
Sometimes you just have to go with comfort over style. Sometimes an outfit is going to be not at all flattering. Sometimes you aren’t going to feel “right” in anything you put on.

Sometimes, like today, you just have to embrace it and chuck on your favourite trousers and stick two fingers up at the negative thoughts.


The floral hareem pants are from Matalan; somewhere I don’t often shop but really should do more. Good prices and some beautiful clothes and shoes (oh god, the shoes!)



Please note the return of stalker cat. In the week since I have been home he’s not left me alone! He was poorly the first few weeks I was, and according to my parents hadn’t seemed right since.
No evidence of that now, the theory is he was playing for sympathy, like many a man I know.

Well, it’s once again Friday…who has plans for the weekend? As far as I know I’m catching up with Best Friend on Sunday, and shall venture to see my grandparents at some point too. Keeping things quiet. For now.

78 comments for “24.09

  1. Quiet is good sweetie, take it easy and do lovely things with all the people who have missed you! πŸ™‚
    And then when you feel up to it we shall arrange a visit πŸ™‚ xxx

  2. So glad to see you back πŸ™‚
    Before even reading that these are your favorite pair of pants, I fell in love with them πŸ™‚
    I love harem pants!
    Have a beautiful Friday, I hope all is well πŸ˜‰



  3. Awww, lovely cat!

    Friends and grannies here too this weekend, and a spot of baking πŸ™‚

  4. Oh, darling, I can’t believe how great you look!
    I love the pants!

    xo Caroline

  5. oh! love theese pants! they are really comfortable! you look really nice!

  6. What lovely harem pants? And only 14Ł? Gorgeous find!


  7. great to see you’ve got back into blogging again so easily and quickly!

    I’m a big fan of comfort dressing! Totally agree with your initial statements! Nice trousers!


  8. You look lovely as always Laura πŸ™‚ Have a nice weekend xx

    β™₯ Leia’s Delights

  9. Those harems look lovely on you. Have a wonderful weekend. xxx

  10. Great pants, I haven’t been to Matalan in a decade! there is one down the road to me which i keep meaning to check out one day maybe one day xoxo

  11. Wow, those trousers are amazing. I LOVE matalan, the shoes are so good and cheap. And they often do loads of really on-trend obviously designer inspired pieces.
    Your cat obviously missed you lots! I wonder if my goldfish is missing me now I’m in France… I doubt it somehow!

  12. I can only imagine how much you must have missed Flash! I’m getting my cat back from my boyfriend next week (we had an “arrangement” that he could keep him until he finished his studies and moved out) and I can’t wait!

  13. Love those hareems! You look gorgeous my dear πŸ™‚

    I’d love to see some of those sheets if you still have them? We could do a little swap – I’ll send you some cliff bars in exchange!

    xxxx H

  14. Love those hareems! You look gorgeous my dear πŸ™‚

    I’d love to see some of those sheets if you still have them? We could do a little swap – I’ll send you some cliff bars in exchange!

    xxxx H

  15. Darling, I am so glad to see you are back!! Thanks for stopping in at my blog πŸ™‚

    Let me say first off that you look incredible!! I was just catching up on your posts now. The bangs are new, no? πŸ™‚ I hope that you feel wonderful about yourself, and that most of all, you are healthy.

    The best part about your new body… shopping for new clothes, lol!!

    Have a fantastic weekend πŸ™‚

  16. oh how I want a pair of floral harem pants! They sure beat the tracksuit pants I’ve been wearing.

    No weekend plans for me, but hopefully I’ll get something productive done.

  17. oh you look so beautiful, darling. comfy is so good sometimes… love your shoes too πŸ™‚

  18. The floral harems are really cool!

    My cat stalks me in a different way, she wakes me up in the morning by meowing and scratching my door, but not because she misses me. She just wants my bed. Lie in it all day and make it all hairy. Gotta love em though.

    Have fun with your best friend:D

  19. hahahaha stalker kitteh!!

    ok, i think only you can pull off that outfit. i’d been wondering what the floral harem pants would look like since you mentioned them—really cute!

    it’s funny cuz yesterday i kept thinking it was Friday : / *sigh* this week has been strange, who knows what the weekend holds.

    xo ( :

  20. It’s so nice seeing that you are home and are so loved by your welcoming stalker cat! He looks huge! The blouse and harem pants both look nice. Have a nice visit with your grandparents whenever you do go. Best wishes for your health. You are a sweetie.

  21. love love love your awsome pants!!

  22. My cat’s like that, too. Can be rather annoying!

  23. Wow, I love those harems! I think the key to schmoopy style is going totally over the top with crazy prints as you so wonderfully show!

