
Dress: Primark | Tights: New Look | Bag: Guess c/o Sarenza | Bangle: gift
How awesome is this Harry Potter inspired bangle? My friend Eloise always buys awesome gifts but this one pretty much tops them all. Brilliance.
I wore it with a dress I picked up for a fiver the other weekend in Primark. I’d only popped in to get some tights en route home from Ben’s but I got distracted by the sale rail (and then the beauty section) and ended up with a little bit more than I intended. Still, the dress fits nice and is a decent length so it was a fiver well spent in my eyes. I sometimes think I should stop shopping in Primark but at the moment it’s a means to an end in terms of being able to buy clothes and other little bits and bobs. Their black tights are also the most durable I’ve found which is a good enough reason for me to carry on spending my pennies there.
My bag is the one I featured in my Sarenza post a few weekends ago. When my voucher for the month had arrived and was for the exact amount the bag was reduced to in the sale I knew I could forget about shoes for the month. It’s actually a fair bit smaller than I usually go for in a bag but after a little bit of sorting I still have more than I need in there and it’s much lighter to carry- a real bonus for my back.
Speaking of backs, I have a pre-op assessment today at 1:30pm and am scheduled for surgery on one of the dodgy discs on Feb 4th (all being well). I’m pretty nervous and not looking forward to the weeks off work afterwards. I hate not being able to do things, although in the long run I’ll be able to do a heck of a lot more! At least I’ll be well up together on blogging and reading/commenting on blogs for once…

17 comments for “Muggle

  1. Love the dress, can’t even begin to say how much I love the bracelet!

  2. very nice look, the blues are so pretty and who can blame you for investing in that bag *love* x

  3. Cute dress! i love it when you find a “bargain buy”… ive found a few goodies over here in Oz, the charity shops here RULE! im trying not to buy much.. but when its bargain price (and i had to leave most of my clothes back home in the UK) its almost rude not to!!! Wishing you all the luck in the world for your op hun. take care of you xx

  4. cute outfit and i NEED that bracelet!! x

  5. Oh man, dress for a fiver? It’s fab.

    I love love HP inspired jewellery!

    Corinne x

  6. Love the dress 🙂 Primark is so great! <3

  7. Such a cute dress and for £5 who can say no to that? xoxo

  8. Liz

    Love the dress… Such a bargain! Hope the pre-op goes well.

    Liz xx

    Distract Me Now Please

  9. Have you dyed your hair? It looks awesome! That bag is an absolute beaut. <3

    Tara xo

  10. This is such an awesome outfit, I cannot believe that dress is from Primark!

    Maria xxx

  11. Ahh you’re so pretty.
    I tried this dress on but found it made me look a little frumpy, but you look gorgeous!

    Day Dreams & Daisy Chains

  12. First off, your hair is looking gorgeously vibrant and red! The blue shades suit you so much, I can’t believe the dress was from Primark and only £5. I never find anything in there – not for a long time! I have to agree with you about the tights though, Primark black tights are my go to tights. I also love their slippers! Your new bag is lovely, I’m so pleased you got it! I love the fact that it has handles and a long strap too, it makes it so much more versatile for everyday wear. I hope your pre-op assessment went well lovely, and I hope your recovery period isn’t too long and boring. I’m at the hospital on the 6th but will only be out of action for about a week, but even in that short space of time I get fed up not doing anything so I feel your pain! xxx

  13. What a great outfits! All the elements really work well together! X

  14. only you could pull off blue tights! xx

  15. Love the bag and the bangle is fab, even though I’m not much of a HP fan – I liked the books but I never got the hype.