! Yum!

  11. love these outfits hun, and i will be following your lead with biscuit making this evening, i have a set of dinosaur cutters which haven’t yet been used so watch this space..

    you have lots to think about, and everyone understands that..know that we are here for you as and when you need it, always πŸ˜‰ xx

  12. Bunny-shaped biscuits are totally rad and appropriate for Easter darling! Well done for baking all the time for your family, I wish I could do that more often as I’d like.

    Hope you feel better each day, we’re here to support you (even in just pure words of encouragement)

    The skirt is gorgeous definitely spring time! xx

  13. Don’t worry about it, just focus on getting better. Hope your new treatment works out x

  14. Your health MUST come first. We love you and we be right here waiting for your comments:)

    love the denim on denim. looks fab. Never mixed myself but now Im inspired.


  15. Kb

    Never be embarrassed, we understand you need to sort out a few things right now, and will be with you each step of the way. x

  16. Jo

    Hey hun,

    Don;t feel guilty you need all your energy to be focused on getting well. Am sure we are all supporting you and sending you love, hugs and positive vibes.

    Good outfits and the biscuits look amazing.


  17. love the boots x

  18. I really wish you the very best in whatever happens, and hope that things fall into place for you πŸ™‚

    As for your blue outfit – it’s perfect, and blue is DEFINITELY your colour, I love the way you’ve paired the pieces together.

    Also…those biscuits…yummmmm :):)

  19. the first outfit gorgeous and the biscuits are sooo cute!!!

  20. I really like your skirt.
    Oh and I wish I could do more baking but have been told off for doing too much baking! Poo!

    Take care of yourself and keep warm. xx:)

  21. I love the second look! I’ve heard about the terrible weather in the UK (I’m just on holiday in Bangladesh at the moment) but you look lovely and summery anyway πŸ™‚

    Hope your apointments go well! xx

  22. The skirt it’s faboulus. I love your shirt BLUE πŸ™‚

    Β‘β™₯Besitos monosos y fashionistasβ™₯!

  23. those biscuits look yummy!

    i hate the feeling of my head being all over the place, it’s the worst feeling. i hope it all comes together for you soon.

    and don’t worry about us… we know you’ll be commenting again when you can πŸ™‚

  24. Lovely outfits Laura. Your take on double denim is great but I do think you look fabby in all those cheery florals you have.

    Can I have an easter bunny biccie? They look nummy! x

  25. Hello darling** Don’t worry and there is no need to apologize. We all hope you get better no matter what.
    Those outfits are lovely and i have a denim shirt just like yours πŸ™‚
    Wish you a perfect Easter with those delish cookies ^^

  26. I love your denim look, and that floral skirt is beautiful. Your bunny biscuits look so cute and delicious, I can’t wait to start my Easter baking tomorrow! And don’t feel guilty, just do whatever you need to do to get better!

  27. Though both outfits look as different as can be, you pulled them off beautifully! I’m itching to try the denim on denim trend that’s exploding everywhere too:P


  28. I love the denim shirt, I really want one!
    The biscuits look yummy too hun xx


  29. ohh i love your outfit girlie πŸ™‚ and those cookie things look yum. xox

  30. Two lovely outfits. Sorry to hear that, but the best thing is that you get the treatment you need and can start recovery. You can always catch up with blogs later! xxx

  31. You look great in both and the biscuits look amazing! Good luck with everything and look after yourself…you’ll be in my thoughts, I know you’ve got the strength to conquer this.

  32. *big hugs* Do what you need to do lady. We’re all here for you!

  33. Love your denim on denim look. I have just been mega busy!! thanks for the comment on my Ball pics! Try to stay strong with your treatment, Im here if you wanna chat, just email me! I thought we could maybe do a swap at some time too, if you fancy it. I have loved the other 2 I have done and thought it might be fun to do with you.

    Yummy bunny biscuits!!!

  34. Love the nautical look. I thought the shorts were a skirt at first!
    And sending lots of hugs, be strong, life is never easy, is it?

  35. You are an amazing girl, don’t you ever forget it!

  36. Love both outfits, especially the first. I always forget how much I like blue until I’m wearing it. The biscuts look delicious!

    I want to wish you the very best of luck on your treatments. I really hope you are doing okay.

  37. *hugs* it takes a HUGE step to change your life for the better. I’m glad you are working things through…focus on yourself, not on our silly blogs!!

    PS your boots are amazing – just sayin’

    Happy Humpday! πŸ˜›
    xx00 Lusty

  38. Great boots!


  39. Love that fabulous denim shirt!

  40. both outfits are amazingly gorgeous! youre so slim πŸ™‚

    give me the cookies please? haha

  41. Yesssss on the denim-on-denim! Well done!

    Live Love LA

  42. ohhh they look yummy! you should share the receipe with us x

    For everything about fashion:

  43. Love the double denim on you! I want to try it myself but I only own one pair of jeans and a denim skirt, which don’t really go together…

  44. loving the semi nautical look! πŸ˜‰

    and sis dont feel sorry. health comes first. im sure everybody would understand.


