18.03 more floral

So, well, THANK YOU is all I can say for yesterday. Just thank you. I will continue to blog as I have done and try to ignore any criticism. I truly value your comments and support…and I will reward you with a giveaway in the near future!

Today I finally got around to wearing one of my newest dresses which I picked up a couple of weeks ago now. It’s a little short, but I’m not really going anywhere today and I’m pretty sure the cat doesn’t care about a little bit of leg.



(um, ignore the sticking up label, oops!)


Clearly I am far too obsessed with florals right now, though not such a bad thing! I shall challenge myself to make my next clothing purchase non floral related! Carrying on the theme though I remembered to add jewellery today in the form of this Daisy bracelet which was a gift from my grandparents


I really need to make myself wear jewellery more, I have so much of it just sitting around looking pretty!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far and that Spring is well and truly on it’s way. We’ve been blessed with gorgeous weather so far this week; although today doesn’t look so promising. Next week I’m hoping to get out in the garden and plant some fruit plants that a wonderful friend sent me, I love the idea of growing my own produce!


83 comments for “18.03 more floral

  1. I love that dress I was going to buy the same the other week, but when I went back they no longer had my size πŸ™

    Home grown food is the nicest (:

    Have a pleasent day.!

  2. I love the back of this, nice cut out, and you don’t have the issue of seeing any bra straps!! Lovely

  3. You look so fresh in florals. I love the style, but I am too buxom to carry it off – I have tried. The bracelet is very cute as well – maybe you should try an Accessories Challenge soon! xx

  4. Oh that’s so pretty, especially with the bright tights. You look fab in the third pic πŸ™‚

  5. hello, just sent u a mail. hope u got it :):) i love the florals too

  6. The dress is lovely, I’m loving cut ot backs right now but find it can sometimes be tricky with layering and bra straps!
    Your bracelet is so pretty, as are you.
    Vicki xx

  7. I love that bracelet! Daisies are my favourite flowers.

    I’m glad your carrying on with your blog, if it makes you happy that is the most important thing and you really do have to ignore the criticism! I think you look lovely in all of your posts, you make such an effort with your outfits. I’ve yet to post any outfits as I’m convinced I look like a cabbage haha.

    It’s funny you should mention growing your own produce. In Wilkos they’re selling little pots for 97p to grow fruit, veg and herbs since I have no garden I’ve bought a few to try and grow my own, I’m really looking forward to it!

    Much love, Amy Marie // http://seventysevenbroadway.blogspot.com

  8. Nice bracelet!!

  9. Love the colours, and that bracelet is beautiful!

  10. oh that dress looks really good on you, i took mine back the other day as i decided it was too short for comfort on me lol..
    glad you’re going to keep on blogging lovely xx

  11. Love that dress and the back is gorgeous too. That bracelet is beautiful!

  12. Kim

    Fab dress! Great colours and a the bracelet is really cute! πŸ™‚

  13. those colors look great on you! and I love the dress+tights combo.

  14. That dress looks so much better on you than it did on me!

  15. Kel

    What a pretty bracelet, and the dress looks great on you – I don’t think it’s too short. Great tights also.

    Glad you are feeling better about it all today, there are unfortunately always people ready to ruin any good mood you have or give negative feedback when it isn’t asked for. πŸ™‚

    Oh and do I spy a tattoo? looks pretty! post on that please!

    X x

  16. I Have this dress πŸ™‚
    Love Love Love it!
    So glad other people are picking it up in the sale πŸ˜€

  17. Love the tights, they actually look really great with your makeup!

  18. i lvoe the slits in the back and the design ^^

  19. Love this dress! Really pretty pattern πŸ™‚

  20. happy tha you decided to continue blogging! you look fabulous – i love floral prints so much!

