new heights

Jumper: Asos
Skirt: Matalan
Boots: Asos
Another pair of bargain boots! These beauties were reduced to £18 in the Asos sale and after putting off buying them for ages because I “don’t need any more shoes” apparently a miserable Monday led to a cheeky pick-me-up purchase (it worked!)
This isn’t a very inspired outfit (when are they?) but it was certainly warm and comfortable for a quiet afternoon following my early shift. Sometimes I feel like making an effort and trying new things and other days I feel lazy and insecure and just want something loose.
I’m trying to work a better balance of the two but for now slouchy still wins. Mae approved on the outfit, she spent most of the afternoon comatose on my lap- the jumper resembled a real cat by the time she finally decided to move her bum.
I say this every week but how is it Friday? I can’t say I’m sorry the weeks are speedy past, the sooner we get to Spring the better. Got anything exciting lined up this weekend? I have!

17 comments for “new heights

  1. Your Asos kitten jumper is adorably cute! (was that redundant?). The pink colour of your asymetrical pleated skirt from Matalan is beautiful – I love it! Mae looks cute and playful there on the floor in the last photo. I love your outfit!

  2. love your asos jumper! so cute:)

  3. Oooh what are your exciting weekend plans? I am at the allotment tomorrow, and then have a thinking day service for the guides in the afternoon. I’m feeling rotten with a cold so I’m hoping to have Sunday at home to relax.

  4. Got to love a bargain. I really like your outfit Laura! x

  5. Weeeell these boots are practically an investment too! Love an afternoon spent with a cat on my knee. Except when you need to get your brew or something but that can be excused.

  6. That jumper puts a smile on my face! Hope you have a lovely weekend =) xx

  7. I think if you were lusting after it and it goes on sale, it’s meant to be! Adorable look, as usual! x

  8. I love the colour of your skirt.
    Yay for the weekend! Have a good one 🙂

  9. Ooh that’s very intriguing – I hope you have a great weekend! I love this outfit – especially the skirt and boots. Ok I love the cat jumper too. Mae is so sweet looking up at you!

  10. That jumper is too adorable! OX

  11. Any sale purchase is justified! Well done on holding out for them too! I am glad you got them at a good price!

    How does your cat like your kitty jumper?

    E x

  12. As much as I’m trying to step out of my comfort zone, slouchy is still winning for me too 🙂 lazy outfits are my favourite at the moment. Those boots were a real bargain – totally justified if they cheered you up 🙂 I had a cheeky sale purchase on Asos the other day when they had one of those 50% off high street brands for a couple of day things. Sometimes buying something just makes everything seem better haha (what a terrible way to look at things!!) 🙂 xx

  13. I cant believe how cheap those boots were, what a bargain. I am loving that cat top, so cute.

  14. I love the boots, what a bargain! xxx

  15. Those boots are insane, love them! Your rocking that cat jumper missy xx

  16. Kri

    meow meow ^_^ the sweater is totally awesome!

  17. Amazing collection gurl!!! wow !!! great !!