
Happy Friday! The end of another week, and only 5 weeks to go to Christmas, how bloody scary is that?!

Thanks for the lovely comments on my last post, for those of you who asked; it is indeed a top worn under the dress.

I have a couple of tags/awards to do and pass along, which I promise I will do over the weekend. I have a few bits and pieces to get done today so this is a fairly quick post!

Yesterday I wore:



The dress is a new member to my wardrobe (with many thanks to covertcandy and their awesome vintage shop), and the boots are 3 years old now (I think!)

Today I’ve gone for a more dressed down approach:



What are your weekend plans?
I’m working tomorrow and visiting my grandparents,
and as far as I know, Sunday will be a lovely quiet day where I can catch up on tags and make some more jewellery.

Have a good one, whatever you do!


68 comments for “20.11

  1. I love the print of that first dress!

    PS. thanks for the comment on my post! For some reason, you’re the only one who’s done so. I guess my shameless self-promo scared most of my readers, hehe…


  2. I like both these outfits- the print on the first one and the colour of the second. And I agree- I can’t believe how soon Christmas is.

  3. Love the florals!! Have a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. hey hun, how are you? I’m back at work and think i have a cold. The dress from yesterday is lovely. I really like it.


  5. Hello! The print on the first dress is divine and I love the inspired choice of chocolate tights with a fuschia dress. Have a fab weekend and enjoy being pampered by your grandparents, you deserve it! xx

  6. love the first dress, great pattern!

    my weekend plans: fly home, go vintage shopping/eat greek food

  7. my weekend plans include lots of studying for my italian exam on monday … :(((
    love the first dress and the boots!

  8. SUCH a gorgeous dress in the first pic. Love it! Hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend, I plan to as well! (or at least try) xx

  9. Kb

    5 weeks till Christmas is scary but exciting, hoping December will be a better month as my weekends have been pretty uneventful of late. Love the first dress.

  10. Love those boots and that gorg plum clutch!

  11. Ooooh, I love the belt! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. you’re the Queen of boots, dear!!! =]


  13. Amy

    Yikes! 5 weeks, really? Oh gosh, I better get cracking…

    I love both these outfits! The purple one is my favorite though- the color is just fantastic on you.

    Hope you have a wonderful wkend too!



  14. I like the giant medallion belt on your purple dress.

  15. I love the first outfit, hope you have a fab weekend x

  16. You have such great dresses-especially the first one. Have a nice weekend ๐Ÿ™‚


  17. wow five weeks? i actually didn’t realise it was that soon! and i love your outfit from yesterday btw, that floral covert candy dress is so pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. i like both dresses the boots are cute too.

    I wont be doing anything but doing homework…i want to go home and eat though but i know i wont do anything if i do so i have to hold out to thanksgiving

    hope your grandparents house is fun

    Vi from Cali

  19. I luv both of your dresses!

    Gonnan take a rest from my exhausting week of work..pfff
    and after some weeks we’re in 2010!


  20. Hiya hun, just thought I’d stop by to say have a fabtastic weekend.
    I’m going to bulk buy some of your pretty gems sooney for my niece (crimbo prez).

    prettyneons XxX (:

  21. I love both your outfits. The purple dress is lovely.

    Have a great weekend.

  22. Have a lovely weekend ! Pretty dresses too!

  23. both dresses are super cute!the printed one is so adorable!
    have a lovely weekend and hope you have a great time with the grandparents

  24. I love both outfits, and I especially adore the second one!

    No big weekend plans for me. Just catching up with the family! Have a nice weekend!!

  25. I love the boots with the first outfit and the second dress is such a lovely color. It looks great on you!

  26. I’m in love with the first outfit! xo ava

  27. I must say your shopping choices are impeccable, and your styling so fresh! I love it!

  28. I especially like the first dress ๐Ÿ™‚
    But I like your second outfit, too. The color of the dress is great.

  29. Dresses suit you so much, you always look beautiful!

    My weekend will consist of essay-writing, cycling and running…it’s going to be busy!


