22.11 tag catch up

I hope everyone is having a great weekend,
please excuse lack of outfit posts; I’m sick and therefore slobbing around in nothing exciting/post worthy! Hopefully tomorrow, or Tuesday I’ll feel like donning something other than jogging bottoms or PJs!

I’ve been tagged a couple of times over the last week or so, and I’m finally getting around to catching up.
Firstly, toothfairy tagged me to reveal 10 beauty facts about myself.

1. I don’t have a skin care routine as such, it depends how lazy I feel from day to day.

2. My skin care staples include Tesco vitamin E facial wipes (at 26p per pack, and currently 3 for 2, these are a total bargain) and Kate Logan Beauty products, especially the borage cleansing oil and the borage and calendula skin balm.

3. I am addicted to eyeshadow, and am a bit of a snob as I only use MAC. However, personally, I’d rather pay more for an eyeshadow and get great payoff, and have it last longer, than have to buy several cheaper equivalents.

4. I find it impossibly hard to find a foundation light enough for my skin. I am currently favouring Babara Daley’s range for Tesco.

5. I’m hopeless at little things like painting my nails.

6. I hate hate hate my hair, but hate having it played with even more. I am in desperate need of a haircut and WILL be booking one soon!

7. I’m a lipbalm junkie.

8. My day to day lipstick is Angel, by MAC for the perfect subtle pink sheen.

9. I’m insanely attracted to anything sparkly and own about 12 glitter eyeliners.

10. My favourite perfumes are Anais Anais, and Daisy by Marc Jacobs.

As always, I don’t know who to tag, so if you fancy doing this, then be my guest

my concentration is waning,
I’ll do my next tag tomorrow 🙂

32 comments for “22.11 tag catch up

  1. I like your answers doll.
    I also HATE painting my own nails, never patient enough.

  2. I cant paint my own nails either, the right hand always looks like crap. I’d rather have it done.

    And I love daisy, it totally suits you haha… love that bottle!


  3. feel better!
    ps-glitter eye shadows are addicting (especially the old hard candy ones from a few years ago)

  4. But your hair is gorgeous!! I hate painting my own nails too, I always end up botching them:P

    And I love MAC, I wish I have more of their stuff!

  5. Im not so good at paiting my nails either ! !

  6. Ooh those are good answers! I might do the tag myself. xx

  7. “I’m insanely attracted to anything sparkly and own about 12 glitter eyeliners.” Ah, you have just described me to a T. Only I own all of 0 glitter eyeliners – now I’m thinking of investing in a few! 🙂

  8. Jen

    I’m a total lip balm junkie too. Burt’s Bees is my favourite!

  9. I’m with you on the sparkly things, i’m a total magpie x feel better soon x

  10. Hi Love!!!
    I need a hurtcut like NOW!!! Actually I need a change on my head and I’m frontin – should I go blonde or a brunette with a bang…

    nails… Gosh never enough of patience!

  11. Get well soon, sweetie! xx

  12. Hi gorgeous!
    Will have to try Angel by MAC!


  13. Get well soon darling. Love your answers 🙂

    Cheers: Evi

  14. Hope you perk-up soon 🙂
    Maybe you need to join me in a fruit cocktail??!

  15. I hope you feel better!! I agree with you.. I don’t have the patience to paint my nails and then there’s also the hassle of taking it off after it gets all chipped up.
    Have a great day! 🙂

  16. i like daisy by MJ too. i find painting my own nail soothing. : ) xoxo

  17. love this things. Now I know a little much about you.
    thanks for your comment!

  18. I smiled when I read you like Anais Anais. It’s one of my favorite perfumes too. 🙂
    I loved reading all your answers. And it’s funny, I think your hair is lovely. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side though, huh? Hehe.

  19. it’s nice to knowthat somebody else is a nail painting spazz too!
    I’ll have to see if i can find your recommended foundation, my skin is paper pale too.

  20. love the answers!! lol@not having a skin care routine. ur a doll! love ya!

  21. Oh I hope you get well soon 😉


  22. Hope u get better soon! : ) I luved ur list Im exactly like you when it comes to my nails, thats why I cant live with out my Sally Hansen-Insta-Dri, you put it over your nails and within 5 minutes, they are dry and it stops your nail polish from chipping : )


  23. Cool idea to write beauty facts…Im obsessed with yummy organic skincare and my bathroom cupboard is crammed full with bottles of stuff! Its funny coz I like painting my nails but i dont actually like the look of painted nails on me!?? For some reason I end up feeling trashy with polish on!?
    You have beautiful skin and gorgeous facial features, maybe not having a routine is a good routine!! haha.
    I thank you for all your comments recently honey, awesome x

  24. Lovely to learn more about you 🙂
    Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!
    ❉ ✿ ✿ ❉

  25. ooohh i thik the same about investment makeup> nothing cheap

  26. I think you would look great with a pixie cut, a la “Rosemary’s Baby” because you have such pretty delicate features. Ive had a pixie before and its the best haircut ever and soooo convenient.


  27. love your list :))

  28. omggg i love lip balm. i seriously feel so like anxious when i don’t have some in my pocket to use all day!!! hahahah


  29. Totally agree with the paying more for make up so long as it lasts longer than cheaper equivalents.

  30. check out our new vintage ebay shop! hope u like it!


    any feedback appreciated!