26.02 friday feeling

Hello! Welcome to the end of another week, and, eek, almost the end of another month! I hope it’s been a good one and you have a fun filled weekend ahead.

The weather here can’t make up its mind and we seem to have a rainy, cold day followed by a super sunny one (like today). That means yesterday was foul and cold and dark, and so my outfit was purely comfortable; all style went out of the window, I’m only blogging to shame myself!



Today I feel much brighter and couldn’t resist wearing my second pair of Β£1 tights, I’m so bad, I went and picked up duplicates in each colour yesterday as I love them so much, as well as the ring pictured below; also Β£1!





By popular (seemingly really popular!) demand, here is the recipe I used for my muffins…
Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
I had intended to use a recipe shared by a friend but realised it required oil, which I didn’t have!

I’m not sure how much I’ll be posting outfits next week, if at all, as my Dad has the week off work and it is far more awkward to get photos, but I’ll still be blogging and might find a way to get some pics in my room…it’s been moved around so my old photo taking spot is gone!


122 comments for “26.02 friday feeling

  1. Don’t be trying to kid us that the top outfit isn’t stylish – I think it looks great on you!

  2. I can assure you miss, so style whatsoever went out of the window! You’re channeling rock chic today, that’s all!
    And Β£1 tights? Where do you find those bargains? I would never imagine finding such a thing in Greece…

  3. I love those tights where are they from? Ive been looking for some turqoiuse ones for ages but they always seem too green?

    love the print top you look fab as always πŸ™‚

  4. yay!! so glad you are going back to roots!! I love the reddish tone to your hair πŸ™‚
    Vicki x

  5. The ring is fabulous. And I love both your outfits. I usually buy stuff in all the colors if I really like it.

    Happy weekend! xoxo

  6. Love the turquoise tights, and your outfit yesterday looks really comfy and cozy – not shameful at all.

  7. Ooo, I just bought a pair of $1 tights that look exactly like those! I’ll have to take an outfit pic of it soon!

  8. I love that ring! Also I love the first outfit the best! That t-shirt is great!

    Thanks for the recipe πŸ™‚


  9. I love those tights, they’re such an amazing colour!

    And we’re experiencing the exact same eratic weather in the South too – yesterday the rain was so bad, driving home from university was a nightmare and so dangerous because of the surface-water, but today it’s brilliant sunshine!

    Have a great weekend!

  10. I’ve been wallowing in self-pity these past few rainy, grey days, so good on you for getting dressed up! Loving your tights, they’re fab!

  11. Loving that black outfit!

  12. Kel

    Love the top in the first pic, and the colours in the second. The weather totally determines my clothes and colour choices! funny isn’t it!
    Love the ring! and thanks for the recipe – can’t wait to bake them.

    X x

  13. I tried to make some lemond and poppy seed muffins this morning – inspired by yours in the silicon cases, made the mix, didn’t have poppy seeds!

    I love the T shirt leggings combo!



  14. I love both outfits. The first one is definitely more punk rock than we normally see you , but it suits you.
    The second one is lovely too. I love grey combined with bright colors and teal is favorite color.

    Thanks for the recipe!

  15. that bottom outfit pic is such a cute pose, and i love the bargain pearl ring..

    have a lovely weekend sweetie πŸ˜‰ xx

  16. i really really want your tights wardrobe πŸ™‚

    also, i know your Dad is home and thus it is perhaps not in the cards, but i think it would cute as all get out if you posed the same way as the girl on your top, while wearing that top! hee hee… maybe next time πŸ™‚

  17. I would so steal your first Tee if I could!

  18. Love the gold embellishment going down the side of your black legging!

  19. Whatever :p
    You’re very stylish even in “comfy” clothes, where as comfy to me is spending all day in your PJs lol!

  20. I actually like both outfits. you should see my comfy Hello kitty dress then you know what confortable non stylish look is


  21. 2 fabity fab outfits πŸ™‚ Expecially love the top in the first and the tights in the second!