  21. Love that dress really suits you =)
    and that bracelet is really pretty πŸ™‚
    I’ve been loving the weather this week it’s just helped up lift my mood when I’ve had so much to do!
    Glad you are keeping your blog as yours people may give critism but it’s your blog and it should be what you want =)

  22. I love your dress – especially the cut out detail at the back!

  23. Where is that dress from?? The back is lovely, and I want it for my own!!

  24. LOVE the dress, and is that a tattoo? Ohh you minx, you!


  25. i love the bracelet, its so unique

  26. Hey Daisy πŸ™‚

    Cute braclet & pink stockings……I’m actually thinking about wearing some pink stockings, hmmmmmm πŸ™‚ My Spring is about to have a little snow next week,… but as for today? It’s getting up tp 70! YES!

    Have a lovely day πŸ™‚

  27. I’ve recently developed a love for florals too (very recently…) I love that dress!

  28. What a beautiful dress, I want it!! Are those bow cutouts at the back???


  29. 1. love the tattoo!

    2. you can never have too much floral.

    3. the daisy bracelet KILLS me it is so awesome.

    4. there really is nothing like veggies from your own garden!

  30. Oh, Laura the way you’ve styled that dress is absolutely perfect – I love the color tights you chose!! πŸ™‚

  31. love the dress…. where’s it from?

    and it goes so well with the pink tights, i never would have thought of pairing the two… but it works!

  32. Love florals πŸ™‚ Just ignor negative comment you always look great and cute butterfly tattoo!! xx

  33. oh my gosh that’s the prettiest dress! I’m really glad that you’re carrying on with your blog. I really love seeing your outfits & this is a place for you to post and write about whatever you like and you have a lot of people that love to see that. πŸ™‚ xoxo

  34. This is a lovely dress, love the pairing with the tights. And what sweet detail at the back.

  35. I want this dress! So soooo pretty!

  36. The dress is singing “Spring!” I love it :))

  37. I love that dress…looks great on you! I really love the tights…what a great color and texture! I never noticed the butterfly tatoo either…fantastic!

  38. http://creaturescorpsewardrobe.blogspot.com/

    Lovely florals !Reminds me of a dress I saw Florence Welch wearing!:)Where did you buy the vivid pink tights?

  39. Amy

    This outfit is the perfect representation of Spring… oh girl, you look fabulous! THose pink tights are my fav!!



  40. You look darling! I LOVE that dress.. and it looks amazing paired with those pink tights! xo

  41. Great combination with those tights!

  42. this dress is so cute! love the print and love the shape. beautiful beautiful! xx

  43. The tights are so fun! You look gorgeous honey.

  44. Great tights!

    Enter to win a women’s Orient watch!

  45. The tights are such a nice colour! Lovely x

  46. Hey Laura! Only just saw your last post. Ignore the critical people, enjoy what you’re doing and put negativity behind you (Wow, I sound New Age) but honestly, those people aren’t worth your thoughts, I love your outfit posts and this one as always is lovely. xxx

  47. I tied this dress on at the weekend but it didn’t look so good on me. I love the tights you;ve paired it with and the bracelet is just gorgeous xx

  48. Hi, I love your beautiful floral dress!
    Thankyou for your comment on my blog too!


  49. Where is that dress from? It look exactly like a dress my sister and I both had when we were little!

  50. I taught that the label was a tattoo!Lovely dress!

  51. Jen

    Love this dress – the pastel colours suit your skin tone perfectly.

  52. Hi darling!! I was just about to do a post about the flowers and fruit trees growing in my garden ^^ i’m sure you’ll like it. The dress is super with those tights and the bracelet is perfect for you!
    I’m glad you carry on with the blog the way you like it!
    Next time you visit my blog tell me what plants would you like to have in your garden, like mediterranean ones, that you can’t find ^^ i’m in the right place to find some seeds like those!!


  53. You rock that dress! I have the same one and absolutely love it! It looks really good on you. I’m loveing florals these days as well.

  54. It’s the tights that make this outfit. Very well-done! And I hear you on jewelry, I’m the same. I hope I’ll be more inclined to wear it this season!

