AW13 from Warehouse

Back in June Warehouse launched a national competition where people could submit their outfits. Based on the facebook votes nine winners were selected and these nine outfits have now been incorporated in to a video campaign which follows the day in the life of a girl who changes outfits every 90 minutes according to what is happening in her life.
90 minutes bears significance as Warehouse have just launched a 90 minute delivery service (available in a wide range of cities across the UK- brilliant!)
I think the idea of the campaign and the accompanying video is fantastic, 
it reminds me a lot of myself and how I can change outfits several times in a day- I never seem to be able to choose something to suit a range of occasions. I am yet to manage nine clothing changes but you never know, it could happen!
I’d love to hear your views on the campaign and the concept. Also tell me about how many outfit changes you’ve managed in one day. I’ll be amazed if it’s reached double figures!
On a side note I am absolutely loving the AW13 collection from Warehouse, so many pieces have made it’s way on to my wishlist!
Blog posts will be few and far between for the next week, bar for a couple of scheduled ones. It’s a mad start to the week and then I’m away Thurs-Sunday with the boy for his birthday. Off to visit his home town of Melton Mowbray, I’ve never been that far North so I’m really looking forward to it.
Have a good one
I’ll be on a catch up rampage when I am back.

2 comments for “AW13 from Warehouse

  1. I think the most outfit changes i’dhave managed would be about three. I don’t think I’d ever have the need for a 90 minute service and I doubt they’d extend it to where I live but i can maybe see the benefit for some. Have fun up north, although that’s practically the south to me. I’m right at the top of the country. X

  2. The Warehouse ad is cute. I don’t think I’ve worn more than five or six outfits in one day at most, but I love the idea if the opportunities arise. I’ll be keeping an eye out for more looks at Warehouse’s AW13 collections!
    Enjoy your Northward trip with the boy.