A Summer Accessory Wish List*

The sun has finally shown it’s face around these parts and I currently have far too much free time on my hands (since when did anyone complain about that, really?!) and have found myself whiling away the hours by browsing yet more of my favourite haunts for inspiration and items that I cannot afford. As such I’ve managed to put together yet another wish list, this time featuring some of my favourite summer time accessories- a girl can dream right?

Mules and gold pouch both from Daniel Footwear | Pink bag from accessorize | Bracelet by Dogeared at ASOS | Sunglasses by Miu Miu at Very Exclusive

Call me a blogger cliche if you will but I have loved these Miu Miu sunglasses since they first came out and despite being way out of my price range, the other reason I don’t own them is I’m not sure they’d suit me. I can admire from afar though right? I very nearly bought the pink handbag the other day with the remains of my birthday money and to be honest I still might as I just love how bright and beautiful it is and it also happens to be the perfect size for someone who carts about everything but the kitchen sink.

I’ll admit the shoes aren’t something I’d typically go for, not my usual style at all but there is something about these nude mules with their gold detailing that has drawn me in…a bit out of my budget but I might have to seek out an alternative or work harder at my attempts to save!

Has anything on this wish list caught your eye? What are you top accessories for Summer?


3 comments for “A Summer Accessory Wish List*

  1. Loving that bracelet, Dogeared do so many nice things.

  2. AvatarSam

    I really love that bracelet, it’s so pretty! xx

    Sam // What I Know Now

  3. I really love the lotus bracelet! Great choices x

    Xtina G Says..