Blue Bird

Jumper; Next, Bird Print Skirt New Look, Tights; Pretty Polly, Shoes; Noe c/o Sarenza

These shoes are such a beautiful shade of blue, I just love them! And this skirt…well, the second I saw it in my local New Look I had to have it…it was a bargain at Β£16.99 (minus another 25% thanks to a voucher) and although this was a bit casual for work today, it fitted the bill.

Thank heavens it’s Friday, that’s all I can say! I’m exhausted. One way or another it has been a chaotic week, but I’ve survived and fingers crossed/touch wood/any other cliche things will be much calmer come Monday!

How are you planning on spending your weekend? I’ll be playing with Mae, visiting my Nan and catching up with friends.


27 comments for “Blue Bird

  1. i think this might be one of my favourite outfits I’ve seen you in so far. I love combining soft, light fabrics with knitwear and thick tights. Hope you have a lovely weekend, I’m hoping to go and explore Bangalore!

  2. love that skirt/tights/shoes combo, it looks gorgeous. So glad it’s the weekend too…

  3. I agree, great combination. The skirt is lovely as are the shoes.

    Roll on the end of the day!

    X x

  4. I love the skirt, it’s so cute πŸ™‚ xx

  5. Those shoes are soooo lush! You look really lovely in this outfit x

  6. Cute skirt – it looks fab with those blues.

  7. i LOVE the colour of your tights! such a pretty shade πŸ˜‰ x

  8. The bird print is gorgeous as are your shoes! Such a lovely shade xxx

  9. You look cute as a button πŸ™‚
    I love the skirt its so pretty – I have been loving New Look recently, especially their Limited Edition collection.
    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  10. That skirt and tights looks so good together.

  11. I adore the colour of these shoes! I think they’d look so good with grey too xx
    Ella @ Belle Vintage

  12. Love the tights – shoes combo.

  13. Ahhh gorgeous skirt!!! x

  14. This outfit is gorgeous <3

    Kukee Blog

    Sil xxxxxx

  15. Oooh pretty skirt, I love it!
    My weekend will entail a blogger meetup at Meadowhall tomorrow and dissertation work on Sunday.. Fun times ahead!!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend πŸ™‚


  16. The outfit is lovely, loving the heels!!
    You look gorgeous πŸ™‚


  17. Love your skirt!


  18. Sounds like you’re gonna have a good weekend!
    Hope next week calms down for you

  19. Love your pleated print skirt with the loose jumper over top! Really lovely proportions. xx

  20. Those shoes are such a lovely blue! I hope you have a relaxing weekend! And a wonderful time with Mae, she is absolutely adorable! xxx

  21. I do love that skirt, tights and shoes combo. The skirt is so pretty x

  22. I love the outfit! And definitely love the colour of those shoes! πŸ˜€
    CAT xoxo

  23. The color of those shoes is amazing πŸ˜€

  24. E

    You always have the best tights! I love how you paired them with this skirt!

  25. i love the outfit, especially the shoes.

  26. that skirt is gorgeous and i lovelovelove the shoes; so pretty! πŸ™‚ xo

  27. Beautiful outfit.

    Also btw your skin looks amazing!! You’re gloooowing :o)


    X x