Just a quick little outfit post today; dug out this summer bee print dress from Dorothy Perkins and made is season appropriate with my lace type top from C&A, I wish I had picked up more of these when I was in Holland- they were under a tenner each and are so comfortable and versatile.
Starting to get back in to fun tights again, this pair are flock cut out detail and were from Tesco some time back. I didn’t want to draw attention to my expanding legs, but meh…gonna learn to love them and flaunt them whatever; bring back the tights fun! I still have around 100 pairs but plan to cull them soon and then buy some pretty awesome new ones. I quite fancy a festive themed pair if anyone has seen any at a reasonable price?
Finishing off the outfit is my Yull Chelsea boots which are undoubtedley my best buy ever. I’m finding I can branch out a little more with shoes and my foot, but heels are out of the question still, it’s really getting me down; not the shoes as such but the general pain and hassle of being on crutches and it feeling worse than ever after five weeks. Fingers crossed the physio has some answers on Thursday!
Right, must wrap this up and ger sorted for work. After the horror show that was yesterday afternoon I’m kind of dreading it!
How did your week start off?
love that bee dress and those fabulous tights. Your legs will look even more amazing while you’re getting healthier x
This outfit is so cute, I love the tights and boots. Flats look just as good as heels:)
Charlotte xx
I love how you’ve made a summer dress winter appropriate π Those tights are so cool and you have a stunning pair of legs girly!
Sending you so much love for your ankle I feel so sorry for you π
Have a good day at work π
Love Holly x
I loved that bee dress in the summer, it’s far too lovely to be hidden away when the weather’s cold! x
Ah we are bee dress twins, I love how you’ve made it weather-appropriate!
Asa massive bee fan I am gutted that I don’t own a bee frock!
Hope the physio helps you must be fed up good and proper by now! xx
Sexy legs lady! I love to winter-proof summer clothes. Somehow feels like I’m cheating the system.
NEED this dress!!!!
Hope you get some good news on thursday <3
You look beautiful, I love the tights!
Maria xxx
LOVE this dress! Hope the Physio goes well π xo
I will ALWAYS love this dress x
100????? WOw! I have many many pairs (prpbably about 40 odd but 100!!!?!?!!) Your outfit is really cute and you look lovely. I have always had a dislike of my legs since I was young so I can imagine how much harder it is for you but with an attitude like that you’ll get there lovely!
Without sounding weird I think you have lovely legs! And they’re sooo long, perfect for showcasing your amazing tights collection. I’m trying to gain weight for my legs because baggy knees on trews keep ruining my outfits haha. Loveeee your dress by the way, the bees are so cute xxx
This dress is wonderful! I love how you made it season appropriate π The tights are fabulous too – you have such long legs, I am so jealous!
I do love fun tights, although don’t have all that many unfortunately. I think you have great legs, perfect for your large collection of tights. I hope the physio helps. x
love this dress! x