19 comments for “Always.

  1. Lovely quote hun, it’s so true xx

  2. LOVE this quote and LOVE ur blog! Come take a peek at mine if u have a minute,im kind of new to this whole blogging thing! Ur awesome!!! I love ur outfits so much! Love Aoife x

  3. I am saving this to my desktop. Love your blog :)!

  4. Hi

    I have left an award on my blog for you xx

  5. Yes! Great little saying!

  6. Angela

    Beautiful Quote! x

  7. Kb

    Wise words! Btw the wasabi peas are spicy yet addictive, plus I don’t eat too many in one day like normal snacks. Result!

  8. Love it 🙂

    Klaudia B.

  9. nice quote! so true!

  10. I love this <3, so, so true xx

  11. Such true advice, something I should remind myself of more often xxx