I grew up with a Father obsessed with David Bowie so I guess you could say he has always been a part of my life in some form or another.
Bloomsbury say:
“Rare images of the ever changing styles and fashion phases of David Bowie have been put together by Danny Lewis in a brilliant new retrospective; David Bowie Style.
This is a must have for any fan of David Bowie or those interested in fashion and music. A man of eclectic tastes and many personas this is a fascinating book and looks great on the coffee table too. My Dad, a hard to impress man swiftly laid claim to my copy and had I not have been sent a sample this would have made the perfect gift for him!
The book, published by Bloomsbury will be released for sale on October 25th priced at £18.99
So, what do we think? Any Bowie lovers out there? Will you be seeking out this book either for yourself or as a gift? (I would if I were you!)
david bowie is one of the greatest artists.
beautiful post.loved the pics.
I am definitely getting this, I love David Bowie
Oh wow, such fantastic photography. I am a big Bowie fab, this is going right on my wish list!
Bowie is so interesting for a style perspective, I’ll be seeking out this book.
Oh Dave, I do love you. X
Legendary. COuld you please consider following each other? http://www.shineonbyandrea.blogspot.com Twitter:@shineonbyandrea
I heart David Bowie. I’m sure my boyfriend would enjoy this! x
Oh yes, I am a Bowie fan for sure. Many days I have a sing a long to his tracks in my car on the way to work!
Karys x
Love a bit of Bowie! He once lived on the same street as my friend’s parents. (Shit claim to fame for you there.)
Awww, when I was working in T-Bar in Sydney they had the COOLEST Bowie tee. I’m still kicking myself for not buying it!
The Style Rawr!
massive bowie fan, it’s the don
What a gorgeous book, love a bit of Bowie. Saw an exhibition at the V&A recently, featuring some of his stage costumes x
Looks like an amazing book, I already have so many on my Christmas list! xxx