22.02 grey monday

After a weekend of gorgeous weather that ingnited hopes for Spring soon arriving, I was dismayed to wake up this morning to black skies and heavy snow. The sharp fall in temperature meant abandoning any pre made outfit plans and hunting around for the closest to hand (and clean) warm layers once again.




Remind me to book a ticket to Australia for next Winter, I am so beyond finding this amusing now!

Happy Monday, I hope it is brighter where you are xxx

126 comments for “22.02 grey monday

  1. Jo

    That’s a really cute outfit and esp love the daisy in your hair, there my fav flower and actually how I first started reading your blog goes the word daisy was in it, I continue to read it because your fab.

    Have a great week

    Jo xx

  2. so sick of this weather too! you look great though, snow and all.


  3. we got the snow on friday πŸ™

  4. Its a shame you have that weather πŸ™
    I woke to lovely blue skies after the snow yesterday so I hope the same happens for you =)

  5. such a cute outfit! my favorite part is the daisy in your hair!!

  6. hey lovely, it’s raining here in London but I can still feel spring in the air.

    You look so cute and I can’t say this enough but that haircut really suits you. makes me want to chop mine off.


  7. hey lovely, it’s raining here in London but I can still feel spring in the air.

    You look so cute and I can’t say this enough but that haircut really suits you. makes me want to chop mine off.


  8. lovely outfit, and I love the touch of Spring with the flower in your hair.

    oh yes, DO come to Australia! You can stay at my place and we’ll spend the days shopping in summer dresses. xx

  9. I have also had enough of the weather!!! When I buy my ticket for sunnier weather I will remind you to get yours! Great hair clip!
    Claire xx

  10. ahh… i know how you feel. i swung my bedroom curtain open this morning and was totally surprised to see that everything was covered in snow. ugh… i was really not expecting that. i want it to be warm already!! cute outfit though! i like that print and the flower in your hair! xx

  11. Love the layered tops, and how nice does your hair look today?

  12. I like this combination. A very nice patterned skirt and it looks good with grey. I like your hair flower. And yes, you should come to Australia!

  13. That daisy in your hair is so cute!

  14. that is an amazing sweater! i wantski πŸ™‚

  15. lovely skirt (or dress?). i like how did you combine it with this pullover. we will remember to remind you!

  16. floral looks lovely on you and you have to admit, it does brighten even the gloomiest of mondays! as for the ticket, book one to greece – it will come cheaper and we’re (literally) warming up here;)

  17. I’m so with you on the Australia thing. It’s time for spring, please!

    I love your skirt and sweater combo, though- it works so well for cold and yucky weather.

  18. I love the little flower in your hair, hope Spring will come soon for you!

    You could come to Malaysia too, we’re having a heatwave here!!


  19. love the proportions in this outfit, the extra long sweater and short skirt are great together

  20. YOu look so cute with that daisy on your hair… πŸ™‚ YAY!

  21. Well, at least you got a sunny weekend… it’s been grey here for almost a week now! Sigh…

    But I do love your integration of florals into your outfit!

  22. I’m sick to death of wearing coats and boots! Although it had gotten to the stage where I could get away with ballet flats and a cardi without dying of hypothermia but the snows back to ruin my life again hah πŸ™

  23. Cute casual look:)


  24. Really like this outfit – possibly because I’m a massive fan of grey πŸ™‚

    I was feeling optimistic for Spring too, but no, tis wet & miserable again..


  25. Like this combination, floral dress or skirt with grey jersey, perfect!


  26. The sleeves on your gray sweater and the daisy in your hair are stunning touches. Happy, Happy Monday – stay warm, my love!! πŸ™‚

  27. Here is raining and it’s cold, but I love it… you know? In Spain is always so shinny and hot, and I think that when winter comes, I just embrace it with so much happiness that I don’t want it to go away… *sigh* I need a colder country!

    Adorable monday outfit πŸ˜‰

  28. yay for the flower in your hair to add a touch of spring, if only the weather would follow suit! πŸ˜€ xx

  29. I would love to travel along with you to Aussie.

  30. It’s so windy in London I could barely walk! I hate it!!! πŸ™

  31. I love your sweater!!

  32. Missed you too!! Thanks for your comment, you look gorgeous as always** Here the weather is horrible πŸ™

  33. love that grey! xo

  34. Kim

    Looking stunning!

