
Today’s outfit was thrown together in a fit of frustration. The weather is all over the place and my old staples from this time last year no longer fit the bill.

Dress, Β£5 Primark
Leggings, New Look
Boots, Office via a lovely blog reader
Vest, New Look via Mum’s wardrobe



I never know what to do with myself on a Monday,
how do you usually fill your time? My current options are crafts, baking, and listing clothes that no longer fit on ebay.

Also, I want to hear from you what you want to see/read more of on the blog. I really want to start trying some new things but so far have come up with zilch! I’m willing to consider (pretty much) anything…

76 comments for “27.09

  1. Nice outfit! I really like the boots. I enjoy your outfit posts and what you’ve bought. It’s hard when you try to think of new things to post about. I’m sure you’ll come up with somethign awesome! x

  2. really like your vest. maybe you can write something about makeup/beauty products that you use daily


  3. Beautiful look!

    I love your (mother’s) vest.

  4. Kim

    cute outfit ! Love the fur

  5. Those boots look fab on you !

  6. did u put on weight? u r still as beautiful as ever!!! :):)

  7. Do some baking, its cold out so its the perfect time to be in a warm kitchen with yummy smells.
    I’m with out on new things for the blog, i’ve more time to post now but keep coming up blank on new ideas. Hmmm x

  8. Do some baking, its cold out so its the perfect time to be in a warm kitchen with yummy smells.
    I’m with out on new things for the blog, i’ve more time to post now but keep coming up blank on new ideas. Hmmm x

  9. I think you look lovely Laura!

    β™₯ Leia

  10. You look smart but ever so snug in this outfit

  11. MJ

    It makes me smile every time I see you now, you look so lovely! πŸ™‚

  12. Kb

    It’s just great that your back, but I’d love to see how your style develops as you’re embracing your new shape. Also some baking posts wouldn’t go amiss (and I’d love to see what crafts you’re working on).

  13. Would also like to read posts about make up and make up products, if you like.

  14. You look so pretty, this is such a great outfit, looks really warm as well!
    I would love to see pictures of your town, and places that you like there? or you could share with us some of your favourite books? hope it doesn’t sound too lame hehe; I’m sure a lot of your readers -as well as me- would love to know more about you! πŸ™‚

    xx Iris

  15. Bake, bake, bake! I always love your cooking and recipe posts.

    You’re looking so good. Love today’s outfit – perfect for a rubbish autumnal day.

  16. I’m soooo jealous you get to wear fur and boots… Here in Greece it’s 30Β°C and sunny. I shouldn’t complain, I know, but I really want to bring out all my wintery stuff!

    Blog suggestion: I’d love to see some posts where you present your shoe collection!

  17. Yay! I am so glad you are back = I have missed you and worried about you.
    You are looking well, super stylish as usual.
    Lots of love xx

  18. I’ve been filling my time with blogging, reading, a bit of crafting and photography… and way too much TV. Stupid TV.

    Maybe you can blog about your crafts, or just write about whatever is on your mind?

  19. Adore that fur vest! And I’m fine with anything you want to post actually, maybe something about what you’ve been filling up your time with:)


  20. I like the layering in this outfit, it is so very cold lately, so makes for a great outfit x

  21. Great outfit you’re looking really good and healthy now. I second the cooking posts, definitely something I’d like to see more of now it’s getting cold out also why don’t you give us a tour of your new room xoxo

  22. What a perfect outfit- it’s gorgeous!

  23. hello beautiful girl,
    i love your vest and outfit!..so pretty on you! <3
    Mondays, ahh for me today my schedule is packed with classes :/ yet i am exhausted and quite ill with the flu πŸ™ but baking,crafts, and ebay sounds lovely!
    perhaps on your blog include more writing about your days, and life and such? πŸ™‚ idk? well i love your blog how it is!

    love you

  24. Lovely outfit, practical but stylish.
    Recipes, crafts, skincare, musings. We love you and all you blog about. xxx

  25. oh this outfit is lovely for the horrid weather at the moment hun!! just think of all the lovely new things you will be able to purchase to add to yuor wardrobe when you outsort some of the old! xx

  26. oh this outfit is lovely for the horrid weather at the moment hun!! just think of all the lovely new things you will be able to purchase to add to yuor wardrobe when you outsort some of the old! xx

  27. loving the boots xxxx

  28. Good to have you back, you look so cute in this outfit.
    Vicki xxx

  29. Great boots, Honey!


  30. Ooh Laura, I am in love with your boots! Monday’s are typically full of homework and catching up on e-mails for me – I feel as if I hardly ever have a spare moment sometimes!! πŸ˜›

  31. that fur vest is AMAZING. πŸ˜€ i’m a little jealous. <3

  32. you’re glowing πŸ™‚ i love your self style, and the baking stuff too, tasty! x

  33. Lovely outfit πŸ™‚

    I’m doing teacher training so my free time is none existent at the moment and I am very envious of you! Seriously make the most of the free time because you’ll wish you had when it’s gone πŸ™‚ I’d love to see your baking and crafts!

