3 different applications of synthetic diamonds*

When we think of diamonds the first thing often that pops into our minds is jewellery. However, did you know that they can be used for a variety of different applications?

With their many different uses Diamonds are the most wanted material in the world. As pointed out by element six in their latest eBook ‘Ultimate Super material: The Diversity of Diamonds’, diamonds hold a variety of uses due to their “ultimate super material” that makes them very adaptable.

The benefits of synthetic diamonds are that they allow operations to be performed in shorter times- they can be used to make speakers, tablets, and computers, and they can also cut through different materials at a faster speed. They can be used for reliable production and cause lower labor costs. For more information about synthetic diamond’s you can visit element six’s website www.e6.com or continue reading for 3 examples of the different uses of synthetic diamonds.

Homes and building have to be made from hard, resilient materials in order to withstand extreme weather conditions. The tools we need to cut these materials into different shapes are often made from synthetic diamonds. It can cut, polish and drill different materials therefore they are very versatile in the construction industry. Examples of materials that would be needed to be cut by a synthetic diamond saw include granites and slate which can both be cut in the same way.

Most planes are made from carbon fiber reinforced plastic composites. However, due to their strong and durable strength, it is very hard to cut through them, so it is the work of a synthetic diamond tool to do the job. They can cut through carbon fiber reinforced plastic with ease so drills made from diamonds are an essential part of the manufacturing process of aircraft.

Synthetic diamond components can be used to replace traditional surgery. This is because they can deliver laser beams that transmit high power. This method of surgery is known as non-invasive therefore, no skin needs to be broken. This can be more beneficial to patients because the operation can be performed in a much shorter time and the recovery time is hugely lessened.

One comment for “3 different applications of synthetic diamonds*

  1. I loved this post, I’m obsessed with diamonds; from calling people diamond (and you’re definitely a true diamond girl!) to the history behind them (I actually watched a documentary about synthetic diamonds a while back and loved it!) and this post has taught me so much more too that the documentary never covered. I never knew about synthetic diamond tools when it came to airplanes, so interesting! Likewise with healthcare, so amazing synthetic diamond components can be used to replace traditional healthcare surgery. Such a fabulous and informative post beautiful babe! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo