
Dress- New Look (tall would you believe?), Shoes- Timeless.

Outfit for Monday morning at work.

There really isn’t much else to say…Monday is enough!

Have a good one xxx

weekends and wishes

True to form, I’m feeling much better after a fabulous weekend. Friday night, letting my hair down put me back in a good mood and planted a smile firmly on my face.

 How amazing is Becca’s hair? A few weeks ago it was long and blonde. Now it’s PURPLE and amazingly short. I’m obsessed! The necklace I’m wearing was a gift from the awesome people over at Jon Richard (more to come on that as they have an exciting new website and gorgeous A/W collection on the way!)

Something else that seriously brightened up the week was the Fairy Hobmother who lives at Appliances Online
She spends her days visiting blogs and granting wishes. I’ve been desperate for a bread maker for ages now, and danced around the office on Thursday when I received an e-mail saying my wish had been granted.

Make sure you leave your hearts desire in the comments here, you never know…you might be the next lucky person to have a fairy wish granted!
I can’t wait to show off my bread making experiments. If you have a killer recipe, do share!


Snacking Saturday: the review of a review

I don’t know about you, but when I see bloggers review products they have been sent, I wonder if their opinions would stay the same had they paid for it themselves. Most of my Snacking Saturday posts involve products that have been sent to me for the purpose of the series, and I think sometimes it might be good to look back and see what really did make an impression.

Back in May I review Metcalfe’s Skinny Topcorn  and it received glowing praise….did it really deserve that review though?

In short. Yes.

I have spent a small fortune buying Metcalfe’s products since then, most notably the Wasabi and Salt varieties

My Mum, one of the fussiest snackers known to man-kind ordered a bulk box of the salt variety, and I demand friends drive me to the local garden centre so I can get my wasabi fix! The man who works in the Bristol Pret (a stockist) now greets me with a smirk and a carrier bag!
I’ll admit I’ve not purchased the Chocolate variety since. It wasn’t my favourite, although still very, very edible!

Good news for those still seeking to get hold of this crack… Metcalfes have expanded their stockists to include Julian Graves, Sainsburys and Sainsburys Online!

On the website you’ll find a selection of NEW products including wasabi peas, chocolate edamame and coated rice cakes…all of which I am yet to try but are lined up for my next order.

Have you tried this yet?
Would you like to? Check back here for my next giveaway for your chance to win some!

What do you think of product reviews? Is there an element of bias?
Would you like to see more follow-ups?


TGIF x 1000

I don’t think I’ve ever welcomed a Friday quite so much. Another of those mad, mad weeks that seem to pass for normal right now. Before I started my job, I heard rumours that Summer was generally a quieter time…LIES I tell you, cruel lies.

With a scarily Autumnul chill in the air yesterday I abandoned Summer clothes for a favourite shirt dress. Even with a vest under and cardigan over it was still chilly. Not impressed.

Plans for the weekend have only got as far as dinner + drinks with Becca tonight. The rest can fall in to place. I’m so tired I’ll happily go with the flow and see where I end up…Sunday, rapidly becoming known as Supermarket Sunday will hopefully take place with Trudi, it’s a tradition of ours and always ends up in giggles.

Thanks for the kind words on yesterdays post. I’m fine; just one of those weeks, oui?