  22. The shirt in the first outfit is so nice.

  23. Two great outfits there, Laura.
    Loving the turquoise tights on you.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  24. love you dress, it belts so well

  25. Every time you wear colored tights it totally makes me want to run right out and get a ton of them!

  26. I think you have the best collection of tights ever:)


  27. Gorgeous outfit as always. That green tights is so cute.
    Anyway, would you mind to exchange button/link with me?


  28. Oh WOW! I love the rocker-chic outfit! something id wear myself.. πŸ™‚

  29. the first outfit is fabulous! πŸ™‚

  30. LOVING the top outfit. That ring is a winner too.


  31. Loving the tights in both pics. Great outfits! πŸ™‚

  32. I love the first outfit, I think it’s fabulous! πŸ™‚

  33. fierce top in the first outfit! i LOVE the tights in the second too, and that ring is gorgey. lol i know what oyu mean about it being awkward to get pics when others are around, hope you still manage tho because i love seeing em!

  34. I love the tights!
    Claudia xxx

  35. Love both these outfits πŸ™‚
    I buy two pairs of the same tights if I like them enough since tights have a habbit of not lasting very long! πŸ™‚

  36. Amazing leggings, tights and poses !!!

  37. LA

    Love the ring alo COCO! =)

    I’ll visit you more often!


  38. You have great style! Turn that into a $1000 Bloomingdales shopping spree by entering the β€œAvenue Debut Grand Giveaway” style contest at LVCMag.com!

    We’d love for you to do a post on this opportunity for your readers – contact me at jamie@lvcmag.com if you’re interested!

  39. Jen

    bipolar weather is pretty gross, haha. you look so great in both of these outfits! i’m so jealous of your 1 euro tights!!! i hope you snatched up every single style and color with a price like that haha πŸ™‚

  40. I absolutely love the leggins in the first outfit. It’s a leggins but it really has the “special something” (it’s a German saying,I don’t think it’s grammatically correct). It just means that the leggins is awesome πŸ˜€

  41. Lovely shirt you have! and the tights are totally rad, love it! Weather here’s the same, I’m so sick and tired of it as well πŸ™

    Happy weekend! xx

  42. Love the tights, especially the price πŸ™‚

  43. I really like your top in the first outfit. You paired it really well with the leggings (which are very cool.)

  44. The second outfit is so beautiful! I love the colour of the tights!
    I don’t think the first outfit is as bad as you say. It’s less cheerful than the second one, but looks great too!

  45. Hey,

    Just thought I’d let you know that you’re the winner of my blog competiton.

    Check your inbox.


  46. love those comfortable and cool outfit. kisses

  47. I love the 1st outfit:)!!
    You should try adding white chocolate to the lemon-poppyseed muffins….heaven:)!!


  48. i actually love your first look. yes it’s comfy but really rock and roll too!

  49. tights are my shopping weakness! I love buying them, but I destroy them almost instantly! I had on a pair of black ones for less than an hour and they had a run. Good thing I like the look of ripped tights.

  50. Love your comfy outfit and your chic one too πŸ™‚

  51. i love all your fun colored tights! You pull that look off so well! love your ring as well πŸ™‚

  52. I loooove that ring!! xoxo

  53. Have a terrific weekend darlibg! I love the color of your tights, are they from Tabio?

  54. No shame, Laura. Who’s the rocker on your shirt? She looks familiar, but I can’t place her.

  55. i am adoring your tights! the color just makes me smile. πŸ™‚ <---like that!

  56. wow I love the blue tights with that gray dress! So pretty!

  57. i love the cut outs on those leggings!


  58. ak

    so looking forward to march bc then spring is that much closer.


  59. I love both outfits! So cute. I might have to make those muffins, they sounds amazing.

  60. loving the colour of the tights xxx

  61. That ring is awesome. And I’ve said it before, but colored tights look fantastic on you. πŸ˜€

  62. Kb

    Loving the legwear and your poses! I need to get back into photo taking too, intending to finally acquire a tripod this weekend! Hope your week’s gone well.

  63. Laura I am beginning to feel the urge to raid your closet. You have such an amazing collection of tunics, tights, tees, and shirt dresses. Love!! πŸ™‚

  64. Oh, those tights are simply gorgeous!!
    And cheer up, spring is almost coming! πŸ™‚

  65. your legs are wicked! loving those tights!

  66. You got some awesome bargains!! I want some blue tights… but i did just get some cool thigh high socks πŸ™‚

  67. you are so damn cute. you look gorgeous and stylin’ even when you aren’t trying. i always lack inspiration when the weather is crumby.


    p.s. i love your tights! i just got some sparkly raspberry ones!! yay!!

  68. love the black (studded?) leggins!

  69. happy weekend my dear! that teal colour is gorgeous.