  55. Such a pretty dress! I love floral prints!

  56. Jen

    i’m so in love with this dress! the floral print is so lovely πŸ™‚

  57. that dress looks so amazing on you, and the tights i am in love with!!


  58. I’m loving all your florals lately πŸ™‚ so summery. I think I look a little weird in florals because of my dark dark hair πŸ™ xxx

  59. Adore the dress sweetie! Hope you’re doing good today. Hugs, Xxxc

  60. Florals are the topic of the day, I’d wear them all the time if I had so many floral dresses as you (I’m trying to :))!
    Is it rude from me to ask if people had problems about you being thin? And what illness is it? Sorry, just being interested because my best friend is very very skinny after her mother and she’s got a great problem about it – she doesn’t even want to wear skinny jeans and dresses because she thinks it looks weird… and I don’t know how to tell her that she looks great because she just doesn’t listen…

  61. lovely outfit, as usual πŸ™‚
    I’d love to have my own garden someday. sigh.

  62. That dress is gorgeous and I know what you mean about florals, my wardrobe is getting fuller of them by the day! The daisy bracelet is super pretty.

    Love your tat too xxx

  63. Another one of my new dresses, that I haven’t worn yet! You look great in it – very pretty on you.

    Thanks for my comment πŸ™‚


  64. Hey gorgeous,

    been away for a bit entertaining my friend. Glad to be back and catch up on your blog. You look gorgeous in your floral dress. I love it!

    Ignore the harsh emails, if they don’t like what they see or read why don’t they just stop reading your blog. As I said before they have nothing better to do that’s why. They are a sad bunch.

    You are wonderful, you are strong and you are going to be fine. I know it. And one day you be my colleague πŸ™‚

    love you

  65. i love the bright pink tights!

  66. I love florals, you can never have too many! Is that a butterfly tattoo on your back? Well if it is I like it πŸ™‚
    We have a vegetable garden at my house and I love harvesting all the ripened tomatoes, squash, and cucumber.


  67. Your dress is gorgeous!
    And the bracelet is so elegant.

    Thanks for your comment!

  68. haha about the cat + little bit of leg. you’re funny!

  69. Daisy, simply lovely; that dress looks so great on you! And I think that the color matches perfectly with your skin, I don’t know why but I see you really beautiful with them! And the tights… yaw! Great!!

    I’m guessin if you would like to be interview for my classes and blog, Daisy, would you?

  70. You’re one fabulous girl! Love your posts!!

  71. Kb

    You know I’m jealous of that dress…hope everything goes well.

  72. Super cute outfit, you always have such cool leggings/tights!


  73. Oooh is that a butterfly tattoo I spy on your back? ;D

    V. pretty bracelet… so dainty and totally you!

  74. It is the perfect time of year for florals, and that dress is a perfect use of such a lovely print.

    p.s. I am so glad you’re going to continue the outfit posts- I’d be so sad if you stopped doing them!

  75. What an adorable floral dress!! Your bright tights make me happy! πŸ™‚ xxoxoxoxoo

  76. Pretty dress! I love the colors πŸ™‚

  77. love love love the dress. the back is even lovelier with your butterfly tattoo (didn’t know you had one!) peeking out.

    I’m far too obsessed with florals too, hehe πŸ˜‰

  78. beutiful florals <3
    and please, please, please don’t stop… you are beautiful, whatever they say.
    love you.

  79. Anonymous

    Those tights are kickass. πŸ˜‰ Yes, Spring is truly here, woot! -Becky

  80. Floral stuff = awesomeness. I personally have a thing for striped stuff and have way too much of that.

    I don’t think the dress is too short…but then that’s coming from me who wears short short things and then commences to ride a bike in them…exposing all her dignity! Oops.

    Also loving the bracelet.


  81. I love the dress of the flowers!it’s very niceeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Β‘Abracitos fashionistas!

  82. Everytime I go to New Look I look at this dress. Love the floral print on it!

  83. Love the floral print! My closet is crammed to the brim with them!

