
Well, I survived Ikea yesterday, I think it took us longer to get in to the place than it did to get around it, and I got what I wanted, which was some cheap white plates and bowls for ceramic painting.
The Cath Kidston sale was awesome, although I ended up buying full price stuff! There was so much I wanted that it was easier to resist the sale altogether, really.

I ended up with egg cups (which match my plate and bowl)

And this sweet little purse. I was orignially going to get the blue version, which was in the sale, but loved this colour more.

If your a fan of Cath Kidston (and have more money than I do) get yourself down there!

Today’s outfit is a bit of a random combination, but it’s warm, comfortable and I’m past caring what I look like for now!



I look so dumpy without shoes on, haha. Oh dear.

This is my winter coat which was my main Christmas gift from my parents. The photo does it no justice at all, but it’s no longer on the M&S website so I can’t show you how it’s supposed to look! The material is fine cord and it’s just so warm, without being bulky.


I’m also wearing this charming bangle, of which my Mum has matching. It’s her favourite quote ever and means a lot to the both of us.


What are everyone’s New Years plans? I’ll probably stay in (just for a change) with my parents and brother, unless anyone wants to invite me to their wild party! I can’t afford pubs and clubs, especially not on NYE!


39 comments for “29th

  1. That’s a lovely bangle and that coat looks amazingly warm and cosy 🙂

    You dont look dumpy at all that looks like a lovely warm and comfy outfit 🙂

  2. Oh I love that bangle!
    Ang xxx

  3. Love the bangle!


  4. Anonymous

    love the bangle! Wheres it from? xx

  5. How sweet, I love your bangle too! The quote is just too lovely:)

    Happy holidays, hun!


  6. Cute bangle Laura. Happy New Year sweetie. If I was home I invite you over for sure 🙂


  7. You look adorable! You don’t look dumpy at all.


  8. I also have the blue CK purse, although ive never used it…haha! Loving this little bracelet!


  9. The bangle is so cute, I love it!

  10. i LOVE that bangle and the quote xx

  11. Can’t wait to see what you’ll do with the bowls and plates.
    The egg cups are adorable!

    Somehow I am not in the mood for New Year’s Eve at all. I just wanna stay in watch some tv and go to bed when the fireworks are done really. Oh well, I might still enjoy it once it’s there;)

  12. I am sure the coat is amazing. And I would love to see more pictures of it.
    Oh and the purse is adorable. I don´t really know the brand, we don´t have it here in Portugal, but it seems amazing.


  13. Your outfit reminds me of an english tea cup and saucer at a tea party!!!
    [[ Which is d+efos a good thing ]]

    I adore that skirt.
    And that bangle is divine!!

    I’m not doing much for New Years Eve either.
    My boy friend most likely has to work.
    So I’ll probly be at home with my mother.
    I’m sure we’ll have a blast though!!



  14. your new winter coat is lovely

  15. I love the bangle, that quote is one of my favourites too – do you mind me asking where you got it from? x

  16. Really liking the skirt! I think I’d best avoid the cath kidston sale for the sake of my bank account! xx

  17. I think you look awesome — love the lacey skirt w the sweater! Hope your NYE turns out to be a fun, toasty and cozy evening!

  18. the bangle is fabulous!

  19. Loving your jumper and that bangle, it’s so sweet!

    Stacey xx

  20. You look absolutely amazing, those pastel colours really suit you!xx

  21. Jen

    LOVE that coat!! It’s so something that I’d wear!

    Happy Wednesday Dear! xo

  22. You don’t look dumpy at all, silly sausage 🙂 That bangle is so cute, I love things with personal meanings to them.

  23. Jen

    Oh and sweetie, have you added your city to Location Central yet? It’s where you see who blogs by you. We’re all out there!!


  24. I love that quote too. A friend gave me a postcard with it on a few years back and I still have it on my fridge door. I’m going for a meal with one of my best friends on Hogmanay – should be fun. xx

  25. wow you braved ikea that is infact crazy xxxx

  26. I love you outfit such a cute mix of textures that bangle is gorgeous and so meaningful love things like that.

    I am not sure what I am doing for NYE I am working New Years day so nothing major xoxo

  27. I love the outfit. That is such a nice skirt! Glad you survived IKEA…that place can be a nightmare!

    Not much on the NYE plans…just going to get my hands on as much of the bubbly as possible!

    ps. glad you checked out UK Tights. You DO need tights…we all do :).

  28. I like your sweater and my pland for New Year? Glass of champagne and fireworks from my window:)

  29. lovely bangle! love your entire outfit 🙂

  30. I love that bangle! I don;t usually go for lots of bracelets, but that one is really sweet. I’ve got a thing for pretty little quotes.. Panda xo

  31. I’m loving the swweater, just too cool!!!


  32. The bangle is so lovely and I’m glad you had fun at Cath Kidston, I think I could quite easily make that shop my dream home!

    The ceramic painting sounds interesting xx

  33. love that jumper!

    Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion

  34. Nice coat! Love the colour, & I love that quote too 🙂

  35. Aww that’s a great bangle. It’s a good message 🙂

    Bhav x

  36. That bangle is lovely.
    I’m having a nice quiet night in with the fella

  37. Dumpy my backside! I love that bangle, its a fab quote.
    For New Years i’m having a total change and staying in with Phil and Seb, i have a nice bottle of wine to drink to myself as its Phils turn not to drink 🙂 x

  38. Dumpy? No! Love the mismatched outfit and the coat looks ultra chic and fits like a dream.
    Our New Year’s Eve gathering at our house involves a variety of home made curries, nibbles, copious amounts of wine and foolish party games, that’s if Jon gets rid of his Man flu. xxx

  39. Pretty coat and bangle 😀