Autumn Baking- Sticky Plum Flapjack

It feels like ages since I tried something new in the kitchen, I never seem to find the time to bake these days and when I do I tend to stick to old, faithful recipes that I know won’t fail me. A glut of Victoria plums in the garage last weekend spurred me in to looking outside of what I knew and for something I could bake to save them from spoiling…plums are my favourite fruit at this time of year and the idea of them going to waste did not sit well. A quick trawl of some recipes books and I stumbled over this recipe in one of our many “Good Food” books and decided that these sticky plum flapjack bars just had to be made.
Now, as you can tell these got a touch burnt on top which was kind of gutting as they had previously looked and smelt so incredible. This wasn’t due to lack of care though, nope, this was despite cooking on a lower temperature than stated and for less time- our oven isn’t on it’s best behaviour at the moment and seems to decide to cook how it best sees fit no matter what instruction we give.

Thankfully these still tasted amazing, and they were a bit more like an oaty cake due to the addition of flour. Plums, doused in sugar and spices were the perfect compliment to the oats and I’ll be making these again (but maybe in someone else’s oven!) in the very near future. I also think the recipe would lend itself well to fresh apricots so that might be my next venture…they also happen to go rather wonderfully with a cup of tea.

You can find the recipe here, let me know if you make some of these, or what else you’ve been creating with all the wonderful fruits that this time of year brings.


4 comments for “Autumn Baking- Sticky Plum Flapjack

  1. That looks so delicious, I haven’t baked in a long time so I might just have to try this out xoxo

    ♥ Cateaclysmic ♥

  2. This looks delicious, my stomach is rumbling so loudly right now!

    Maria xxx

  3. You have definitely sent my sweet tooth tingling – they look yummy, I just wish I could smell them 🙂

    Gems x

  4. SJ

    Yum! I love baking and recently tried my hand at white chocolate and raspberry blondies. I’m not looking forward to the seasons changing but on the plus side it does mean lots of tasty fruity puds and bakes 🙂 x