Advance Apologies

I’m sorry,
this isn’t an outfit post, or a wish list, or something food related.
This is a wordy post. A thank you. From me, to you.

A year ago I had almost given up hope. I wasn’t sure things could change, it all seemed impossible and all-consuming.
But I am here. Now. About to celebrate my 24th Birthday and a large part of that is down to YOU. Yes you. Reading this right now.

Never under-estimate the power of strangers, or of words. They make a huge difference. I can honestly say I have never felt so loved and supported in my life. For those reading this and thinking “what the hell is she on?” refer back to posts from early last year. I’ve talked about the past enough. This is about now.

To freedom. To happiness. To Hope. To the Future. To achieving dreams, no matter how big or small.

To realising that the smallest of changes can make the biggest difference. And the tiniest of gestures can mean just as much as the huge “look at me” ones.

Thank you again, for being amazing. For being you.

And Happy Birthday to me.

sappy-ness over, lets go eat cake!


-Can’t resist a cheeky beg for votes…it’d be a great Birthday present!-

55 comments for “Advance Apologies

  1. Advance Happy Birthday babe, make sure to have an amazing day with loved ones. β™₯β™₯

    The Cat Hag

  2. Have a very happy 24th birthday!!! I’m so glad your here and hope you will always hang on to your dreams while still taking good care of yourself. You’re worth it. I like the idea of even small changes making a difference. I hope your birthday wish comes true.

  3. Happy birthday, hope you have a wicked day! I’m sure everybody feels that way about being sung happy birthday to, its such an awkward amount of time and everyones looking at you! haha x

  4. Happy birthday. Hope you go all out and have a brilliant day.
    You deserve it!


  5. Anonymous

    You make my heart feel warm and fuzzy!! πŸ™‚ your honestly the mOst amazing person I know Laura and I find you inspirational!!
    Xoxox keep your head up butterfly angel!
    Love amsley

  6. Happy Birthday Laura !

    Have a wonderful day with your family & friends.
    You are an amazing and strong woman !

    Caithlin & Eva

    Could flash open the door on the 4th? πŸ˜‰

  7. Happy Birthday Laura !

    Have a wonderful day with your family & friends.
    You are an amazing and strong woman !

    Caithlin & Eva

    Could flash open the door on the 4th? πŸ˜‰

  8. Happy dbay to come! And thank you for being you! Reading you blog is always so wonderful. Just like you!

    Wish you lots more happy days πŸ™‚

  9. Happy Happy Birthday to you Laura! I’m so inspired by what you have accomplished. Celebrate and enjoy your day! xox

  10. Happy Birthday and what a beautiful “place” to be in which to celebrate.

  11. Happy birthday! Have an amazing wonderful day and I hope the sun shines nice and bright for you πŸ™‚

  12. Jo

    You are AMAZING and an inspiration and I feel lucky to have met you.

    Have a fantastic birthday, it really is the start of the rest of your life.

    So proud of you.

    Love, hugs and positive vibes.


  13. πŸ™‚

    Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday my lovely – you deserve all the happiness you get πŸ™‚ xx

  15. An early very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
    I’m glad you’re still here, sharing, writing, growing, being inspirational. Hope you have a great time celebrating your 24th birthday! πŸ˜€ xx

  16. Happy birthday gorgeousness xXx
    Kandi x

  17. Happy Birthday Gorgeous Girl, may all your birthday wishes come true xxx

  18. Happy birthday!! Hope you have the amazing day you deserve! xxxxx

  19. Happy Birthday gorgeous, have a wonderful day today xoxo

    p.s. it’s my mum’s birthday today to so cake for everyone πŸ˜€

  20. gaaah! i’m genuinely excited that it’s your birthday πŸ˜€ have a wonderful day m’dear, you deserve every little treat you get! YAAAY!!!!! *lets off streamers*

  21. Such a lovely post! Happy Birthday my dear! xxx

  22. happy birthday! That cartoon made me giggle-it really is awkward haha

  23. aww, what a sweet post! Have a very happy birthday!!


  24. Happy Birthday you amazing beaut of a lady ! Yaaay for happiness and all that xxxx

  25. Amen – and happy birthday! xx

  26. Happy birthday! You deserve everything! I hope you have a great day!


  27. Have a fantastic day Laura, you deserve it xx

  28. Happy birthday gorgeous!

  29. You have come so far in the past year but the person who has put in all the hard work has been YOU and it’s YOUR strength that has changed things for YOU.
    Whilst we didnt meet in the best of places I am so glad that we did meet and I’m just so happy that we’re both still here!
    Have a brilliant day hun and treat yourself, you deserve it!
    xxxxxxxx Lots of love and hugs xxxxxxxx

  30. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day, and I’m glad you’re here!
    Remember that you deserve the very best, and thank you for always brightening up my day! xx

  31. Wishing loads of love on your birthday, Laura. xxx

  32. I don’t know what happened to you but I’m glad you’re here, with anew life or whatever!

    Nice words!


  33. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, of course! =)

  34. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, my love! πŸ™‚

    you’re such an inspiration.

  36. Oooh we’re the same age! Happy Birthday, hope you have an amazing day πŸ™‚

  37. Happy Birthday πŸ™‚
    love your blog!! x

  38. Happy Birthday!!
    You need to update your blog old girl, you’re not 23 anymore πŸ™‚
    Vicki xxx

  39. Happy birthday you lovely lovely person! I hope the past stays in the past for you now, you deserve to have a really great time! :] xx

  40. Have an amazing day Laura, you really do deserve it. You have been so brave and strong.

  41. D.

    Happy birthday, dear! I salute you for being brave and strong enough to endure everything you’ve been through.

  42. Happy birthday! πŸ˜€ Hope you have had a really lovely day πŸ™‚

    Maria xxx

  43. a mahuuusive HAPPY BIRTHDAY

    hope you’ve had a fantastic day, and next year is amazing for you, you deserve it


  44. when is your birthday?! Have a happy day!

  45. Kat

    Happy Birthday and a huge congratulations on your continuing recovery- you’re an inspiration πŸ™‚


  46. Happy birthday Laura! Hope you have an amazing day (after the work madness!!!)
    Have an amazing weekend

  47. Happy Birthday.

    I know what you mean I have gone through a difficult time of late and the blogging community has really helped me.

  48. you dont have to say thankyou.

    your so wonderful

  49. Kim

    Happy Birthday lovely!! I’m so glad you’re back with us πŸ™‚ Here’s to a lovely bright future for you πŸ˜€ xxx

  50. Happy Birthday! We’re all so proud and you are such an inspiration. Keep it up hun, you’re doing great!

  51. Happy happy (belated) birthday, Laura!

    Really moved by what you wrote. We hadn’t met (I can’t believe we still haven’t, I feel like we have) and I was more scared for you than you’ll ever know, perhaps, but then again, you were probably so scared that you didn’t even know it.

    Anyway: yesterday I was feeling almost giddy with happiness – just so glad to be alive – and I didn’t know it was your birthday. It felt like all of London was celebrating that Laura is alive, glowing, and well. And 24, with your whole amazing life ahead of you!

    Just tell me one thing: what kind of cake was it, and did you eat it? ; )

    much love

  52. I’m kinda late, but Happy Birthday!! You have my warmest wishes dear! πŸ™‚

  53. happy late birthday! You are amazing Laura <3