A Little Bit of Luxury from Smiley

Everybody needs some feel good clothing in their life, and what better way to cheer yourself up than wear a giant smiley face? Admittedly a year or so ago this in an option I’d have overlooked, but since being introduced to Smiley back in the Summer I’ve known where to head every time I need a little pick-me-up.

Jumper c/o Smiley | Jeans: Bershka | Boots: I can’t remember, oops!

Honestly, how can one be miserable when wearing a jumper this bright and fun? Smiley have recently launched a range of cashmere and sent me this jumper to celebrate. Now, I’ll admit that this range doesn’t come cheap, but damn does it feel good! The perfect slouchy fit to hide the not-so-great body image days, an on trend animal print and the biggest smiley face I ever did see- this is feel good dressing at it’s best!

Paired with a simple pair of skinny jeans (I love how Bershka’s jeans fit me) and these studded platform boots this was the perfect outfit to remedy any Monday blues at the start of my week off.

Watch this space for more awesome goodness from Smiley, I can’t get enough of the brand right now and there are some cool things in the works…

What’s your take on feel good dressing?


9 comments for “A Little Bit of Luxury from Smiley

  1. I love this jumper – a big smiley face and loads of leopard print…yes please!!
    You’re right it diesn’t need any more than a good pair of skinny jeans and some cool black boots.
    Love this Laura!

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  2. that t-shirt is cute however loving your boots !!


  3. that t-shirt is cute however loving your boots !!


  4. I love the big smiley face on your Smiley jumper/t-shirt, all of your poses, and your big smile in the fifth photo ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. kat

    I’ve been reading your posts for ages but must not have realised you changed the address. I just want to warn you that your old blogspot has been taken over by porn! Not sure if you can do anything about it but wanted to let you know. Kat ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I love cashmere – you definitely get what you pay for! Smiley is so 90s. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Aww that last pic is so cheery, looking gorgeous Laura! Feel good dressing isn’t something I think I’m overly good at, but if it’s this bright and beautiful I wanna give it a go ๐Ÿ˜‰ <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  8. Laura, something dodgy came up in my blog feed from your old url, I suspect someone’s taken it over with horrid stuff so I’d delete it or something if I were you!

    On a happier note (a C Sharp!), thus jumper is super cheerful!!! X