  45. I LOVE the striped shirt + blazer.

    taking care of yourself absolutely comes first. don’t worry about us, we’ll always be here πŸ˜‰

    … i gave you an award on my bloggie, btw! <3


  46. the one and only most important thing is YOU, darling. I love you and I hope you feel better soon. you are such a wonderful person, you deserve it to be 100% happy. no worries at all. take care, dearest Laura, xxx

  47. I LOVE that stripe shirt! Sooo amazing πŸ˜‰

  48. I love the jacket in the first photo!


  49. oh dont be embarrassed! and yes, definitely dont say sorry. im proud of you! you do whatever you need to to get better, we’re behind you πŸ™‚

    on a less serious note, those bunny-shaped cookie cutters are freakin awesome.


  50. Oh Laura, sending my support. Can you tell? And a virtual hug ; )

    On a superficial note: just got in and my *quick* answer to your quick question: (as I wrote it out on my own post)

    The Kate Kanzier sizes are pretty much spot on. I don’t think they use half sizes, but they didn’t particularly run small or large. What we can’t get over is how COMFORTABLE they are. And you can always exchange it if it’s the wrong size.

    (If you want – hold off, I’ll do a post on it soon – I’ll show which pairs I got. I really recommend them, they’re great & I can’t believe how low cost they are. It’s because while things like the insoles are real leather, a lot of it – including the ‘suede’ – are faux. But they’re the most realistic faux leather & suede I’ve seen. I LOVE my buttery non-perforated cream/celery pair, and the other are kind of orangey rust with perforations… will add it to tonight’s post! ) xx

  51. hope everything will be ok!
    love your double denim outfit,and the biscuits look so yummy!

  52. Mmmm, I may have to try out that biscuit recipe!

    Put yourself first hun – we don’t mind if you don’t comment or whatever, as long as you’re focusing on getting yourself better πŸ™‚

  53. You look great in double denim. I’ve seen very few people pull it off, and you’ve done a wonderful job.

    I hope you really take care of yourself. Just pay attention to yourself.

  54. I love both outfits, just lovely. And don’t worry about anyone but yourself! WE will all understand, we hope you just get better soon. xxxxxxx

  55. Lovely boots!

    Take care of yourself petal x

  56. Lovely looks as usual!! I give you a big big hug…

  57. nice denime blouse and i adore the floatly top and the bunny cutters ^^

  58. I absolutely adore the feminine blouse, floral skirt, and fuchsia tights in the second group of three photos. Your Easter biscuits look scrumptious. I apologize in advance for saying this because it might seem I’m nagging: You are quite thin and cigarettes are horible for your tooth colour and health, other peoples air, your own long term health and that of those around you. You’ll find that once you’ve quit everything will taste even better. Sorry. Just had to say it. Love your blog, fashion and cooking. You do look good.

  59. The bunny cookies are adorable!!!

  60. oh sweet thing, no apologies please. you need to take care of yourself, first and foremost. everyone else will still be here if you need to take a break for your health… please take care of yourself.

    i don’t have an ed but i haven’t been able to eat for months due to depression and my clothing is falling off of me, and everyone is so concerned, i feel so unhealthy and horrible.

    please get yourself well. sending you lots of love and healing energy love.


  61. Love your bunny biscuits and the pink tights really rock! Good luck with your treatment – you are such a cute girl!

  62. Oh, I love both outfits!


  63. I would read and love your blog even if you never read/commented on mine once. I like the first outfit a lot, I would try it with some denim cut offs to give it a casual vibe, but you pull off the denim on denim well.

  64. thank you, sweetheart!

    i love the first outfit on you… and those cookies look too good.

  65. lovely skirt!!! I really want some cookies now! xoxo

  66. YOU are much more important than any ‘ol comment you could leave on my blog. Take as much time as you need. We’ll be here when you come back.


  67. E

    First, I think you are beautiful girl and I hope everything is going well with you. I think it’s very brave of you to discuss it on your blog, too. Second, I love your boots in the first look so much. The laces in the back are what footwear dreams are made of.

  68. what’s better than bunny shaped food ? uh nothing . :}

    thanks for all your love and support <3

  69. I love all the layering, and the boots? Those are gorgeous.
    As for the hard stuff, I’m so sorry you’re struggling with this. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, though, that you are strong, and you will get through this. I know it.

