
This might seem like an odd post coming from me; someone who is neither a driver nor a student, however when I found out about BlablaCar I genuinley wanted to share the idea with you guys to see if it is something you could, or would think about implementing on your student journeys (or commute to work).

BlablaCar is a carpooling scheme that is just finding it’s feet in the UK after great success elsewhere in Europe. With the price of petrol going through the roof, not to mention the nightmare of parking and damage to the environment, carpooling gives you the chance to save some money and save the world and meet new people (I wonder if they’ll add carpool speed dating?)

 Combining social media and a travel site, BlablaCar is currently looking for a university town or university club with the most enthusiasm to award £3000 to! If you belong to a club on Campus  or know someone who does, then join me in spreading the word and do some good today! For more info and a competition pack, email or visit the Campus website here. The winning club will be chosen at the end of March 2012.

I’d be really interested to hear from anyone who has ever tried carpooling in any form; how did you find it? Did it save you any money? Have any of my readers in Europe heard of BlablaCar before? On a personal level, I’d like to see this become more commonplace, both Bristol as a city, plus my tiny little town on the outskirts are a nightmare for parking spaces and so full of cars, a reduction by even a small amount would make a massive difference.


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2 comments for “BlablaCar

  1. This is such a wonderful idea Laura, I’ll have a look at the links and see if it could come to Bath Spa Uni 🙂 xxx

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