4 Effective Life Hacks for Healthier Skin*

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

As the body’s largest organ, our skin plays a unique role in protecting us. However, it can also give us a glimpse into our overall well-being. Ever noticed that your skin breaks out when you’re feeling under the weather? That’s because our skin reflects what’s happening inside our body.

If you want to enjoy healthy, glowing skin all year-round there are some sure-fire hacks you can try. With these simple adjustments to your routine you can have healthier skin at any time:

1. Eat for your skin

We all know that a healthy diet can reduce breakouts, but did you know that some foods are known to be ‘skin-healthy’? If you want to enhance your skin try to incorporate tomatoes, mangoes, olive oil and green tea into your diet. With a mix of skin-friendly antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients, these foods will reduce the signs of ageing, protect your skin from UV damage and even help to heal wounds.

2. Manage stress

It’s normal to have some stress in your life but excessive levels of chronic stress can have a damaging effect on your skin and your physical health. While a facelift might hide the visible impact of stress, it won’t change what’s happening inside your body. By learning how to manage stress in a healthy way, however, you can reduce your stress levels and enhance your complexion. From learning to say ‘no’ to practising mindfulness, there are numerous ways you can change the way you respond to stress.

3. Prevent dry skin

Dry skin is an extremely common issue but it’s one that can be hard to treat. If you have naturally dry skin or if you’re exposed to environmental factors which dry out your skin, it’s important to keep it well hydrated. Rich moisturisers and serums can be a great way to trap moisture in the skin, which will prevent it from becoming dry, scaly and itchy. However, drinking plenty of water and staying properly hydrated is also important if you want to stop your skin from drying out.

4. Check your hormones

If your usual skincare routine isn’t resolving your skin issues, it might be time to get your hormone levels checked out by a professional. When your hormones are out of balance it can lead to breakouts, acne, hyperpigmentation, dry skin and many other problems. However, it’s relatively easy to have your hormone levels checked by your doctor or physician. If there are any underlying issues, accessing the right treatment can resolve the cause of the problem and make your skin healthier.

Enjoying Healthier Skin

Your lifestyle has a major impact on the health of your skin, but your skincare routine also plays a big part in how your skin looks and feels. As well as making changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can enhance your complexion by finding a skincare regime that works for you. With the right products, daily cleansing, moisturising and nourishment can help to keep your skin in tip-top condition.

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