  70. I really like your boots. Your floral skirt matches those leggings very well.

  71. I am seeing lots of denim… Very comfy but stylish.

  72. i am glad you are dressing for spring…i am doing the same despite the cold and the rain here in portland.

    i love the bunny shaped cookie idea…i will have to make them soon!

  73. Denim on denim is so hard to do, but you managed to do it very well. Your biscuits seem like a crispy version of Hot Cross Buns (which I think are a British creation). Even if they aren’t British, they are still yummy and I’ll bet your biscuits are too. Laura, my very best wishes and thoughts are with you for a spectacular treatment and recovery.

    Take care,


  74. Good luck with everything..look after yourself first…! πŸ™‚ Also what lovely outfits as always ! x

  75. The top look is so great! I love it πŸ™‚

  76. Love the bright tights and those biscuits look delish!

    Best of wishes to you, and I sincerely hope your treatment goes well.

    xo, becs

  77. I hope you are doing well, darling. So sorry about your troubles, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders though πŸ™‚

    I did groceries yesterday and picked up the ingredients for your cheese biscuits, making them over the Easter weekend for my family. Will let you know the reviews!

  78. Hope everything works out well for you lovely. Keep strong.

  79. Mmm those look delicious! Gorgeous outfits πŸ™‚

  80. Oooh I just saw from your post below that I won the competition! I never win things, except from you… I love your competitions πŸ˜‰

    The easter biscuits look delish, are they a traditional easter thing?

    Oh sweetie πŸ™ Don’t feel guilty about not commenting, your health is the most important thing in the world. Wishing you the best of luck in conquering it xxx

  81. Eri

    Hi honey,

    Loving the first outfit! No need for embarrased, just good luck with everything!

  82. Thanks for taking the time out to comment, i know you’ve got a lot on your mind so it means a lot!

    Yay for double denim! It’s def becoming a bit of a guilty pleasure for me


  83. those cookies are making me hungry!

  84. Love your laid back style πŸ˜€

  85. Love your denim shirt with the stripes!

    Enter to win a William Riera dress!

  86. i love that you bake too, i made nearly 80 cupcakes this week πŸ™‚
    i also think you’re really brave, go daisy!

  87. Lovely lovely post – your blog rocks!
    p.s, thanks 4 the comment!
    Panda x

  88. Gem

    Your biscuits look scrummy – I am a cinnamon fiend!
    Good luck with your treatment honey, don’t apologise for a second. Your courage to face up to your problems makes you an inspiration not only to other girls in your situation but in general too.
    You’re so brave.
    Good luck β™₯

  89. J

    cute outfits! love the skirt and tights. the bunny shaped cookies are SO CUTE! and nothing to be embarrassed about.. good luck with everything my dear!

  90. want to wish you all the strength in what you are going through. you are such a positive, beautiful, and sincere person. you’ll make it through this and turn out better and stronger on the other side.

    love the first outfit on you by the way! happy easter weekend. xx

  91. Don’t apologize! We just want you to get well!

    The print on that skirt is gorgeous and those bunny-shaped biscuits are *almost* too cute to eat!

  92. hahaha those bunny cookies are so cute! I bet they were tasty πŸ˜€


  93. adoring your flowery skirt. <333

  94. wow, this is a lot of comments! i hope you still get to read mine…

    i think it’s great you can wear whatever you want (weather-permitting, of course!): basic denim one day and romantic florals the next. don’t you just love being a girl???

    oh, and bunny cookies! i hope i can have a taste… but i’m sooooo far away!

  95. wow, this is a lot of comments! i hope you still get to read mine…

    i think it’s great you can wear whatever you want (weather-permitting, of course!): basic denim one day and romantic florals the next. don’t you just love being a girl???

    oh, and bunny cookies! i hope i can have a taste… but i’m sooooo far away!

    p.s. you’re in my prayers, laura! please please take care of yourself!

  96. I love the look with the floral skirt, very elegant.

  97. hey hey! Happy Easter hun. Your boots look marvelous. I’m looking for a pair of rugged black ones myself. I think I’m going for something with a buckle. =)

    I hope you’re doing well and your biscuits look so good. Take care!

  98. Your health comes first, I’m sure we all understand that. Besides I tend to disappear from internet land often with absolutely no good explanation….
    Wishing you the best,

  99. I’m sure your readers understand. Your health takes priority! Besides, I go MIA often for absolutely no good reason.
    Wishing you the best,

  100. so cute ur outfit!take care of yourself!

  101. I really like the denim on denim look.

    And? No apologies necessary – take care of you!!

  102. Sweetie, I hope everything sorts out for you. You definitely deserve that!

    xo Caroline

  103. Happy Easter to you! And please do NOT feel guilty about not commenting, it’s important for you to focus on you for a while…although I will be glad when you pop up on our comment feed again πŸ˜€ Lots of love xxxx

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