13.01 simple stripes

Last night bought more snow by the bucket load, it’s half settled and half not so instead of being prettily blanketed in white outside there are just slippy and slushy messes everywhere.

Simple outfit, to which I added a pair of jeans as well as my coat, scarf and gloves when I popped out for a walk an hour ago.
The jumper is a recent purchase, as recent as yesterday in fact from New Look and is warmer than it looks.




Enjoy your day, and remember; we’re half way to the weekend now!


92 comments for “13.01 simple stripes

  1. such a cute outfit, your sweater over tights thing is really cute and the stripes are so pretty =]
    Have a lovely wednesday!

  2. Lovely outfit and I adore those boots!

  3. im loving stripes right now x

  4. You can’t go wrong with simple stripes. So relaxed and chic.

  5. Gorgeous outfit, I love stripes 🙂

  6. I love the boots!! And you can never go wrong with “french” (just like me :D) stripes!


  7. I agree with Anna, you can never go wrong with stripes!


  8. You’re right hun, this week’s almost over! Can’t wait!…

    Ya know how my first day went this week 🙁 and thanks for your lovely message, sure it uplifts my spirit!

    Can’t get over with your deadly boots! I’ve always love it! I want I want! xx

  9. You look lovely dear… 🙂 AS ALWAYS! and am overly jealous of your boots…arrgggh! x

  10. Looks so comfy and warm! I to am jealous of your boots!

  11. OMG, you’re so sweet, darling 🙂 And I’d kill for your overknee boots, they’re so cute!

  12. loving stripes on you babe!

  13. i have a jumper very similar to this one fabric+colour-wise, only mine is American Apparel, mens:) i mainly wear it indoors but is still one of my favs! it’s the stripes…

  14. You look so cute in stripes!!

    xo, Becs

  15. I love anything nautical ~~ fabulous stripes!!

  16. Kel

    Everytime you wear those boots I want them!! and I love that jumper.

    x x

    p.s thanks for the comments on my blog. 🙂

  17. one of my faves yet-love this edgy nautical look xo

  18. So cute! Those boots are lush. Have an award for you on my blog xx

  19. Iva

    very cute! those boots are super!! yes!! we are half way there!! YAY!

  20. I really like the simplicity of this outfit – I LOVE your sweater. I am always looking for long, cozy sweaters for winter

  21. I want to wear stripes again…you are so pretty in that ensemble.

  22. Jen

    You look like an off-duty model in this outfit. Like you threw it on without a care in the world, but still managed to rock it. Really, I am impressed! 🙂

  23. I adore stripped shirts! you look so comfy and beautiful darling.

  24. that dress is so pretty! And I love the boots!

  25. Absolutely adore your boots!! This is such a classic look. Stripes will never go out of style.

    La Société de mode | The Fashion Society

  26. Lovely outfit, I’m a sucker for stripes!
    Thanks for your divine comment, love 🙂

  27. This is a cute jumper and I love that it has pockets!

  28. such a cute and cozy outfit!

  29. such a pretty jumper dear,has a navy touch!

  30. love the high boots and stripey sweater combo! tres chic as always

  31. The jumper looks so comfy. I might have to rush down to New Look tomorrow and get one as well, lol.

  32. love love love the striped jumper! super chic. and with those boots, its a perfect outfit!

  33. I love New Look – gorgeous clothes and at a great price! Hope your coping well in the snow!

  34. If a jumper a lot like that appears on my blog in the next few weeks don’t be too surprised! I love stripes and new look, and it looks great on you! I also like that it’s long enough to wear as a dress or a top, yay for versitility!

  35. What a lovely jumper!

    Peace and love!

  36. I like stripes… black/white or dark blue/white are the best!


  37. love your outfit especially the boots

    xo – TiffanysSmallWorld.blogspot.com

  38. M.

    thanks for commenting my blog girl! love those boots 🙂

    lovelove, M.

  39. love the bagginess of the sweater

  40. I love the stripes hun. We love the sailor look in Sweden and I got so many blue and white stripey jumpers. You look really well and beautiful x

  41. Laura I so, so, so love this look! You look absolutely stunning! I believe the simplicity of the entire ensemble is what makes it so appealing. J’adore!! 🙂

  42. the stripy piece with the boots is brill!