  34. So gorgeous my love! It’s so nice to have you back blogging- you look gorgeous! Kisses to you sweet blog friend XOXO

  35. Have you ever thought about writing? Like a novel or short stories? Or perhaps art?

  36. The plaid dress looks nice, comfortable and practical with those roomy pockets. The boots look nice too and may be quite practical as well if you get some more heavy snowfalls this coming winter. Yes, the weather can get quite erratic in the fall where i live too. It was hot here three days ago but a bit chilly the last two nights.

  37. Jen

    Love that cosy gilet! So perfect for today’s horrible weather. x

  38. Jo

    Hi Laura,

    Those boots look fab on you. What a lovely outfit.

    Jo xx

  39. You look toasty warm today, love the gilet! I think more baking and making is in the offing, did you ever pick up the jewellery making again, let me know if you want me to send on some bits and bobs for you to have a play with.
    Kandi x

  40. SLF

    oh thank you so much πŸ™‚
    cool outfit, i like. maybe you’re intressted to follow me back :))?


  41. oh no you DIDN’T!! lol i want that vest, gimme gimme!!

    love your look. i feel like your blog has pretty much everything…hmm…

    i think it would be fun to get to know your opinions on things, whether through product reviews or favorites or your thoughts on life in general.

  42. I like the boots.

    Embrace being able to change your wardrobe…it’s a good thing.

    At the moment am spending my free time attempting knit a top…but knitting is clearly far too relaxing and I end up dozing off into a nice sleep…

    As for what to blog about…maybe some review of new things you try out?


  43. I love the blog as it is right now too:)
    awesome outfit!

  44. I am so excited to be able to start wearing fur πŸ™‚


  45. I really like this – frustration is the mother of invention and all that! I love your outfit photos, but would be definitely interested on reviews, would love to see some of your crafting too!

  46. the weather in california is all over too this week is hot like hell and then it gets cold and i dont know
    but you do loook really pretty wearing the fur vest and im so jealous of your boots
    plaid and fur ,i loveee!

  47. Mat

    wel ive been filling my time with lots of research on the 50s, doing a photoshoot in a barber shop next week.

    i know, whats the weather about!

  48. Looking good! I’ts so good to see you bck in the land of Blog =) xx

  49. love love love that outfit, you look great! I love the vest especially, I just saw one like that and almost bought it. I don’t know about blogging ideas, I feel like I’m always running short on them too haah.

  50. I like this outfit! You look great~

  51. OMG, you look so good! I’m so glad you’re back, I missed your sweet outfits! β™₯

  52. this is so cool and really works for the fall! you had these things just in your wardrobe!? jealous. xoxo

  53. fur vest looks very comfy πŸ™‚

  54. furry vests.. YES!!

  55. Love the fur vest! Your mum must be really stylish, lucky you! And those boots are lovely!

    I think you should learn something new, but kind of crazy, to fill your time. Like buy a “teach yourself Swedish” book or learn to do tricks with a hula hoop!

  56. Anonymous

    hey! i wanted to suggest you a post, would you like to show us how to order and / or classify your tights? you always say that you have lots of them and i recently bought some new, so i wanted to get ideas to order them.

  57. Looks like a nice comfy outfit! The fur gilet looks so cosy. It’s been terribly chilly lately πŸ™

  58. Well you still look fantastic, loving those boots!

  59. ohhh these boots are awesome babe! lovely blog reader she is! LOL

    i want to read posts like the usual articles you do. i am happy the way it is. more outfit posts maybe? πŸ˜‰

    xoxo Mode Junkie

  60. Thanks for the comment! I’m glad you’re back. πŸ™‚
    For me Mondays are class, library for hoursss, class again.

  61. I really like your dress, you look lovely. Thanks for your comment and I’ll send you an email shortly. xxx

  62. This outfit is perfect <3 I love it! Usually I don't go for highstreet clothes, but this does the trick :)

    Thankyou for the lovely comment on my blog <3

    Emilie xoxo


  63. Great look for having been thrown together in a fit of frustration! The weather here has been just as bad, huge rises and drops in the temperature from day to day, with plenty of rain mixed in!

    I know it can be hard sometimes finding fresh topics from time to time. I always love your outfit choices, maybe you could do some posts about your shopping habits and how you choose looks.

  64. I fill my Mondays with loooads of class!! Mondays and Wednesdays are my busiest days at school. And I think your blog is just lovely as it is, maybe some projects of yours or something of the sort would be nice?


  65. nice vest and very usefull!!! good combination!!!! πŸ˜€

  66. Great look! Bet your having lots of fun with ebay listing then, lol! Mondays are for sleeping usually.

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home
    Daisy Dayz Day Zero Challenge

  67. love the fur…
    tq for dropping a sweet comment on my blog(^^)


  68. Cute outfit – I loooove the boots.

    By the way, above post – sweeeeet as comp. Going to check it out and see if it applies to those in NZ! x


  69. LOVE the boots! So great!

  70. Anonymous

    I’d actually love to hear some about your hospital experience. If it isn’t too painful of course.
    You look soo much better by the way. πŸ™‚

  71. Nice vest, I really like it! πŸ™‚

  72. I love the faux fur gillet!