  35. Cute skirt ! and yea, I’ve had a weekend of rain, and it’s not looking much better for the coming week . hmpf.. hehe oh well, hopefully the spring will join us soon πŸ™‚

  36. Pretty outfit. Love the floral prints and the little pretty flower on your hair!

  37. It’s awfully cold here today. I can’t wait to jump on a plane and be India-bound!
    I love the print of your skirt and the daisy in your hair is just adorable.

  38. Lovely layers!
    Fabulous skirt!


  39. it snowed all weekend here! fab outfit x

    For everything about fashion:

  40. This morning I thought that the weather could be better, but itΒ΄s snowing again! I like your outfit a lot πŸ™‚

  41. I love your sweater, and the different layers, so beautiful!

  42. Happy Monday to you too! I hope you had a fantastic weekend.

    -The Trendy Fashionista

  43. Amy

    I can’t even begin to tell you how much I am hating winter right now… we are supposed to get snow tomorrow and then again on Friday. UGH!

    Well, if it helps, I think you look adorable in this outfit! I love that sweater!!



  44. Lovely outfit, sorry for the weather! Grey and floral look great together!

  45. Yuk, snow is getting so…OLD! I have definitely had enough of it!

    That jumper looks really comfy and warm. Where is it from?


  46. Anonymous

    I really like the sleeves on that top. It’s still freezing and pretty shite here too. I’m up for Australia anytime! lol. -Becky

  47. I love how you incorporate tights into almost every outfit. It’s inspiring!

    And I’m with you on the wintry weather..I didn’t expect Seattle’s rain and gloom to affect me as much as it has. It’s a bit depressing.

  48. Cute outfit. I love the sleeves on the sweater.

  49. In Italy…grey grey monday!!

  50. The black skies on this monday morning weren’t nice at all. I really like the grey jumper you’re wearing. The sleeves on it look really cool.

  51. i can’t believe we’re still getting snow, it’s been 2 months now πŸ™

  52. Cute outfit I love your hair tied back like that πŸ™‚

  53. Its impossible to plan an outfit in the weather!! Im in ireland and it looked like a gorgeous day…but was absolutley freezing!! Your outfit looks nice and cosy though:)!


  54. Super cute daisy in your hair and that jumper looks so warm i need it right now (it is snowing AGAIN where i am in newcastle… haha book me a ticket to australia too :P)

  55. I’m so bored off the snow now!

  56. It did the same thing here! It was 80 degrees and sunny yesterday and it’s supposed to snow tommorow. Snow?!?!? In near- MArch? 100 miles from Mexico, folks. I live 100 miles from Mexico.

  57. me too πŸ™ I hate this weather now. You look lovely though! Nice and snuggly! x

  58. Jen

    Love the little daisy in your hair – very fitting for your blog!

  59. you seem so calm missed you !!!
    love the flower !!!

  60. you seem so calm missed you !!!
    love the flower !!!

  61. Love the skirt and the flower on your hair πŸ™‚

  62. That daisy in your hair is so cute.

    I know what you mean about winter, it feels like it’s dragging on forever, we get glimpses of spring only to have them snatched away. But keep the spring outfits coming, they really brighten my day xx

  63. i want that jumper!

  64. looks so cozy and i love the florals!

  65. comfy gray sweatshirts are the best for days like that! you look gorgey as always πŸ™‚

  66. Kim

    Love this over sized shirt !

  67. I love that jumper and the daisy is super cute xx

  68. ugh. i hate the cold weather. :/

  69. thats such a nice gray sweater! And I love it paired with the pink florals!

  70. Hi,

    i’m new to your blog and i love how you look in every pictures, you’re stylish. πŸ™‚

    Happy days to you.

  71. I love the floral print of your skirt πŸ™‚ and cute flower clip!


    p.s. was that cake I saw down there??? with stars?? I must investigate this… ^_^

  72. I love the print on your skirt!

  73. That sweater is so interesting and cool. It’s a gray day here, too, unfortunately!

  74. i love your gray top! i have a similar one. so cute with tights πŸ™‚

    <3 http://www.prettytimepiece.org

  75. great outfit as always, love ur headpiece on your hairs, it’s so cute πŸ™‚


  76. You look lovely~ the daisy is a nice touch!

  77. Oh sometimes I really do hate winter weather.
    Summer is just ending here in Australia unfortunately! I will be missing the sunny days alot…
    I love the pattern on your skirt/dress?