  24. I sooo wish i could wear harems, i just look a fool though!
    Don’t get me started on Matalan shoes, they are soooo nice and sooo cheap, I’ve not been in for ages to stop temptation getting me x

  25. Comfy is best, when indoors I live in my PJ’s and when the doorbell goes I am off upstairs like a scalded cat!
    You look lovely and relaxed today.
    Kandi x

  26. Matalan is doing quite good lately!!

    Enjoy your weekend… xx

  27. Those pants are so fun, darling!
    You look gorgeous!


  28. The harems look magnificent! Enjoy your weekend and take it easy x

  29. funky pants! and your cat is adorable, as well.

  30. sweet cat
    sometimes we need a little comfort …. hot tea ….. nice movie and a blanket
    but the pants are great: P


  31. Am totally with you on not feeling ‘right’ in anything. Took me forever to choose clothes for work last night (for today!).

    Wish winter would hurry it’s way along so that I can layer up everything in one go.

  32. I think you have gone with style as well, I like the outfit and do not think that style is lacking from it at all πŸ™‚ Have a nice weekend!xxx

  33. Thanks for the comment πŸ™‚
    I’ve missed you too.. however, we both appear to be back! For now at least anyway..!

    Wish my comfy outfits were this stylish.. you look great πŸ™‚


  34. Those pants are awesome! I love floral prints and really should start weaering them more oftem

    Eternally yours,

  35. Oh, i really love the combination of the white plain T.shirt with those trousers!!

  36. I LOVE these trews on you- fab!
    Was so surprised at Matalan – never normally go in but the other day they had everything I needed…perfect style and fit. Wahey!


  37. I love the hareem pants xx

  38. Oh honey as nice as those are I am just not a fan of harem pants (as my blog today says!) The pattern looks great on your though! Its nice to have you back!
    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home
    Daisy Dayz Day Zero Challenge

  39. Those trousers are cute! Need to make the boyfriend drive me to Matalan. He hates driving so may have to bribe him with Mint Imperials (usually works).
    Glad to hear you’re keeping it chilled and hanging out with that adorable cat πŸ™‚ Sounds perfect to me.

  40. So cute!! You look so lovely, I’m so happy to see you back πŸ™‚ Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog πŸ™‚
    Boho Market Blog

  41. don’t you just love it when your pet follows you around?! I do πŸ™‚

    And amen to the comfort!

    Have a fantastic weekend,


  42. love your floral pants, dear!!1

  43. You really pull this look off, not gonna lie I think I wouldn’t like it so much if it was on another person but something about your pose and your coloring just go really well with the outfit!


  44. Cute stalker cat! πŸ˜€

    I love your pants.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Britta / My Bathroom Is My Castle

  45. Greatest pants ever and you look so amazing!!

  46. Love the trousers but don’t think I could pull them off!

  47. awwww your cat must be looking out for you πŸ™‚

    It’s great to see you posting fully again =)

  48. ugh, I want some comfy harem pants!! love them πŸ™‚

  49. missy i hadn’t stopped in for a while and you are looking amazing πŸ™‚
    hope you have a great weekend!


  50. Cool pants, they seem very comfortable…

  51. you’re totally right, some days the only thing I want is comfort!
    well my Saturday isn’t going to be much fun staying home, but might be going for a walk and some sightseeing tomorrow πŸ™‚

  52. daisy I really love ur floral pants!


  53. I loooove these trousers! You most definitely look comfortable and cute!

  54. Welcome back! What an adorable kitty! πŸ™‚


  55. Gr8 pants. Look like a cross between harems and long johns, lol.

  56. You look fantastic lady!

    I’m having a party for my birthday today!

  57. love your pants!
    he missed you sweetie:)

  58. I love stalker cat. How funny!

  59. Kitty is a fab accessory! Love the floral pants! XX!

  60. Yay for quiet weekends. We went to two dos last night and feeling lousy this morning. Hope to recover in time for work tomorrow

  61. what a lovely blog πŸ™‚ and great posts *follows* πŸ™‚

  62. YOU LOOK WONDERFUL!! I’m not just saying that to stroke your ego, I truly mean it! The ornate pants + the simple top are perfect. And the canvas itself is ideal! πŸ˜‰ Keep it up, baby.


  63. Anonymous

    You look lovely Laura!
    Haha. The stalker cat. πŸ˜‰

  64. i love the trousers but matalan is a shop i never venture into either

  65. Comfy is indeed the way to go sometimes, especially if you can do it in fabulous floral trousers like those!

  66. Aw, kitty loves you!

  67. i LOVE those Hareem trousers … lush!!

    kimashleyclarke.blogspot.com xxx

  68. Oh my gosh those harem pants are amazing!!! I actually love this outfit, you don’t look slobby at all. I really need to get down to Matalan…

  69. cool pants ! u totally own them ! πŸ˜›

  70. Very stylish comfy outfit. You have reminded my I must check out Matalan for the gorgeous shoes soon! Love Flash the stalker cat!

  71. awh such a cute kitty and i lvoe the flower pants!

  72. Originally, I wasn’t a fan of the harem pants…at all. BUT I love these. I think if they aren’t the ridiculous MC Hammer Harem pants they are uber chic. Love it.

