Hidden Fashion

It feels like an absolute age since I last did an outfit post on the blog, it’s something I really want to get back to as once upon a time it was primarily what my blog was about, and I miss that. These days it’s lack of time that holds me back more than anything- house hunting and working full time mean I have very little time to grab photos, but hopefully that will change once I’ve moved, for once I even have a backlog of clothes and outfits I want to document.

Anyway, the point of that inane ramble was to really announce “TA-DA, an outfit post!”. I was recently contacted by a company called Hidden Fashion who very kindly offered to send out a couple of items. The brand are new to me, and I was impressed by how much selection they have at insanely good prices. I picked out a couple of items, one from both ends of the style spectrum and coerced Bob in to taking some photos for me over the August Bank Holiday weekend.

Dress: c/o Hidden Fashion (£10!) | Shoes: Shellys London (super old)

This dress is an absolute steal at £10 – it was cheap even at it’s full price of £20! It’s a bold move away from my usual style and one I’m glad I made. I love the draped fit and cheeky split and collar details. It’s elegant whilst remaining edgy and has a touch of luxury about it thanks to the satin feel fabric. This is the perfect evening socialising dress now Autumn is creeping it’s way in, and I predict a lot of wear out of it over the coming months.

Jacket: c/o Hidden Fashion (£16) | Jeans: Waven | Trainers: Adidas at ASOS

This jacket is exactly what my casual wardrobe needed now that the heatwave has broken and there is an Autumnal nip in the air. Again it’s a crazy bargain at £16 (down from £32) and it’s quality far exceeds it’s price tag (and to be honest, expectations). This has quickly become my go-to jacket for when the skies look decidedly grey and on a cost-per-wear basis it’s essentially free already.
Have you found any hidden treasures or bargain buys lately? I’m really pleased I was introduced to Hidden Fashion and will be regularly checking the website for more pieces like these. Let me know what’s caught your eye in the comments.

4 comments for “Hidden Fashion

  1. I love the dress – the colour is gorgeous with your hair. I’m obsessed with the shoes too so I might have a look for something similar <3

    G is for Gingers xx

  2. Ooh, I ADORE your chosen items, especially the dress- it has everything I like best: turquoise, pattern, nice shape!

  3. I know exactly how you feel about finding time to post. I never seem to have time anymore. The green dress looks lovely on you!

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