  78. wow, love d details of d jumper, d double sleeves are cool

  79. Hi! Cool pulover, I love this!
    If you like jewelry, go to my blog!

  80. I want to be skinny like you!

  81. Why do people feel the need to comment on your size? If you were fat they wouldn’t say “God you’re huge”
    No offence to anyone, just a thought… It’s often just as much of an insult so say jee you’re thin…Think about it people.

    Now. What I wanted to come here to say was that you’re the cutest ever! I keep thinking surely this girl has to have a bad day or make a bad fashion choice just ONCE but no, always perfect.

    Australia is pretty amazing. Probably like your summer when it’s winter here πŸ™‚
    But. It was 100 (about 40C) degrees here which is HELL!

  82. The sweater looks comfy πŸ˜€

  83. wow, love this grey top,looks fantastic! hope you warm up soon.

  84. Tell me about it, these grey clouds are getting old, wish I could blow them all away. Not long now and we should be able to say goodbye winter warmers, goodbye.
    hehe πŸ™‚
    prettyneons xXx

  85. Nice grey sweater!;))

    xoxo M.

  86. The weather is totally pants here too, freezing cold. Nice jumper
    Rianna Bethany xxx

  87. You look as pretty as ever, I adore this outfit of yours! xxx

  88. you look very lovely in this outfit and i love the sweater the most πŸ™‚ I too hope spring will arrive soon. Snow has just melted but I live in fear of snowing again. hope it wont πŸ˜€ have a nice week πŸ™‚

  89. Yeah I checked out the craftster website, looks good. Am going to try and start some things this weekend as I’m a bit snowed under with college work. Thanks for the help and information. I’ll probably have a few questions for you in the future. xxx

  90. Well at least you still look cute! lol! Snow here too! No fun! Thanks for the luck!

  91. I love your outfit…I love how you have layered basics and make them look so good together! I love the flower in your hair too!

  92. Hi girl! thanks for visiting my blog. I like your style and this skirt is fab! πŸ˜‰

  93. That sweater looks so comfy cozy!

  94. I had a similar experience like you, it really started snowing here. I am also so absolute ready for sunshine. Love the skirt, it is so playful

  95. not much brighter but i dont see the weather as a reason for being upset. cheer up, girl, youre pretty in all of your outfits because of your taste πŸ™‚

  96. Thank you for the sweet compliment! I’m glad I can bring some cheer to these dull winter days!

  97. Pretty sweater. Cashmere?

    P.S.: β™₯Please don’t forget to join the Schnappy Jewelry giveaway!β™₯

    Good luck!


  98. I don’t think you could’ve picked anything cuter for the cold weather.

  99. love your floral skirt! Diggin the florals this season.. thanks for the comment.. i hope your right about me being able to rock the harem pants! ahaha

  100. Love your jumper. The colour is my favourite.

  101. Great outfit, is it a skirt or a dress?

  102. ak

    the weather is miserable here as well…i second that trip to australia πŸ˜‰


  103. Love the outfit, especially the skirt, I’m really looking forward to Spring too and wow, Australia!!!!

  104. Cute layering my dear… I will trade the hot weather here in Manila anytime. I can’t think of anything to wear. xoxo

  105. Love the flower in your hair and how you’ve layered your outfit!

    And totally agree about weather. God is playing a very cruel joke on England!


  106. J

    layers are great!! love the floral skirt with the gray sweater

  107. Oh dear, i really hope the weather gets warmer for you soon. Or…come to Australia now!

  108. that’s some REALLY nice layering! it’s summer here in new zealand at the moment too!

  109. E

    Yeah, I’m over winter, too. But I love how you manage to make layers look so delicate and girly.

  110. The long sweater and miniskirt is such a cool silhouette! It makes a drop-waist-like effect.

  111. You look so cute in the perfect mix of winter and spring!

    And it’s so nice to know that other people plan out their outfits too! I don’t feel so weird!


  112. looking warm and chic daisy!


  113. Well grey is one of my favorite things to wear so no complaints here!

  114. spring spring spring..where are you!
    Love the printed floral skirt peeping out from under the tones of grey and black πŸ™‚

  115. The daisy clip in your hair is so appropriate! It looks cute.