the inbetween

I love the days inbetween Christmas and New Year. Everything slows down, emphasised by the manic of Pre-Festivity organisation.
The days lend themselves perfectly to spending time with family and exploring new belongings. Yesterday was a perfect example…a quiet morning of nail painting and reading, a drive with Mum, a peaceful evening and two games of scrabble (I am yet to win a game)

This is an appalling photo, but it shows (kind of) the cardigan I got from New Look




Oh hello beaten up hands.

Today is shopping day…Park Street; Cath Kidston Sale, YES PLEASE
and Ikea…not so thrilled!

How do you spend the inbetween days?

37 comments for “the inbetween

  1. That’s a great nail polish colour!
    Ang xxx

  2. Nice post. thank you for sharing.

  3. I love your mug and that list notebook is amazing!

    Today I’m having another Christmas day, well the meal I opened my presents last night as I couldn’t wait! πŸ™‚

  4. lovely color of nails

  5. Love the Cath mug – hope the sale was good, I’ve yet to brave the shops πŸ™‚ Sally x

  6. I have to admit, even though I have to go to work for 3 days of this week, I think I’m going to love these inbetween days too. Everything feels less hectic, and everyone is still in a nice holiday mood πŸ™‚

  7. Love that notebook πŸ™‚ I usually spend them infront of the tv, gorging on whatevers in the kitchen cupboards!! xx

  8. I don’t think I will have time to brave the shops, I’m back in work tomorrow booo! Not fair! I want to check out the cath Kidston sale though cos I have vouchers hehe.

  9. Lovely dress, doll!


  10. That notepad looks awesome.

    I’m not a big fan of the inbetween days.
    Today will be shopping day…coatstand hunting here I come!

    Enjoy the time with the parents.


  11. Beautiful outfit!

    Haha, a bit like you actually, just relaxing and reading and shopping a bit. Can’t wait to catch some sales too, although I did grab a few amazing bargains from H&M on the second day of Christmas. Plus I’m spending quite some time at the cinema.

  12. I love the inbetween days too. I work retail, and the store is always very busy/crazy. I love that I’m never bored at work. πŸ™‚
    Have a happy new year.


  13. I braved a few of the sales (Boots and Marks and Spencer), but left once I got what I wanted! I don’t have a Cath Kidston nearby, I sooo wish I did xx

  14. I love that pad – “I WILL get some stuff done!!” haha πŸ™‚

  15. I’m thinking about doing a little shopping myself. I need a New Years dress of sorts. You’re so brave for going to IKEA.

  16. I love these days too, and I am really slowing down this week – leaving for work late and leaving work early! LOL


  17. I need that book!!
    Do you know where you can find it??

    Also your nail polish looks darling.
    I need to redo my nails this morning too!!!


  18. Ohmygod, i need that notepad, i’m always writing lists. I usually spend these days shopping in the sales but this year i’ve been to a party, visited my parents and watched the whole series of Pride and Prejudice xx

  19. I love the green nail polish

    I’ve been letting myself be uber lazy lately haha. Sleeping in, watching a lot of movies, baking, nothing too exciting but its nice and laidback

  20. Happy Xmas, Laura!
    I’ve been getting up at 4am for the last two days, bloody jetlag so the days have been spent in a frenzy of spring cleaning and decluttering ready for our party on New Year’s Eve. xxx

  21. This is a nice week. Wish I weren’t, but I’ll be spending most of it in the office.

    I love the cardigan and I looove your nail color! I’m never very thrilled to go to Ikea either…hahaha!

  22. Me

    Ill the whole time so not yet celebrated at all πŸ™ However love your polish and new cardi πŸ˜‰

  23. such a fun notepad! And I loove your cup too πŸ™‚ Enjoy the rest of your holidays dear! XO

  24. planning a trip to park street tomorrow!
    the sale looks good!

  25. hope you got something nice at the cath kidston sale!

  26. Your nails look so good!!

  27. sleeping and shopping like almost everyday of the vacation;)
    lovely outfit!

  28. this notebook is brilliant! I need one, I’m so crap at getting things done, surely a book will motivate me!
    and the mug is so cute πŸ™‚
    my inbetween days are filled with a bit of shopping and lots of romantic movies haha

    xx Iris

  29. Sounds lovely!!! We have been housebound here with all the rain πŸ™ so lots of TV watching, reading and relaxing!
    Great notebook – I need one of those!

  30. I looove your nail polish colour! it’s gorgeous xx

  31. lovee the nail colour :DDD

  32. but how can you not love Ikea!!??

  33. I live just a moment away from a Cath Kidston shop on Portobello. I think of you everytime I pass it πŸ™‚
    Love the nail colors.

    Dena x

  34. Love that color on your nails!

  35. Anonymous

    I spent them relaxing and watching loads of films (and some Misfits!) ^_^. Nails have needed to be done for weeks. I need one of those mini goals books too.-Becky