B-eat Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2013

We all know someone, be it a friend, family or yourself. Spread the word. No more silence. For more on Eating Disorder Awareness week and what you can do spread the word and raise funds visit the B-eat Website.

As for me, I know far too many “somebodys”. Myself, some of my best friends…this will always be a cause close to my heart and I just wanted to spread the word a little. xxx

5 comments for “B-eat Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2013

  1. I just logged in to my YouTube Channel to “Like” and leave a comment on this video. It’s a hopeful coincidence that Eating Disorders Awareness Week happens at the same time the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week is having their fall fashion runway shows in Manhattan. Hopefully this year at least a few of the designers will notice videos like “Weveryone Knows Somebody – eating disorders are more common than you think – YouTube

  2. P.S.: Sorry about that proofreading lapse in my previous comment (“Weverybody” instead of “Everybody”). I hope Eating Orders Awareness Week gets a lot of attention.

  3. Agreed, we definitely need more awareness onthis subject! xx

  4. I had my own issues with food for years and did awareness campains at my school for beat. Amazing charity x