
Some days when I’m wearing an outfit I want to blog, I just don’t know how to place myself in photos
and to compensate I end up posing in ridiculous ways, and then those photos end up being the ONLY ones that come out clear.

Today is one of those days.

Wearing another of my Matalan purchases…they now have a sale on and I believe this dress is half the price I paid for it!
What I love most is the neckline and how it’s stitched through the detail so I am not left gaping where my bosom should be, but has failed to flourish. I do have *some* sense of modesty…if my legs are out, my chest remains in the dark.




Yeah, so.

I’m off to work shortly, dosed up on coffee and neurofen for a raging toothache I seem to have. Lesson learnt last night; sweet foods will make it hurt MORE, especially when your teeth are already sensitive to sugar!

Have a great day all

45 comments for “awkward

  1. hehehehe, random poses make life more interesting! Bum to that dress being half price! You look beautiful, as always! Love you x

  2. you look so pretty 🙂
    have a nice day, xoxo

  3. I love the dress 🙂 I think it turns out fine 😉

  4. You always look great in your photos¬ I, on the other hand, tend to look moronic! Beautiful dress 🙂

  5. i lvoe the dress, but how frustrating when things end up in the sale so soon after purchasing! 🙁

  6. i like your dress!

  7. I love your pictures, the last one is cute as 🙂

  8. I love the tights with that dress!

  9. The dress looks lovely on you, great colours! Ouch that sounds painful, my boyfriend is in the same situation, and refuses to go to the dentist! Hope yours calms down soon xx

  10. I love this dress on you, and the tights are so lovely too as always xx

  11. U look so lovely!


  12. It’s so pretty xoxo

  13. You look fantastic and the print on that dress is wonderful. I stick to the chest or legs rule too – a bit like eyes or lips!

    Hope your toothache gets better soon x

  14. you don’t look awkward at all, I love your picture posing! I usually have the problem with *where my boobs should be* so annoying. I never wear anything low cut. I just get my legs out. You should have waited for the sale, d’oh!

  15. Gorgeous. Love your blog. Now following. Hope you’ll follow me back.

    Check out my blog if you’ve got time and feel like it. It would mean a lot. I’ve just started.
    Karoline Kalvo

  16. Beautiful dress on you! Love the tights, too. Totally agree, lots of leg look much classier with a higher neckline. xxx
    PS Hope the toothache subsides soon.

  17. You always have such lovely tights 🙂
    You look beautiful. I adore the dress!

  18. I love the tights! I have sooo many picturs on my camera where I have tried to take pics of my outfits, and FAIL! hence why I rarely put any pictures up. ha.

  19. You do look a bit like you’re doing a funny little dance in the last one 🙂 Hope you feel better soon x

  20. Cute outfit, I love Matalan!

  21. what a cute and pretty dress, and it’s so versatile! Could think of at least five way of styling it with just one look – love pieces like that!

    xxx Charlie
    Enter my Lipstick Giveaway!

  22. I love your poses and the dress.

  23. Liking the tights! I used to have purple tights but they got a massive hole in and I had to chuck ’em ;(

  24. Loved your last post, I had a thing for Pirates of the Caribbean myself, but my true obsession was all things horsey…just ask my friends! Then I went through a phase where I was in love with all things No Doubt and Gwen Stefani…:/ Love this dress by the way and hope your toothache gets better soon 🙂 I’m happy you also appreciate the Buckfast beauty! xxx

  25. Ouch, toothache sucks. I hope its better soon sweetie x

  26. I love the dress. It looks perfect with the bright colored tights!

  27. LOVE the colour of your tights they looks really fab!

  28. That dress is so beautiful! I love your tights as well. 🙂

  29. what a gorgeous dress! you ought to go to the dentist missy if your tooth keeps hurting! hope it gets better x

  30. pretty pretty tights

  31. That dress looks lovely on you, I wish I had your lovely long legs! 🙂

    Maria xxx

  32. You look lovely!

  33. You look lovely. I know what you mean about posing for photographs for a blog post… it does feel strange.
    I also agree on the legs out, chest away rule – its one I live by!

  34. Such a nice dress…I never go to Matalan. May have to rethink!

  35. You look lovely, not awkward at all!

    Hope you feel better soon. Nothing worse than toothache.

    X x

  36. Oh I like the last pose! That dress is gorgeous.

  37. you have every color tights! haha i love it!

    and that dress has so a gorgeous cut at the top!
    and i totally don’t think that your pictures look weird!

  38. Those tights look fantastic with that dress!

  39. What a pretty dress!


  40. Don’t you hate when that happens! You look awesome though! x

  41. Hello. please follow me!

    LOVE your blog


  42. This is a lovely outfit. You’ve picked perfect tights, they pick out a colour in the dress which may otherwise have been lost amongst the rest. x