  43. Eri

    Love those boots on you, they look great, your outfit is very cool, shame we have to wrap up and hide it all…

    I have posted a picture inspired by MK necklaces, I would love you to have a look and tell me what do you think.

    Also, could add me to your list of links?

    See you soon.

  44. Love the stripes.
    thanks for your comment!

  45. i think you are stunning and very chic! im glad i stumbled upon your blog

  46. Love the outfit, feels a little french all you need is a cute beret!

  47. I can’t never get enough of stripes. And yay the weekend is almost here!

  48. Meg

    I love your jumper! So cute!

  49. Cute, cute! I love the nautical-casual look. So fun.


  50. Beautiful jumper!! I love how comfy and chic your outfits are!! I wish tomorrow is Saturday! xoxoxo

  51. gorgeous! I am really craving stripes right now too to wear with denim shorts 🙂

  52. I am DYING over those boots! You look gorgeous in them too! And the stripes are just perfect! XOXO

  53. So cute yest so comfy looking!

  54. Those boots are just perfection! Not only bang on trend but I’m sure they do the trick in that slushy snow you speak of. Love the stripes too :))

  55. Great outfit! I really like the Wellies.

  56. Love the sweater and boots!

  57. yay, halfway to the weekend! I’m gonna pop into New Look and see if they do your jumper still, i love it 🙂

  58. Love Ur riding boots, Honey!

  59. i love the laid back vibe of your outfit today. especially the boots. wow!

    I am Denise Katipunera

  60. Lovely outfit as usual. Loving the stripes!


  61. amazing look.

  62. love the jumper! really cute outfit, as always!

  63. E

    You’re totally making me crazy an over-sized striped top!

  64. you look so cute! I love love that jumper!
    yay! half-way to the weekend 😉

  65. Thanks for the kind comment 🙂 Loving the nautical stripes right now!


  66. that’s a really beautiful outfit that suit you very well 🙂

    drey jewelry

  67. That is one of my favourite all time looks! Where’d you get those gorgeous boots Laura?

    Was thinking about you (we’re in Florida now – but alas, it’s freezing) & soon as I find a quiet moment, I want to send you a proper email. Come to think of it I”m going to do a little post on the necklace.

    Hope you’re well! x

  68. So I am just beginning to realize how physically close we are living right now, because I am studying with some girls from england…I here there’s some snow in your part of the world, eh? hahaa! Wish it would go back to the snow here, it’s a million times better than this goddamned rain. I hope you’re well, you look really fucking good. You know what would be really cool? If you came to spain/when I come to england (which WILL happen, just not sure when) and we had tea. I drink shit tons of it anyway, and need someone to share it with. Much loveeee.

  69. I absoloutly love that jumper and the stripes. It works so well with those gorgeous boots!! xx

  70. What a great sweater, love it!

  71. OMG great picks it’s exactly the kind of things I want for this spring!

  72. Oops that was meant to go to the other post, but you get it 🙂

  73. you rock those boots, hun. you look awesome. love the striped jumper so much.
    have a sweet day, xoxo

  74. you have really good taste! i love the skirt and the nude booties!

  75. i love this whole outfit! you should model for ralph lauren

  76. I love love love stripes, and you make them look great…glad to see you’re getting plenty of use from your fabulous boots!

  77. I have a top just like that. I want to wear it this Summer now. You look adorable=! 🙂


  78. Cute look.. stylish, but oh so comfy. 🙂

    Love & Aloha,


  79. adore the outfit!

    i want your dress

  80. Très réussi l’association avec les bottes ça fait un ensemble magique, on ne peut qu’applaudir

  81. Très réussi l’association avec les bottes ça fait un ensemble magique, on ne peut qu’applaudir

  82. Très réussi l’association avec les bottes ça fait un ensemble magique, on ne peut qu’applaudir

  83. Très réussi l’association avec les bottes ça fait un ensemble magique, on ne peut qu’applaudir

  84. Très réussi l’association avec les bottes ça fait un ensemble magique, on ne peut qu’applaudir

  85. Anonymous

    Very cute sweater. I want the boots. 🙂 -Feather