  70. i love both outfits. the leggings in the first style is rad, and i love the blue sneakpeek in the 2nd one. good luck for everything!!

  71. I love that dress you paired with the blue tights and the belt it is so lovely where did you get it

    From Dolly

  72. the pearl ring is so lovely!

  73. i love the print on ur top ^^

  74. You look so sweet in all black. It suits you.

    Wish I could pull off the bright tights, I really do.


  75. Loove your tights Laura, great colour πŸ™‚ You always seem to find so many good bargains! The ring is great too. Have a lovely weekend dear!

  76. What ? I think that shirt is amazing ! And I love your tights too πŸ™‚ That bright leggings are lovely . Love them . Hope you’re having a nice weekend dear ! xoxoox

  77. I like so much the first look.It’s very…rock!!

  78. Love your tee in the first outfit…and nice touch with the bright tights in the second one…you sure know how to do casual chic!

  79. that is one very cool t-shirt!!!
    and I love your aqua tights πŸ™‚


  80. Time does fly by too fast, so we have to make the best out of it πŸ™‚ love the grey shirt with thin belt!

  81. The leggins in the first outfit are really fierce and I love those tights. The colour is absolutely gorgeous. Such a great find at that price.
    Have a good weekend

  82. What cool dress shirts! Both of them!!!

  83. looooove that ring! and that grey dress.. is amazing! these are salees dear! πŸ™‚

  84. loving your both outfits,especially the first..so rock chic!

  85. Thx for your comment but I think you look perfect and beautiful ! Stay true to yourself πŸ™‚ Mon Mode Blog

  86. I love that first outfit – the rocky attitude is so cool!


  87. loving the grey and teal!

    jess s//

  88. I agree: it’s comfortable rock chic ; )

    Can’t believe you wake @ 5;30.. I wouldn’t hate you, just in awe!

    I’m glad Mr. Dot gets up early – I think it’s so admirable – and he does stay quiet & let’s me sleep – it’s just when he wakes me he’s usually been up for hours & gets really impatient.

    Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!

  89. it’s been like that here too, mother nature is on menopause. lol. love the second look!

  90. Love the two look! they are so different but i like them !


  91. I am in love with both of these outfits, especially the second one! THe blue tights are such a great color pop.


  92. Wow, that ring is so lovely! And those teal tights in the second outfit are PERFECT.


  93. looking lovely, as usual. love those legging in the first photos. also so glad you’ve put up the recipe! hope you are having a lovely weekend. xx

  94. MJ

    I really like that shirtdress – so your style!

  95. I love the second color combo, I want that shirt dress!

  96. i like the cut of the grey tunic. where do you buy your tights from?

  97. I love the first outfit, so hip and fresh look I will love to wear something like that with some red or blue pumps

  98. I love your outfits!!

  99. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting. BTW, comfort did not replace fashion by the looks of it, very cool comfy outfits!

  100. Love the both outfits,the grey tunik is gorgeous!!!


  101. You are chic without even trying!!

    That ring is fab – thanks for the recipe!

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,
    English Rose x

  102. Your looks are adorable, specially the second one! Love your ring! Wish you a lovely sunday!

  103. Four words : I Love this post
    Gorgeous…. (:
    Oh, and thanks so much for your sweet sweet comment!
    Panda xx

  104. I heart the first top, the turquoise tights and the ring πŸ™‚

  105. I lvoe that grey shirt dress – the belt really looks great with it too, and I tihnk the first outfit masters stylish and comfy personally!

  106. Those turquoise tight are gorgeous!!! And 1Β£? Best bargain!

  107. Jen

    Love those terrific teal tights! What a colour pop!

  108. Both outfits look lovely but the teal tights with the grey shirt dress is fab! x

  109. Big fan of your grey shirt/dress matched with those tights! Thanks for sharing the recipe:)

  110. gorgeous color on those tights!

  111. Nat

    I love that ring, and the t-shirt is awesome! You look amazing even when you say it’s casual- so not fair lol! x

  112. i love your green tight so much! <333

  113. I love the first outfit!beatiful leggins!

  114. Love the top, very cool!

    Great blog πŸ™‚


  115. Oh I know how you feel. I hate when my partner is home I’m too shy to get him to take photos so I do it when he’s not home.

  116. The first outfit is just amazing! simple and so cool, xx

  117. I love the second outfit!!! LOVE!!!

  118. I love the outfit with the green tights πŸ˜€ That top is gorgeous with the green.
