There’s a Starman Waiting in the Sky

Do you ever see an item and just know that one way or another you have to own it no matter what it costs? That’s exactly how I felt when I saw this dress from Miss Patina. At almost £70 it’s possibly the most money I’ve ever spent on a dress (aside from a prom dress when I finished my GCSEs) and I had to save hard but hands down it’s my purchase of the year for sure. It actually took me a long time to get around to wearing it, convinced the timing had to be “just right”…in the end I realised that was a pretty stupid way to think about such an awesome piece and finally popped it on just because.
I’ve included a stock image as well because I somehow didn’t manage to get a decent picture of the epic collar- Bowie and cats are two of my most favourite things ever and this dress represents my sense of style perfectly, paired with my sparkly trainers that I bought in Bershka last year this is about as me as it gets.

I finally feel like I’m dressing like myself again. It’s taken a long time and at times I have felt completely uninspired when it comes to my clothing. This year has been a tough one and somewhere along the way I lost myself for a while- between the stress of moving out of my parental home, finally admitting I had relapsed with my eating disorder, being signed off work, my relationship ending and moving back home again all within the space of 7 months it’s easy to see how everything fashion and style fell off my radar. Finally though life is starting to feel ok again. I’m settled back at my parents, my heart is healing from the break up, I’m getting help and support with the anorexia and I’ve just been given the news that I can return to work in January which is just the best possible feeling.

It’s hard too, in a world where blogging is now so prevalent. I know I’m not the most fashionable person in the world. I don’t have a professional standard photographer, a big budget for new items, the prettiest face or the popularity of so many of the bloggers I look up to and admire. This is just my part-time hobby and sometimes I feel like I just can’t compare. I think it’s easy- too easy to play the comparison game and for a while I forgot why I blog and who I do it for…that is, myself. It’s not my career, nor do I want it to be. I don’t do it for the followers, the admiration or the money/gifted items. I do it because I enjoy having a place to write and to be myself. To share the things I love (and sometimes the things I don’t).

That being said I am now getting more in to taking photos of my outfits again. My choices are getting bolder and my confidence is slowly building. It might seem strange for someone who struggles with an eating disorder to put themselves online like this and sometimes I do question how and why I do it…but the bottom line is I enjoy it, for myself. I see my body as nothing but a vessel for living my life and I occasionally feel like sharing how I dress it and there’s nothing wrong with that in the slightest. It’ll be hard, as my weight begins to creep up- it always is difficult to have a visual diary of a process you’re not entirely comfortable with, but then my blog becomes something else again, a document of how I took on my demons and eventually after 15 years of hell I came out on top.

Wow, this has turned in to an un-intentionally deep and rambling post, I would say I apologise but I’m really not sorry. It’s rare that I find myself able to express the thoughts in my head and convert them in to the written word and I make no apology for the fact that at times I feel like making them public so I have a reminder of everything I’ve been through.

Let me know your thoughts on the dress- do you have any items in your wardrobe that you simply HAD to own?


4 comments for “There’s a Starman Waiting in the Sky

  1. I’m glad you didn’t apologise for saying what you said. Your journey and your fight against your demons is an integral part of who you are and why weike you so much. I’m so glad you got something with the cat collar and an especially fine example that suits you so much!
    I felt like I HAD to own the Aristocat shirt with the cats playing instruments, I loved it so much!
    I know what you mean about comparing yourself to other bloggers. It is easy to doubt why we do it, I feel the same and my blog has about a 10th of the followers yours does and my photos are terrible. I feel you do what you do on your blog really well!x

  2. Liz

    That dress is absolutely incredible, I love it! Perfect cats + Bowie combo 😀

    I love your blog, it’s one of the few I’ve continued to read regularly from the early days, and I think it’s BECAUSE it still feels like the blog of a normal person that I can relate to.

    That’s great that you’re returning to work in January, it sounds like you’re putting in so much effort to getting better, it’s amazing to hear.

    Liz xxx

  3. toni-louise cullinane

    I totally agree with Liz, i love reading your blog because it is the blog of a normal person with everyday ups and downs. The fashion is always affordable and desirable, though this does encourage me to shop more!! Hearing about your journey is what makes you honest and I am sure I am not alone in saying you have a lot of support in the cyber world. Keep staying strong!

  4. Vix

    That dress was worth every penny, its incredible and looks wonderful on you.
    What a hellish time you’ve had of it this year but you’ve come through it positive and ready to face what challenges await. You’re a true inspiration, Laura. xxx