An Explanation

In case anyone ever wondered why my blogs get posted so early in the day, especially on my days/mornings off…

He’s not as sweet and innocent as he looks.

34 comments for “An Explanation

  1. So sweet and I love your bedroom. My mega early blog posts are due to my 4 year old who gets up any time from 5am onwards. Funnily enough when we need to get up early she has a lie in!

  2. Butter wouldn’t melt… x

  3. Grrrr – you’re not getting let back in that bed lol

  4. I hear what you’re saying… my two woke me up at 4.18am this morning…

  5. Im lucky mine keeps snuggled up next to me until the alarm goes off.

  6. Oh, he’s cute! Your living alarm-clock! <3


  7. Mat

    least you save batteries on the alarm clock

  8. haha aww!! your cat’s cute!
    Julia @ Retro Jules

  9. I’m always glad that cats can’t hold positions of authority because I’m sure that they could get away with anything and we would forgive them because they’re adorable;) xx

  10. Soooo cuteeeeee!!I love his grumpy face.

  11. Awwwww Flash is the cutest. Won’t he let you back into bed then? love your bedding! xx

  12. Oh Flash, you bed hog!!

  13. Vix

    Brilliant! Such a cutie . x

  14. I love your bedroom, its so cute especially the wallpaper. Aaww, you’re cat is cute too!

  15. D.

    xD Good one 🙂

  16. Flash looks like a prince !!
    and your bedroom is adorable, so cute …
    Caithlin and Eva

  17. LOL this made me smile. I could do a similar post, but the photo would be Seb crying in his cot! x

  18. Anonymous

    isn’t sleep more important then allowing your cat to take over the bed? you need your sleep if you are not eating.

  19. WHAT a pretty bedroom! No wonder he’s claimed the bed! He’s a lovely fellow! (I’m partial to tabbies! As you’ll have seen on my blog! :o))

  20. aw, but he is just too cute to kick out of bed! I know the dilemma 😉

  21. Please can I have your bedding, rug and wallpaper? Thanks.
    You have an award waiting for you on my blog 🙂

  22. Awwww! What a cutie <3 xoxo

  23. Aha, all becomes clear! Yep, I’ve been woken by demanding cats on many an occasion in the past! Nice ducet cover!

  24. adorable looking still….

  25. Haha I remember when my old kitty Bertie use to come up into my room every morning and jump up onto my bed. That would have been fine till he started prodding me with his paw. Don’t you just love em?!

  26. Most adorable photo ever! Well, maybe not if it’s your bed!

  27. Your bedroom is gorgeous!
    And so is your cat <3

  28. Jo

    You have such a pretty bedroom! I love your bedding, and your cat, even if he takes over your bed!

  29. Awwwwwww lol! He looks adorablz 😉

    T & J


  30. flash is super cute marie sends a wink:p xx

  31. Aww bless 🙂 xx

  32. Far too cute for words xxx