  30. I love the colours and the flower print of the first dress, but the second is very cute too. The colour is very flattering for your complexion, and it looks very comfy too!

  31. i love both of the outfits, especially the second one cos the dress is such a nice colour! x

  32. E

    YOu have the prettiest dresses! I especially love that green one!

  33. Happy Friday to you too! I love the boots in your first outfit. I love how you always wear dresses and tights – so adorable.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  34. scary indeed! ๐Ÿ™‚ i havent done some christmas shopping yet…hehehe. arrrggh!

    both dresses looked lovely on you…. :))x

  35. Charming, as always!! The first outfit is my favourite one!

    I’m so scared about Christmas too… sometimes, time passes so fast :S!

  36. wow christmas is really near, i thought it was farther, but egad 5 weeks?! im hyped anyways!
    love the first dress!
    i dont really know what im doing this weekend…christmas shopping?


  37. oh wow, 5 weeks? i hope it comes quickly though.
    that second outfit looks so quite comfortable. i like the dress.



  39. Hi, my first tine on your site, love both the outfits, but specially love what the belt does for the outfit in the last couple of pics!
    Have a super weekend!

  40. That first dress is lovely!! I shall be at the rugby match tomorrow, “COME ON WALES!!” and lazy sunday me thinks, working on too xmas bracelets my mum wants for her friends!

  41. Looking really good!

    Youยดre pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Jen

    Oh I love the first dress. That print is sweet!

  43. Five weeks, seriously? Time fliess for suree…
    This weekend I’m starting my xmas job at john lewis, I had my induction today and I’m already knackered.
    Glad to hear someone is having a relaxing sunday at least!

  44. love that dress!

    For all things fashion:

  45. I love the first outfit and youre looking gorgeous these days!


  46. the boots are fantastic

  47. I absolutely heart the first look here. The dress with the black tights and boots is pure heaven! You look gorgeous!

    I’m not sure what my weekend plans are. Stil trying to decide… ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. i adoree the belt on the last pic its absolutely gorgeous – really glad i stumbled across this blog, i really like it, i think i may just have to become a regular =]

    hope you had a good weekend


  49. aline

    i really like that new dress.
    have a nice time at your granparents ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  50. I love both of dress!

    Have a great weekend, my dear!


  51. Love both dresses! The print of the first one and the color of the second (the belt is a really nice touch). Glad you still get to wear semi-summery clothes at the moment… it’s pretty warm for Nov. over here as well. Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  52. I love your fitst outfit! It makes your legs look really long.


  53. thank you for the birthday wishes!

    i plan to relax this weekend.. i’ve had a busy week.. hopefully i’m going out of state to an apple orchard for some fresh cider :o)

  54. I love how your dressed down approach is still quite well put together!

  55. Both outfits are cute !!


  56. Oh 5 weeks till christmas? That’s so SOON! Haha how did that happen… Anyway, LOVE that first dress Laura :)!

  57. I really really like the first dress so pretty!!

  58. 5 weeks. Wow. And Thanksgiving is less than a week away. Time goes by toooo fast.

  59. its crazy how close xmas is…this yr is going by quicker than anything- cute cute outfit ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. I can’t believe christmas is going by so fast as well!! it’s crazy.. I needa shop for things and fast!! ahhhhhhh… hahahha

    how’s was sunday?

  61. you always look so lovely, dear! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am so sorry for your friend… I know how it feels to be involved with suicide, my daddy committed suicide when I was 17…
    thinking of you, hugs

  62. you have great figure, so u can wear everything, but green dress is absolutely fabulous ๐Ÿ™‚

  63. Pink looks great on you ๐Ÿ™‚

  64. MJ

    Love the casual pink dress, it’s great! Looks so relaxed and sexy.


  65. You look stunning as always, but my favourite dress is the pink/purple?? one!

    Have a good week ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. Love the purple dress! great belt too ๐Ÿ™‚

  67. Anonymous

    Oooo! I LOVE the pinkish-mauve dress. I haven’t even started Christmas shopping.lol. -Feather