Baking Biscuits

Garibaldi biscuits are something I have fond memories of. Always a treat; reserved mainly for visits to my Grandparents (they are a favourite of my Grandad’s) and known as “Squashed fly biscuits”.

A few days ago I stumbled on this recipe during my internet browsing and knew I had to have a go at making them asap.

Garibaldi Biscuits
From Ursula Ferrigno’s Complete Italian Cookery Course

115 g plain flour
85 g unsalted butter
55 g caster sugar, plus a little extra to finish
115 g dried currants
1 large egg, beaten

Preheat the oven to 180 C / 350 F. Grease a non-stick jelly roll tin (about 7×11 in), or if using a tin without non-stick properties, line with parchment paper so it overhangs on two sides of the tin.)

Place the flour, sugar and butter in a medium bowl and rub the butter in using your fingertips until it is evenly distributed throughout. Stir in the currants. Add almost all of the beaten egg to bind everything together and form a soft, but not sticky, dough.

Turn the dough into the tin and press down so the surface is even. Brush all over with the remaining egg and sprinkle with the extra sugar, to taste.

Bake in the centre of the oven for about 30 minutes, until the top is golden brown. When it is out of the oven cut into as many squares as you want, and leave to cool before eating.


Luckily I had just enough plain flour left (literally, spot on)


They didn’t look too pretty in the tin


Or straight out of the oven


But I couldn’t resist nibbling the crumbles that came off whilst slicing; burning my tongue in the process.


And admiring the sweet, sugar glazed flaky topping.

It was like being a child all over again.

Make them. Do it now. I urge you.

18 comments for “Baking Biscuits

  1. These look great, I love Garibaldi biscuits, I might have to try this recipe!

  2. Ooh yum, they look amazing! Will have to give baking them a try.xx

  3. They look gorgeous, I do like a Garibaldi biscuit. xxx

  4. I’ll try this out!

    Would you mind following/commenting my blog (


  5. They look delicious and seems a pretty simple recipe. x

  6. They look so yummy – for some reason I don’t have the best of luck when it comes to baking biscuits – always either then up super hard and burnt or soggy. Can never get them just right x

  7. hmmmm i may just do that 🙂

  8. Yummy!


  9. Bex

    Mmmm they look delicious! xo

  10. garibaldi biccies are fab. I’ve only ever demolished packet one. Will have to bake these!

  11. Jo

    Mmmmmmmm, yum! I’ve not made those before. Maybe I should…

  12. these look so good! And not too hard to make either 😀

    I hope you had a beautiful sunday!


  13. they sound (and look) delicious! I’ll have to try out this recipe!

  14. Oh my gosh I am drooling! These look delish!


  15. I now love you even more than before!

    Maria xxx